
Powersave / News: Recent posts

KPowersave v0.7.3 released

Today I'm glad to announce the next version of KPowersave. This release is a major step forward.

You can find all changes and a list of all fixed bugs since the last release in the NEWS file or in the Changelog (

We provide this time rpms for:
* openSUSE 10.2 (ix86/x86_64/ppc/src) Note: this version is already part of released 10.3 and the factory tree of openSUSE
* Mandriva 2007.1 (ix86/x86_64/src)
* Mandriva 2008.0 (ix86/x86_64/src)
* Fedora Core 6 (ix86/x86_64/src)
* Fedora Core 7 (ix86/x86_64/src)
* Fedora Core 8 (ix86/x86_64/src)... read more

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2007-10-25

Mandriva 2007.1 and Fedora Core 6 packages


today I released new RPM packages for ix86/x86_64 and SRPMS for Mandriva 2007.1/Cooker and Fedora Core 6.

Download and enjoy ;-)


Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2007-02-23

KPowersave 0.7.2 released

Today I'm glad to announce the next version of KPowersave. This release is a major step to the next KPowersave stable version.

You don't need to change the KPowersave config file manually any longer - this version provide now all options for powermanagement in KPowersave via the updated and extended configure dialog.

Because of the changes in the GUI the most translations are not up-to-date. Feel free to checkout the source, update your translations file and send it to us.... read more

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2007-02-18

New KPowersave unstable package released

I'm glad to announce the first new offical release from the KPowersave development tree. This is the first version (0.7.1) of KPowersave without a dependency to the powersave daemon. From now KPowersave use directly the HAL daemon to get Hardware information and set e.g. brightness or trigger suspend.

Also if KPowersave depend no longer on powersave, I would recommend to use the new/current powersave version furthermore. You can use the powersave daemon if there is no client as e.g. KPowersave to handle system powermanagement. If KPowersave (there is also a patch for g-p-m available) start up the daemon stop automatically to handle powermanagement policy and the KPowersave applet force (if allowed) the user specific policy.... read more

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2006-11-21

Fedora Core 5 packages released!

I'm glad to announce that I just finished building the first powersave and kpowersave packages for Fedora Core 5.

In order to get KPowersave working properly, you need to have dbus-qt3 package. You can get this package from the update file section for Fedora Core 5 (

Unfortunatelly, I was only able to get powersave running if I disable SELinux completely or at least the related rule for acpi(d).... read more

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2006-04-20

KPowersave v0.6.0 stable released

I'm glad to announce the new official stable release of KPowersave (v0.6.0).
You can find all changes since the last stable release in the notes or in the Changelog.

Thanks to all persons which helped to develop KPowersave with patches, testing new unstable versions and report bugs back to us. A special thanks to:

Holger Macht, Stefan Seyfried, Michael Biebl,
Daniel Gollub and last but not least
SUSE/Novell.... read more

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2006-04-10

Mandriva 2006.1 packages released

I'm glad to announce that I tonight finished building the first powersave and kpowersave packages for Mandriva 2006.1.

In order to get them working properly, you need to have dbus >= 0.61 , hal > and cpufrequtils >= 0.4. All this packages can be installed via RpmDrake from available mirrors.

There are some point to consider: powersave replace several no longer needed packages/programms (they can also produce races with powersave). Please follow these details:
- if you use a APM machine, remove apmd or be sure that apmd is not running if powersave runs
- on ACPI systems: powersave need a running acpid
- you should remove also these packages from your boot process: cpufreqd, powernowd, cpufreq... read more

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2006-03-04

Fixed broken SUSE 10.0 rpms


we had some trouble with our buildsystem and build the SUSE 10.0 rpms. Thanks for the report in the help-forum. We updated this rpms and added a new powersave and KPowersave release. With this new rpms you need for SUSE 10.0 also some updated packages:

* cpufrequtils (v0.4)
* sysfsutils (fixed 1.3.0 version)

You can find this rpms in the new `updated requirements section`. You maybe need to install them with --force option for rpm.... read more

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2006-01-19

Fedora Core 4 packages released!

I'm glad to announce that I just finished building the first powersave and kpowersave packages for Fedora Core 4.

In order to get them working properly, you need to have dbus > 0.50 and hal > 0.5.4. Both can be installed from .

Unfortunatelly, I was only able to build powersave-0.11.2 because of missing cpufreq-utils 0.4 package on Fedora Core 4.... read more

Posted by Holger Macht 2006-01-18

New Powersave and KPowersave versions out

We released today new version of powersave (v0.11.5) and KPowersave (v0.5.3). The powersave package needs now cpufrequtils >= v0.4. We added a updated cpufrequtils package for SUSE 10.0.

For updated packages for SUSE 10.1 (Alpha/Beta) please take the rpms from the SUSE factory- repository (see or e.g. read more

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2006-01-17

KPowersave in Linux Magazine

You can read a article about KPowersave in the new Linux Magazine (02/2006).

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2006-01-11

KPowersave 0.5.2 released

We released today new unstable/testing KPowersave version 0.5.2. This package need now powersave >= 0.11.2.

If you currently use powersave 0.11.2 we recommend to update your KPowersave to the new version.

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2006-01-11

Version 0.11.0 is out!

As already announced on the powersave-devel mailinglist, starting from version 0.11.0, hal is made mandatory. There is no configure switch for compiling without hal support anymore.

During the whole 0.11.x version series, there will go in a lot new features and enhancemements. The main aspects will be runtime device power management for better powersaving capabilities, multiple battery support, maybe ups support and more. So stay tuned...... read more

Posted by Holger Macht 2005-12-08

Distribution independendence extended

Today, I uploaded new packages for the powersave daemon (verison 0.10.19) which should be installable on most distributions. All paths are now configurable through configure switches. The tarball was tested extensively on a debian sarge system with recent dbus and hal packages, gcc-3.3 and gcc-4.0. And it worked! ;-)

Nevertheless, please report all problems, especially compile errors on read more

Posted by Holger Macht 2005-10-25

New packages with D-BUS support released

We released today new versions of powersave and KPowersave with D-BUS support.

Beware that you need a fairly recent system - dbus >0.33 is needed to compile the tarball and hal 0.5.4 is not mandatory but recommended.

The currently available binary RPMs are for the SUSE 10.0 Beta versions, you cannot use the 0.10 version on earlier SUSE versions since it you need newer dbus and hal packages.

Posted by Danny Al-Gaaf 2005-09-01

D-BUS support is being worked on

We are in the process of adding D-BUS support to the powersave daemon, which will replace the current socket communication and make it easier to write other frontends or to integrate into your favorite power management tool. It will be possible to get information from powersaved and to invoke actions (e.g. set cpufreq policy or trigger a suspend).

Unfortunately, this also means that the code is highly unstable at the moment and may or may not build at all. I hope we can fix this soon. If you run into a particular problem, feel free to flame us on the powersave-devel list (or bug us to fix it fast ;-)

Posted by Stefan Seyfried 2005-07-16

support for in-kernel cpufreq governors (ondemand)

Since the in-kernel cpufreq governors have made big steps forward in terms of features and usability, we now also support them in powersaved (right now, only "ondemand" is supported, but supporting "conservative" will be rather trivial). If we experience no problems with those, i expect to phase out support for userspace governors in the future (there is not much sense in duplicationg code in userspace that is already in the kernel).

Posted by Stefan Seyfried 2005-07-16

How to check out the CVS from Novell Forge / tarballs

The CVS repository for this project is hosted on Novell Forge, here are short instructions on how to check out from there:

export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 co modulename

The module you wish to check out must be specified as modulename (either 'powersave', 'kpowersave' or 'wmpowersave'). When prompted for the password, simply enter "anonymous".... read more

Posted by Stefan Seyfried 2005-05-17

Mailing list for development and porting

To get the porting effort going, i have created the powersave-devel mailinglist. You can subscribe at and share your thoughts ;-)


Posted by Stefan Seyfried 2005-05-17

Finally: porting to other distributions

Although the powersave package still has its "home base" on SUSE Linux, we are now trying to make sure that it at least builds on other distributions, too. Of course we cannot test everything and there may be some rough edges here and there (i would not bet on the scripts handling installation to any other prefix than /usr) but with your feedback, we will try to make everything work.

Note that if you want to use the suspend features, you should use a recent 2.6 kernel (2.6.11 seems fine) and of course have software suspend enabled during kernel compilation (suspend2 is not supported yet).... read more

Posted by Stefan Seyfried 2005-05-17