
.measure syntax

  • Akhil

    Akhil - 2009-08-04

    I have installed ngspice 19 in fedora core 9.but when i run one of the examples given namely inverter2.sp i get some warnings in the .measure statements. for eg for the statement - ".measure tran v0_avg    avg   i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period' " i get warnings saying "can't parse from='dfall'; ignored" and the same for to='dfall+period'. also for the statement ".measure tran inv_delay trig v(in)  val='vp/2'   fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2'   rise=1" i get the same warning for val , fall, targ & rise. all r ignored and i also get their values in o/p file.
    can anybody tell me how to avoid these warnings..
    also for the statement ".measure tran v0_avg    avg   i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period' " we get the avg value for the voltage source. can anybody tell me how to find the avg power? is there any other vector type that can be used instead of i(v0)?

    • Holger Vogt

      Holger Vogt - 2009-08-07


      there is a slight error in inverter2.sp:

      line 25
      * ngspice -b -o ngspice.out inverter2.sp

      is wrong.

      It should read:
      * ngspice inverter2.sp

      You have to start ngspice in interactive mode, using:
      ngspice inverter2.sp



  • PankajKumar

    PankajKumar - 2014-11-24

    i want to use measure command to find dvout/dvin= 1 point from VTC of cmos inverter. please give suggestion for it

    • Justin Fisher

      Justin Fisher - 2014-11-24

      Integ. Section 15.4.8 of the manual followed by Find...When 15.4.6

      Kind regards,

      Justin Fisher.

      On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 9:43 PM, PankajKumar

      i want to use measure command to find dvout/dvin= 1 point from VTC of cmos
      inverter. please give suggestion for it

      .measure syntax

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      • PankajKumar

        PankajKumar - 2014-11-25

        thanks for your response. I have refer it but I cant get idea how to use measure command to find out at which dvout/dvin = -1

      • PankajKumar

        PankajKumar - 2014-11-25

        thanks for your response. I have refer it but I cant get idea how to use measure command to find out at which dvout/dvin = -1

      • PankajKumar

        PankajKumar - 2014-11-25

        this is format for measure command
        measure tran yint INTEG v(2) from=2m to=3m

        but to measure VIL = dvo/dvin =-1 and VIH = dvo/dvin =-1 we don't know from .... to ..... if you have idea for that please send me complete sentex

  • PankajKumar

    PankajKumar - 2014-11-25

    this is format for measure command
    measure tran yint INTEG v(2) from=2m to=3m

    but to measure VIL = dvo/dvin =-1 and VIH = dvo/dvin =-1 we don't know from .... to ..... if you have idea for that please send me complete sentex


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