
#136 Remote Desktop Window not sizing correctly


I have my available connections on the right hand side of my screen,
the connection tabs on the left hand side of my screen, and I have it
set to embed in tab but I have to use the scroll bar at the bottom of my
screen to see the entire page every time! Is there any way to make it
auto-resize the window so that it fits between the 2 sides of my screen?

Also, I had a similar problem when I set the System Fonts to something
other than the default provided by Ubuntu (basically it made the buttons
at the bottom of the screen slightly larger due to the increased font size).


  • Luca

    Luca - 2013-12-30

    This bug affects me, too. See the attached image for an example. See the scrollbars in the bottom and left.


    Last edit: Luca 2013-12-30
  • werty1st

    werty1st - 2014-06-12

    I have the same problem for years now.

    logging in to remote desktop.
    recognizing the scrollbars.
    log off.
    resize PAC manager from fullscreen to 90% of fullscreen.
    login to remote windows again.
    switch PAC to fullscreen.

    it is kinda annoying.

  • Luca

    Luca - 2014-06-12

    I think that PAC calculates the available area width or height wrongly.

    PAC should give an option in the Connection properties to allow the user to set a reduced buffer, i.e., i want the screen size smaller of 30 or 40 pixels than the one discovered by the PAC.


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