
#520 Wrong interpretation ampersand (&) in HTML translations


This is a follow up of ID: 3438485. Apparently it is only possible to attach files to a new bug, that why i made a bug post

Thanks for your quick reaction Didier.

As you wrote that solution 2) would be the correct one. I would like to show with some screenshots why it is not working for me (and for others?), and you will be able to reproduce it.

The screenshots show:
01 - website with trademark which i want to translate with OmT
02 - source code of website with trademark which i want to translate with OmT
03 - source code of website with trademark opened in OmT - see that I copy the symbol into translation area as proposed in solution 2.
04 - Now I press control D to get the translation in the target HTML file - I open the HTML target file and this is the result. A strange A appears in front of trademark
05 - See the strange \"A\" appear in the target HTML code infront of the trademark.

Bug: For some reason I can not get rid of the \"A\"

Looking forward to your reaction, Jan


  • Jan van Engelen

    Jan van Engelen - 2011-11-16

    screenshots (5x) - solution 2 with tekst

  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2011-11-17
    • status: open --> closed-duplicate
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2011-11-17

    I do not doubt that you have a character set issue.

    Have you checked the character encoding of your HTML file?

    Anyway, the bug tracker is not efficient for solving issues.

    I recommend you to subscribe to the Yahoo user support group, where we could discuss and solve that issue.



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