
Help with interactive password entry

  • Rashad

    Rashad - 2013-09-12

    Pacmanager is working great when I ssh into servers that have a set user and password. However I'm ssh-ing to a server that uses a random key generator for access. I can configure pac to expect 'Enter PASSCODE:' but pac then tries to send the password (which I don't setup because it's randomly generated). Is there a way to ssh using my username, but then interactively entering my password? I tried to configure an 'Expect' in 'Edit Connection', but I couldn't manage to wait for an Expect and pass my username at the same time. I took a look at the code, but I'm at work and I can't focus my time on this unfortunately. I'm not opposed to coding if required. The functionality seems to be there so I hope this will be easy and I'm just missing something simple.


    Is there a way to ssh using my username, but then interactively entering my password?

    My Requirements:

    1) I must put my user name in the ssh command. There isn't an interactive mode to enter my user name on my system. Pac is currently executing the proper command, this is just a requirement for reference purposes.
    $> ssh -l abc123 -p 2002

    2) I must expect 'Enter PASSCODE:', then stop so I can enter my passcode.

    Thank you

  • Rashad

    Rashad - 2013-09-16

    I guess this is just another dead project on sourceforge :-(

  • David Torrejón Vaquerizas


    First of all, sorry my late answer. you know: summer, holidays, work, family... :)

    Anyway, PAC ain't a dead project at all. It's just that I don't have enough time for everything. I know, my fault... :(

    In you case, please, try to setup you connection with a correct username, but check the "Manual: Do not auto-login nor check bla bla bla...." checkbox.
    Save and try! :)

    Once again, thank you so much for your patience!!

    • David
  • Rashad

    Rashad - 2013-09-20

    Fantastic! This works perfectly. I've been using a standard terminal for that one cluster and it was getting messy.

    The "Manual" option was a bit misleading for me. If I do ssh without specifying the username, I don't get a prompt to enter it later, so I thought manual meant I have to specify both the user and password manually. So in other words I thought that the manual setting would do ssh -p 1234 -X which won't work unless I add -l username. Anyways I'm glad this works! Love the tool

    Any chance of python scripts in the future?

  • Toster

    Toster - 2013-10-29

    With SSH it works perfect, but how about RDP (rdekstop)? It still put my linux user on windows prompt (I mean login screen) ;(


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