
Notepad++ v5 RC

Don HO
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  • Jan Milewski

    Jan Milewski - 2008-07-01

    Tiny suggestion found here:

    It might actually be THE feature that will make me stop using UltraEdit for good. =)

  • Al McNicoll

    Al McNicoll - 2008-07-01

    Thanks for the great new release - I really like the new highlighting/find features in particular.

    One minor bug that I find: when doing particularly complex find-in-files searches (ones with loose wildcards or many subfolders), I find that NPP refuses to open any more files. This includes when double-clicking on the results list for a file that isn't already open, and also using File->Open. I don't know if this has been noticed already, but I couldn't find a matching post. If you can't replicate this, I can try to be more specific.

    Thanks for your hard work.


  • Jan Schreiber

    Jan Schreiber - 2008-07-01

    Do you know what I mean now? If I use nativeLang.xml, sometimes these items appear in the MRU list:
    (Could be an error in the language file though.)

  • Jan Schreiber

    Jan Schreiber - 2008-07-01

    I'm experiencing redraw problems after switching secondary view on and off.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Just posting a link to a bugreport I posted in the Help section:

    npp5 stops opening files after a while; reverting to 4.9.2 fixes the problem

    I notice a similar bugreport in this thread, which mentions it happens after using "find in files". I do use that feature a lot too, so it could be related, but I had not noticed such a dependency myself.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    using 4.92

    for the macro ,, when search is involved

    is it be possible to add something that will save the macro with what was in "find" string  .. (F3)
    as request can you add some menu for macro management so its easy to clone delete and rename

    * support to run a few macro for the same line
    * support to have a macro saved to run on all the document

    it seems something changed in the macro tool
    I usually use find "some string"

    start new "record"
    1) hit F3
    2)ctrl right
    3) blah blah blah
    Stop "record"

    now when i start the macro it will do only the first line without going to next F3 "search string" and one to the other lines containing the same...

    ill try the latest release to see if that fixes it

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    [s]and one to the other lines containing the same... [/s]

    with out going to the other lines containing the same (F3) ...

  • Jan Schreiber

    Jan Schreiber - 2008-07-01

    It would be very cool if (in future versions) the calltips could distinguish between required and optional parameters. E.g. the optional ones could be gray, the required ones blue or something.
    <Param name="int * team ID" optional="yes" />

    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-07-01

      I've seen people just add '[' in the param name to indicate its optional (see php), seems to work pretty well. Also, you can put it in the description. Afaik the calltip can only support two colors: normal and highlighted, and both are in use

  • Chad

    Chad - 2008-07-01

    Having an issue with the Save All button and File Menu option.  If I have multiple new documents open, then click Save All, it gives me a Save As Dialog, for each file that is open.  I type in a different name each time the dialog comes up, but it only updates one tab's name and the files saved are all the same as the one who's tab updated.  The other files are not saved.

    I've only tested in 5.0, haven't tried to reproduce in earlier versions.


    PS love the program!

    • Harry

      Harry - 2008-07-01

      That's a pretty serious bug, and I'll fix it for the OR
      Thanks for finding it :)

  • beholder

    beholder - 2008-07-01

    Small bug in displaying of caret when writing text:
    Make the notepad++ window small, so that not much text fits inside the window. Set the text to be wrapped - ctrl+shft+w. Start writing at the end of any text. write any words, for example dskfjsdlfkksdd jhdksfj hdkfh ksjd hfksjdhf kjsdh fkjhsd kfj. You must write until the line that is written gets wrapped in the small window. When the line wraps successfully several times and moves the text upwards, so it disappears up from the window, press enter.
    Note how the caret jumped to the next line, fully or partially disappearing from the program window. This depends on the window vertical size (to be specific, it's vertical size and caret proportion), sometimes you can see almost whole caret, other times you see only part of it and sometimes you see no caret at all. This is most certainly anomalous behavior, since when you just press enter (without lines and words being wrapped) the caret never disappears from the window, not even partially.

    Another small bug when displaying "save as window":
    Open a new instance of NPP. Again, make Notepad++ window smaller, perhaps 1/6 of the screen, on both vertical and horizontal size, make horizontal size only 1/2 of the vertical. Move the window to the left edge of the screen so that the left edge of the program window is adjacent to the left edge of the screen. Then press CTRL+S. The save as dialog comes up wrongly positioned, it's partly off-screen.

    This is all under Windows XP Pro SP2.

  • beholder

    beholder - 2008-07-01

    mouse text selection bug:
    again, make the window smaller, it's going to be easier to reproduce this bug. Load any text that is MUCH bigger than the current NPP display window. Wrap text. Go to the very beginning of the text.

    Now, carefully move the mouse pointer and holding the left mouse button select the text from the very beginning to the very end only by mouse. It's impossible. The mouse pointer stops at the lower edge of the screen and the text doesn't move at all (it does in other editors), so you cannot select the whole text by mouse only this way.

    • beholder

      beholder - 2008-07-01

      oh, one more thing, when reproducing this bug, make the NPP window adjacent to the lower edge of the screen. Easier to reproduce.

  • ydfeed

    ydfeed - 2008-07-01

    I checked in SciTE (Scintilla) and found that Notepadd++ has a different "ASP Syntax Highlighting Bug" that isn't in SciTE. It has has to do with single quotes.

    In SciTE, <% Something 'foo' %> highlights ASP and ERB/rhtml correctly.

    In Notepad++, <% Something 'foo' %> highlights ASP and ERB/rhtml incorrectly.

    In SciTE, <% Something ' bar %> highlights ASP undesirably because it's looking for the closing single quote, but would be OK for ERB/rhtml since they use single quotes.

    In Notepad++, <% Something ' bar %> highlights incorrectly because of commentLine.

    How can I get rid of commentLine="'"? I tried removing the attribute from langs.xml, langs.model.xml, and even removing both files completely.

    • ydfeed

      ydfeed - 2008-07-01

      Scintilla 1.76 is out and I was using SciTE 1.76.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        SciTE 1.75 works like SciTE 1.76. I think it's Notepad++. Maybe allow single quoted strings in ASP would work.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    With v5, path file is display in title bar. Can you add option to swith between path and name only. because in windows taskbar, i can't know which file is opened.

    And when i open notepad++ without file, title is empty so nothing in taskbar.

    And can you add string to translate "New1" tab name and save alert when you close file.

    • beholder

      beholder - 2008-07-03

      It wasn't me who wrote the previous request, I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't like file path in the window title. I second this guy's opinion, these are all relevant requests.

  • beholder

    beholder - 2008-07-04

    Here is some more anomalous behavior:
    1. Start NPP with no file opened (the default new1 will be only)
    2. hit tab several times
    3. hit enter
    4. hit backspace several times to get back to the beginning of the line.
    5. hit enter.

    See? I expected the caret to move right to the beginning of the next line, not create some more "tabs" and jump at their end in the next line.
    But perhaps this is an intentional behavior, however for example Win32Pad has similar tab-handling without this.

    • beholder

      beholder - 2008-07-04

      of course, "auto-indent" was on this time, I know that. The problem is with indenting when there should be nothing to indent, actually.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Can you include a horizontal ruler view of character position on your next release? :) thank you.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Can you search before asking again, please?

  • John Bowman

    John Bowman - 2012-11-05

    I agree!

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