
PPlayer / News: Recent posts

PPlayer development resumed

Hello there,

I finally got the time to resume the development of PPlayer. I just got the code and the IDE and will now start bugfixing some problems which occured during my absence. I will also shutdown the php-Backend for a while and revipe it with an upcoming plugin.

PPlayer also got a new website:

Pascal Kühne

Posted by Pascal257 2009-05-05

PPlayer 0.9.5 released

PPlayer is a media player offering many amazing features.It combines Podcasts,Streaming and an intuitive music search in a user designed interface. Just started its able to play nonstop music without any input from the user.

1. PluginSystem introduced:
* The PluginSystem shares the plugins available for PPlayer
* It comes with a tab in the settings containing a list of Plugins available
* You can enable/disable plugins, get information on them at this place... read more

Posted by Pascal257 2007-12-24

PPlayer 0.9.5 RC3 released

This version might be the gold release.

Folders can now be dragged on the playlist
The last playlist will now be saved and played when PPlayer starts (defautly disabled)
Coverload can be deactivated
The user can now specify tags that should be excluded from the AutoSearch (eg. “live” will exclude any “live”-song)
The user can now set the time when a song should be rated positivly
Maaany bugfixes... read more

Posted by Pascal257 2007-12-19

PPlayer 0.9.5 beta released

Warning! Some mayor bugfixes incoming ;)
Due to the fact that soo many people helped me developing this version I was able to fix more bugs than in any other version. So thanks to everybody contributing PPlayer! Stay tuned ;)
For those who think “uhm yeah I want to help developing PPlayer too” the new version has a fitting plugin for you.
Its called BugReport and actually carries a list of links to the Tracker of PPlayer @ Sourceforge.... read more

Posted by Pascal257 2007-12-10

PPlayer 0.9.4 released

PPlayer is a media player offering many amazing features. It combines Podcasts,Streaming and an intuitive music search in a user designed interface. Just started its able to play nonstop music without any input from the user. It analyses the current song and searches in the database for a song matching the parameters of the user.

This search is highly optimizeable for the user from its own interface also holding a manual search input. ... read more

Posted by Pascal257 2007-12-06

PPlayer 0.9 released

PPlayer is a media player offering many amazing features. It combines Podcasts,Streaming and an intuitive musicsearch in a user designed interface.
Just started its able to play nonstop music without any input from the user. It analyses the current song and searches in the database for a song matching the parameters of the user.
This search is highly optimizeable for the user from its own interface also holding a manual search input.... read more

Posted by Pascal257 2007-11-07

Working on 0.8.9 -> 0.9

I'm actually working on 0.8.9 but's its not going to be released to public.
The next release is 0.9 introducing many new features.

We're testing 0.8.9 with its features now and then i'll go on to 0.9.

Any feature coming with 0.9 is secret, but I can say that multilanguage support finally is one of them. So I'm looking for translators for 0.9 so please contact me!


Posted by Pascal257 2007-10-09

Sourcecode released!

I just released the sourcecode.
Take a deeper look on the CVS ;)


Posted by Pascal257 2007-09-24

Sourcecode coming soon

Hey there,
I'm actually getting my code commented so that its readable for everybody.
I think I'm able to release the code in 1 week.


Posted by Pascal257 2007-09-21