
Reset Terminal not Working

  • André Saunite

    André Saunite - 2013-02-15


    Since a few days I am not able to reset the terminal, first, when I right click it takes forever to show the menu (even with the option to hide the connection menu on right click), and after that when I go to the option to reset the terminal, nothing happens, it is even weirder because sometimes it does work, and sometimes not.

    This started to happen with the latest version (, I am not sure but it may have started to happen after I configured KeepPassX.

    Any idea what it might be?

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas


    Ok, I changed PAC code to not load KeePass DDBB every time right-click happens, but once on terminal creation (it may increase the loading time of terminal creation, but the menu will then appear quick).

    Also, about the "Reset" not *always* working… I think there is a undesired behaviour with Gtk2 Perl bindings: right-click menu items only work is the parent menu that contains them has been clicke, that is, the submenu has been clicked to force the appearing of its child items.

    Stay tuned for next PAC release.

    - David.

  • André Saunite

    André Saunite - 2013-02-20


    Thank you very much!

    I made a few tests and noticed what you said, if I do click on the Submenu it works, otherwise it doesn't … that is weird because in the past I never really needed to click on it for it to work, but at least I can have the functionality working now! Thanks!

  • André Saunite

    André Saunite - 2013-02-21


    By the way, may I suggest a CTRL + SHIFT + X shortcut to Reset and Clear? Or at least the possibility to define a custom shortcut for that? (My suggestion of CTRL + SHIFT + X is because in Konsole that's the default shortcut for this action)

    Thanks a lot,
    André Saunite

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas

    Ok! Done!! :)

    Stay tuned for next PAC released!! :)

    - David.


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