
#324 Ubuntu 16.04 doesn't see Wacom Intuos

intuos (3)

I've tried to install a driver for wacom on Ubuntu 16.04 but it wouldn't work. The Wacom tablet is not detected by the system. What can I do for Ubuntu to see my tablet?

xserver-xorg-input-wacom is installed.
libwacom2 and libwacom-common are installed too.


Bus 001 Device 008: ID 056a:033b Wacom Co., Ltd

xsetwacom --list devices:

Wacom Intuos S 2 Pen stylus id: 10 type: STYLUS
Wacom Intuos S 2 Pad pad id: 11 type: PAD
But in system settings when opening Wacom Tablet section it shows Tablet not detected.


  • Ping Cheng

    Ping Cheng - 2016-11-19

    From your xsetwacom output, it seems your device is tecognized. Does your curse move when you move your pen on the tablet?

  • Alina Bereziuk

    Alina Bereziuk - 2016-11-19

    Curse moves, but steel in system settings there is no wacom tablet. I need the system to recognize my tablet to plug it to my virtualbox. When ubuntu doesn't see wacom virtualbox can't recognize it too :(

  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2016-11-30

    Our driver has no impact on VirtualBox's ability (or inability) to recognize the tablet. Even with no driver loaded on my machine, I can have VirtualBox forward the Wacom device into a running guest. Any issue you're having here is almost certianly due to a problem with VirtualBox.

    As for the "tablet not detected" message that you see, this is a known issue with Ubuntu's "Unity" desktop environment (see launchpad bug 1575887). Workarounds include using 'xsetwacom' instead (since it continues to work correctly) or installing the GNOME desktop environment (which fixed this bug more than a year ago).


    Last edit: Jason Gerecke 2016-11-30
  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2017-01-20

    Any update on this?

  • Ping Cheng

    Ping Cheng - 2017-05-10
    • status: new --> closed
    • Project: xf86-input-wacom --> third-party