
not able to run openAs2 sever as windows service

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  • Christopher Broderick

    Thanks for the feedback

  • Jeevitha

    Jeevitha - 2020-01-06

    I tried to install openas2 in linux environment which is using java version openjdk version "1.8.0_232". 64 bit server. But am notanble to use it .It gets stuck as below. How do i proceed further?


    Running /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- -Xms32m -Xmx384m -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.openas2.logging.Log -Dopenas2.config.file=/../OpenAS2Server-2.10.0_lat/bin/../config/config.xml -cp .:/../OpenAS2Server-2.10.0_lat/bin/../lib/*

    2020-01-06 07:26:26.914 FINE OpenAS2Server: Retrieving config file...
    2020-01-06 07:26:27.301 FINE XMLSession: Using MANIFEST file:/.../OpenAS2Server-2.10.0_lat/lib/openas2-server-2.10.0.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    2020-01-06 07:26:27.369 FINE XMLSession: Loading configuration...
    2020-01-06 07:26:27.372 FINE XMLSession: Loading properties...
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.209 FINE XMLSession: Loading partnerships...
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.223 FINE XMLSession: Loading log manager(s)...
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.224 FINE XMLSession: Logger is disabled ... ignoring: org.openas2.logging.EmailLogger
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.227 FINE XMLSession: Logger is disabled ... ignoring: org.openas2.logging.SocketLogger
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.248 FINE XMLSession: Loading command processor(s)...
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.252 FINE XMLSession: Command porcessor is disabled ... ignoring: org.openas2.cmd.processor.StreamCommandProcessor
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.252 FINE XMLSession: Command porcessor is disabled ... ignoring: org.openas2.cmd.processor.SocketCommandProcessor
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.255 FINE XMLSession: Loading processor modules...
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.307 FINE XMLSession: Module is disabled ... ignoring: <module ssl_keystore_password="testas2" protocol="https" errordir="$properties.storageBaseDir$/inbox/error" ssl_protocol="TLS" enabled="$properties.module.AS2ReceiverModule.https.enabled$" ssl_keystore="%home%/ssl_certs.jks" classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2ReceiverModule" errorformat="sender.as2_id, receiver.as2_id, headers.message-id" port="10443">
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.308 FINE XMLSession: Module is disabled ... ignoring: <module ssl_keystore_password="testas2" protocol="https" ssl_protocol="TLS" enabled="$properties.module.AS2MDNReceiverModule.https.enabled$" ssl_keystore="%home%/ssl_certs.jks" classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2MDNReceiverModule" port="10444">
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.312 FINE XMLSession: Module is disabled ... ignoring: <module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.HealthCheckModule" enabled="$properties.module.HealthCheckModule.enabled$" port="10099">
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.323 FINE OpenAS2Server: Shutdown hook registered.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.323 FINE OpenAS2Server: Starting OpenAS2 Server v2.10.0...
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.326 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2DirectoryPollingModule started.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.327 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2DirectoryPollingModule started.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.328 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2DirectoryPollingModule started.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.574 FINE DefaultProcessor: DbTrackingModule started.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.584 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2ReceiverModule started.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.586 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2MDNReceiverModule started.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.588 FINE DefaultProcessor: DirectoryResenderModule started.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.589 FINE DefaultProcessor: 7 active module(s) started.
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.589 FINE OpenAS2Server: OpenAS2 Server v2.10.0 started.</module></module></module>


    Last edit: Jeevitha 2020-01-06
  • Christopher Broderick

    The logging indicates it has started and ready.
    Have you read the OpenAS2HowTo.pdf that comes with the download?
    You can test it by putting a file into the correct folder for it to send.
    See section 6.2 for information on how the file directory is specified for files to be sent.

  • Christopher Broderick

    You should look at section 12 of the document "Running OpenAS2" ... it should help you get going.

  • Jeevitha

    Jeevitha - 2020-01-07

    Hi Christopher,
    I Saw that section but it didnot help. It is Stuck as such.

  • EarlW

    EarlW - 2020-01-07

    I am new to OpenAS2, with the same problem.
    Installed on Windows 32-bit with Java 1.8.0_231

    Note from his note, that the Command Processor is NOT started...
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.252 FINE XMLSession: Command porcessor is disabled ... ignoring: org.openas2.cmd.processor.StreamCommandProcessor
    2020-01-06 07:26:28.252 FINE XMLSession: Command porcessor is disabled ... ignoring: org.openas2.cmd.processor.SocketCommandProcessor

    So we cannot get feedback to see if it's running.
    config.xml has console.command.processor.enabled="true"

    So why is the Command porcessor not starting... ?


  • Christopher Broderick

    It seems there was something worng with that package as I had the same issue when I downloaded it. Have regenerated a new package and tested working - it is uploaded so please download the refreshed 2.10 package and try that.

  • EarlW

    EarlW - 2020-05-06

    Sorry for the delay... Yes, it works and I was able to install it...
    I have written some newbie notes. Thye just need some editing...
    Thanks for the help.

  • Christopher Broderick

    Happy to add newbie notes to the documentation if you provide them.

  • Sivan Koren

    Sivan Koren - 2020-12-29

    Is it safe to resurrect this?

    Wondering if anyone had any luck getting this to run as a Windows service? I have some additional info to contribute.

    While the service doesn't start, it does log this in the \daemon-common\log directory:
    [2020-12-29 12:14:32] [error] [ 4408] Failed creating Java
    [2020-12-29 12:14:32] [error] [ 4408] ServiceStart returned 1

    Also I'm not sure if the variable %config_file% is supposed to be set somewhere else or not, but I don't see that it's being set anywhere in the install_svc batch file. Maybe I missed it... I tried changing it to the full file path to config.xml but that didn't help.

    I'm running on a clean install of Server 2016 v1607.

    The start.bat runs great, no issues. Sends and receives. Just can't get it to run as a service unfortunately.

    Thanks for any help!

  • Sivan Koren

    Sivan Koren - 2020-12-29

    For anyone else running into this, I believe the auto Java variable doesn't work as expected on newer JRE installs, or possibly just not on Server 2016. See below:

    1. Before running install_winsvc.bat edit the following two lines:

    REM Path to java installation
    REM If the auto mode does not work then you can explicitly set the path to the Java install DLL
    REM set PR_JVM=auto
    set PR_JVM=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\server\jvm.dll

    1. Now run install_winsvc.bat
    2. Finally open bin\daemon-commons\OpenAS2Server.exe
    3. Go to the Startup tab and change Arugments to this:

    Last edit: Sivan Koren 2020-12-29
  • Justin Emlay

    Justin Emlay - 2021-03-08

    I don't understand what's going on here at all. On Server 2016 I also had this issue. I did as you suggested and changed Line 74 yet nothing changed after install (as others have reported). Same startup parameters. So I completely deleted that line. Exact same startup parameters. Line 74 has no effect on the install. So I traced it back to line 46 and changed that. Whatever I put on that line (set PR_STARTPARAMS=) is what gets set even though PR_STARTPARAMS isn't specified anywhere else in the file....???

    End result for me:

    Delete line 74

    Change line 46 - set PR_STARTPARAMS=start;%config_file%

    Service now installs with correct parameters and starts properly.

  • Christopher Broderick

    If anyone finds a reliable solution, feel free to upload and I will dd it to the app for windows startup.

  • mavstuff

    mavstuff - 2021-07-21

    hi there! I was able to start OpenAS2 v 2.11.0 as a Windows service successfully.
    For this, I had to do two things:
    1. Install 64-bit version of JRE, uninstalling 32-bit version
    2. Edit the OpenAS2Server.exe->"Startup" -> Arguments :
    change from "start ++StartParams=c:\OpenAS2Server-2.11.0\config\config.xml"



    Making it two lines.

    Hope this helps someone

  • Selva

    Selva - 2022-09-04

    I have downloade OpenAS2Server-3.3.0.
    While start start-openas2.bat, getting below log.

    Module is disabled ... . Can you please any one help on this

    2022-09-04 13:16:16.320 FINE XMLSession: Loading processor nodes...
    2022-09-04 13:16:16.372 FINE XMLSession: Module is disabled ... ignoring: <module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2ReceiverModule" enabled="$properties.module.AS2ReceiverModule.https.enabled$" errordir="$properties.storageBaseDir$/inbox/error" errorformat="sender.as2_id, receiver.as2_id, headers.message-id" port="$properties.module.AS2ReceiverModule.https.port$" protocol="https" ssl_keystore="$properties.ssl_keystore$" ssl_keystore_password="$properties.ssl_keystore_password$" ssl_protocol="TLS">
    2022-09-04 13:16:16.376 FINE XMLSession: Module is disabled ... ignoring: <module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2MDNReceiverModule" enabled="$properties.module.AS2MDNReceiverModule.https.enabled$" port="$properties.module.AS2MDNReceiverModule.https.port$" protocol="https" ssl_keystore="$properties.ssl_keystore$" ssl_keystore_password="$properties.ssl_keystore_password$" ssl_protocol="TLS">
    2022-09-04 13:16:16.379 FINE XMLSession: Module is disabled ... ignoring: <module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.HealthCheckModule" enabled="$properties.module.HealthCheckModule.enabled$" port="10099"></module></module></module>

  • Selva

    Selva - 2022-09-04

    It started as per log file.
    When access URL http://localhost:8443/ in browser

    getting below message: Please let me know what is missing in local set up.

    {"type":"ERROR","results":["You cannot access this resource"],"result":"You cannot access this resource\r\n"}

    2022-09-04 13:45:41.236 FINE XMLSession: Loading command processor(s)...
    2022-09-04 13:45:41.282 FINE SocketCommandProcessor: Socket command processor response format using "xml".
    2022-09-04 13:45:41.288 FINE RestCommandProcessor: RestCommandProcessor initialized...
    2022-09-04 13:45:41.319 FINE RestCommandProcessor: Creating and starting a new instance of grizzly http server
    2022-09-04 13:45:41.320 FINE RestCommandProcessor: Exposing the Jersey application at http://localhost:8443
    2022-09-04 13:45:41.966 FINE XMLSession: Loading processor nodes...
    2022-09-04 13:45:41.976 FINE XMLSession: Loading partnerships...
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.003 FINE XMLSession: Loading messages...
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.014 FINE OpenAS2Server: Shutdown hook registered.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.018 FINE OpenAS2Server: Starting OpenAS2 Server v3.3.0...
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.019 FINE DefaultProcessor: DbTrackingModule started.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.027 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2ReceiverModule started.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.031 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2ReceiverModule started.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.032 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2MDNReceiverModule started.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.034 FINE DefaultProcessor: AS2MDNReceiverModule started.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.036 FINE DefaultProcessor: DirectoryResenderModule started.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.038 FINE DefaultProcessor: HealthCheckModule started.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.038 FINE DefaultProcessor: 7 active module(s) started.
    2022-09-04 13:45:42.039 FINE OpenAS2Server: OpenAS2 Server v3.3.0 started.
    2022-09-04 13:46:41.558 FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 401{}
    2022-09-04 13:46:41.930 FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 401{}
    2022-09-04 13:56:03.138 FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 401{}
    2022-09-04 13:56:03.158 FINE RestCommandProcessor: API Response: 401{}

  • Christopher Broderick

    It is unclear what you are trying to do.

    The default package for OpenAS2 does NOT enable HTTPS - you have to change the configuration to enable it.

    The properties at the top of the config.xml file will allow you enable and disable various modules by setting the value to "true" or "false".

    For using the WebUI plugin on port 8443 over HTTPS , you will need to add SSL certificates and access it using a domain name.

  • Christopher Broderick

    NOTE: The Web UI is not actually part of the core OpenAS2 package and was mistakenly enabled by default.

    To use it follow this pager though it is very brief and for most people not very useful unless you understand Vue:

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