
#234 Warning on Ubuntu with 4.5.5: "The package is of bad quality"

v1.0 (example)

When upgrading from 4.5.4 to 4.5.5 I get this warning on Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit).

The package is of bad quality
The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.
Lintian check results for /home/path/to/pac-4.5.5-all.deb:
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.000
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.014
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.016
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.018
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte32/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_32_5.020
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.000
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.014
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.016
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.018
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vte64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.so_64_5.020
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vteARM/auto/Gnome2/Vte/Vte.o
E: pac: arch-independent-package-contains-binary-or-object opt/pac/lib/ex/vtePPC64/auto/Gnome2/Vte/
E: pac: maintainer-name-missing David Torrej??n Vaquerizas (
E: pac: maintainer-address-malformed David Torrej??n Vaquerizas (david
Use of uninitialized value $name in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/perl5/Lintian/ line 203.

I didn't get this warning with the previous versions. Is it a bug?


  • Michael Postmann

    Same here.
    This is obviously a bug. The package for PAC is marked as beeing architecture independent and thus should not contain architecture dependent binaries. Even though it contains binaries for both 32bit and 64bit architectures (I assume this is "x86" and "amd64" it won't work on other platforms (e.g. PowerPC, Atom, SPARC, IA64, etc.).

    Separate packages should be created for the gnome2 Vte library and put into the repositories. There is also a package "libvte-2.90" in the official repos of which I assume it's the same, but I haven't checked this.

    Additionaly I think dpkg is not able to parse the special character in the maintainers name. This could possibly be solved by correct quoting or relacing it with the standard latin "a" character. As two questionmarks for unknown characters are displayed it looks like the text is already Unicode (UTF-8 encoded).

  • Zig

    Zig - 2015-12-06

    FYI, there is a response to this in this ticket:

    I agree with the comments so far this is a bug, and a quite serious one at that, however I am aware that packaging is somewhat of a chore.

    But until that is fixed, this would be less of a problem if there was a text on the web page explaining the problem and that it can be disregarded on the working architecture.

    Awesome application otherwise!


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