
Open Sound World / News: Recent posts

OSW 1.2.7 Released for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

Version 1.2.7 of OSW has just been released for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

This is primarily a bug-fix release.

* A bug that prevented patches from being loaded a second time (e.g., load a patch, then try loading it again, with any number of actions in between) under Linux has been fixed.
* SamplePlayer can now read correctly from a Table as well as a SampleBuffer. This is useful for live recording and looping without the need to have a pre-made sample file.
* Corrections/improvements to Mac OS X and Linux installations.... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2005-05-27

VST support for Open Sound World!

The Vst transform for OSW has been released as an add-on external. It can be downloaded from the OSW Contributions page or

The Vst transform allows users to run most Vst effect and instrument plug-ins in OSW. It is currently only available for Windows.

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2005-05-14

OSW 1.2.6 Released for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

Version 1.2.6 of Open Sound World has just been released.
This version primary address several issues in previous releases for Mac OS X:

* A completely redesigned "double-click .app" that is easier to install and run.
* The rather annoying "I have to click twice on a patch window or the dock" problem has been fixed.

In addition, support for MIDI sysex input has been added, including a new transform SysexInput.... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2005-05-02

OSW 1.2.5 Released for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

OSW 1.2.5 for Windows 2000/XP, Linux and Mac OS X has been released and can be downloaded at either or

This is primarily a bug-fix and minor-enhancement release, but it is of particular significance to Linux users.

* Fixed RedHat and SuSE Linux support. There was a problem for some people in previous releases loading external transforms leading to the infamous "Can't fund Button" message.... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2005-04-10

OSW 1.2.4 Released for Mac OS X

A bug-fix release 1.2.4 for Mac OS X is now available at

Version 1.2.4 fixes several bugs from the 1.2.3 release specific to OS X:

1. Installer fixes: the .app is now properly installed and permissions in the /Applications directory are preserved.

2. Significant improvement in audio performance/behavior.

3. The version number is now properly reported in the about box.... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2004-11-18

OSW 1.2.3 Released for Windows, Linux and Mac

OSW 1.2.3 for Windows 2000/XP, Linux and Mac OS X has been released and can be downloaded at our *NEW* location

Version 1.2.3 includes several new features, enhancements and fixes:

1. Mac Application support
* "Open Sound World" now appears in the Applications folder
* can double-click App icon to launch OSW
* can double-click OSW patches to launch
* No more manual setting of environment variables, even for command-line use... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2004-10-28

OSW 1.2.2 released for Windows, Linux and Mac

OSW 1.2.2 for Windows 2000/XP, Linux and Mac OS X has been released and can be downloaded at

1.2 includes a large number of fixes and enhancements throughout the system, including:

* Significantly improved overall stability
* Improved UI performance, patch drawing is much faster
* Improved CPU performance
* Fixes to Windows ASIO and Linux ALSA drivers
* Better sound quality in oscillator transforms
* Fixes to Scope transforms
* Fixes/enhancements to Expr
* Fixes to math functions and arithmetic operators
* Table transform can now be viewed inline in patches
* Fixes to reading and writing of patches
* Enhancements to OpenSound Control implementation
* Enhanced suite of filter and delay algorithms
* New transforms, including:
* Allpass
* Bandpass
* fx::PhaseShifter
* fx::Flanger
* FrequencyResponse
* list::Fold
* list::Range
* SampleAndHold
* Removed transforms (that I doubt anyone will miss):
* IntRange
* Improved documentation... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2004-08-13

New documentation for OSW 1.2.1 released

New documentation for OSW 1.2.1 has been posted to the website Based on feedback from users, we have also made the documentation available as a zip or tar.gz download.

This documentation includes many enhancements as well as descriptions of new features available in 1.2.1.

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2004-07-30

OSW 1.2.1 pre-release for Windows

A pre-release of the new OSW version 1.2.1 has been posted for Windows. This release includes a large number of fixes, performance enhancements and new transforms.

Windows users as well as those who compile from source are encouraged to try this new release out, and post issues and feedback to either the project bug tracker or the osw-users list.

Additionally, the new documentation for version 1.2.1 has been posted to the website It is also now available in archive form for download.... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2004-07-30

OSW 1.1 Beta 3 Released

The third beta release of OpenSoundWorld (OSW) version 1.1 is now available for download in the downloads/files section of this site. This new version contains new features and many bug fixes:

1) Enhanced OpenSound Control support including fixes to the variable get/set system, and an auto-sensing mechanism for discovery of multiple OSW servers on a network and control via Andrew Schmeder's command-line interface client osw-cli, available from
2) New documentation for OpenSound Control, including basic features, remote-interface commands and revised help and tutorial patches.
3) New transforms, including:
LinesEditor - breakpoint function editor
Slammer - non-real-time clock source for off-line processing
ResPing - excitation of individual filters in a resonance model
LoadPatch - Dynamically load/unload patches in response to events
Drunk - ever popular drunk-walk sequence
4) Improvements to Expr, including support for list generation and manipulation
5) Bug fixes and usability fixes
a) The hated Windows DirectSound click is gone!
b) Improvements to quality of Phasor
c) Improved appearance of several graphical transforms
d) New dock appearance
e) New startup pane for first-time users... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2003-06-20

OSW 1.1 Beta 2 Released

The second beta release of OpenSoundWorld (OSW) version 1.1 is now available for download in the downloads/files section of this site. This new version contains some exciting new features and many important bug fixes:
1) The 'This' transform has been added to the OSW library, enabling easily expressed stateful recursion within Open Sound World.
2) The behavior of several transforms in the OSW library has been changed to allow for more general use.
3) Online help and documentation has been significantly improved. It is now possible to choose which browser you would prefer to use to view online documentation.
4) The new demos section contains examples of what OSW can do. Feel free to send us your own demos- they might end up in the distribution (with attribution, of course)!
5) Several important bugs have been fixed on all platforms. The Linux and
MacOS platforms in particular have seen some major improvements with this
6) New Debian package added to the downloads/files section for those using
OSW under Debian GNU/Linux.... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2003-03-31

Open Sound World 1.1 Beta 1 Released

The first beta of OpenSoundWorld (OSW) version 1.1 has been released to public. This new version contains several new features and improvements, including:

1) Over 250 transforms are now included in the OSW distribution (and yes, the Windows binary includes the Sampler transforms this time).

2) A full implementation of the OpenSound Control (OSC) protocol, allowing real-time communication with several popular music applications, such as Max/MSP, jMax, Pd, Reaktor, etc. For more information on OSC, please visit read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2003-02-24

Open Sound World 1.0 Beta 3 Released

The latest beta version includes major improvements over previous releases:
1) A few new transforms, most notably SampleWriter for recording audio files.
2) SampleWriter, SampleBuffer and SampleStreamer
support several additional audio file formats
(see documentation).
3) Several bugs that caused crashes have been fixed.
4) Several UI bugs have been fixed as well.
5) Improved MIDI performance under Windows.
6) SGI Irix binaries... read more

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2002-03-31

Open Sound World First Public Release!!

The Open Sound World (OSW) project is now available via SourceForge at

The first beta release of OSW 1.0 is available as
an open source distribution, or as pre-compiled
binaries for Windows or Linux (and SGI Irix binary will be made available soon).

OSW is a graphical programming environment for
real-time music and audio applications. It is intended for composers, performs and sound designers. Please visit the web site for more detailed information about the project.

Posted by Amar Chaudhary 2001-11-18