
#519 Program compiled with mingw-w64 get stucked immediately after launch on MSWindows7, after some MSWindows update

v1.0 (example)

After some update in MSWindows7 was made, even simple "Print Hello world" programs have problems (see test_consoleapp.cpp and test_winapp.cpp in the attached zip): they compile normally, but when launched they get stuck and it is impossible to kill the process from the task manager (where they are displayed as 32 bit application).

Moreover, application which I had compiled before this update (GNU Emacs now have the same problem, I cannot use them any longer.

1 Attachments


  • Vincent Belaïche

    Some news about that:
    I upgraded to Windows 10, and the problem remained (except that the stuck down zombified process does not even appear in the task manager now, but I know it is there because when I try to delete the .exe file, it is locked)
    I made a trial with the 32bit compilation chain, and the same problem occurs
    Finally, I realized that Avast Antivirus is the one that makes the problem, when I deactivate the Avast Agent for 10minutes, then meanwhile I can launch the the .exe without any issue
    I will try to make the compilation as administrator, not as plain user, and see whether Avast is still zombifying the .exe on launch

  • WinPORTS

    WinPORTS - 2016-05-26

    Just built all the test files under MinGW (GCC 6.1.0) on Windows Server 2008 R2 with AVG up and running.
    This is the output:

    Bonjour tout l'monde !

    arg= toto.
    quoted arg=toto.
    arg= abc"def.
    quoted arg="abc"def".
    arg= a\b.
    quoted arg="a\b".
    arg= a b.
    quoted arg="a b".
    arg= --a=b.
    quoted arg="--a=b".

    I don't see any 'zombie' anywhere.



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