
#258 The Calibrate button is greyed out for Wacom Cintiq DTZ-2100

calibrate (1)

OS = Ubuntu 14.04 64bit
Tablet = Wacom Cintiq 21UX DTZ-2100 G

After connect the Wacom Cintiq DTZ-2100 G to Ubuntu 14.04 latop, the tablet works out of box, the pen pressure works fine in GIMP. But Calibrate button is greyed out

Go to "System Settings->Wacom Tablet", the calibrate button is greyed out.
It does recognize table as "Cintiq 21UX", see attached screen copy

Some thoughts:
Also tested Wacom Cintiq 22HD on the same Ubuntu 14.04 laptop, the calibrate button does work fine, and it recognize tablet as "Cintiq 22HD".

Wacom 21UX has 1st gen and 2nd gen models, Cintiq DTZ-2100 belongs to the 1st gen. At the lagecy download has two categories: Cintiq 21UX, Cintiq DTZ-2100 ... I guess that means Cintiq 21UX is not quite the same as DTZ-2100. But the confusing part is Cintiq DTZ-2100 belongs to Cintiq 21UX family ...

Thanks a lot, really appreciate your excellent work on Wacom project!!

1 Attachments


  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-09

    The tablet seems to be recognized, so it would seem to be an issue with the tablet definition file (which controls the calibrate button among other things). See if you can run libwacom-list-local-devices, and provide its output.


    Last edit: Jason Gerecke 2014-10-09
  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-09

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks a lot for your quick response. Unfortunately I can not run "libwacom-list-local-devices" command in my Ubuntu 14.04 system.

    libwacom-list-local-devices: command not found

    installed all libwacom packages from synapic package manager, see attached screen copy.


  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-09

    In that case, can you provide the output of lsusb -d 056a: and attach a copy of /usr/share/libwacom/cintiq-21ux.tablet for me?

  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-09

    Hi Jason,

    Got it, here you go. I attached the cintiq-21ux.tablet.

    here is the command line output

    lsusb -d 056a:
    Bus 004 Device 002: ID 056a:003f Wacom Co., Ltd Cintiq 21UX (DTZ-2100)

    BTW, tested this Cintiq DTZ-2100 on Windows 7 machine, the calibration works fine with wacom windows lagecy driver.

    thanks & cheers!

  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-09

    Hmm. Everything looks good in there, so that's not it. Looking through the control panel code I notice that the button can be greyed out if there is a problem locating/identifying the correct display to place the calibration window on.

    The code should be smart enough to work in a single-display setup, so if your laptop display is active you might try disabling it temporarily to see if that allows you to calibrate.

    It would also be helpful to get some logs to see where the detection is failing. With the Wacom configuration panel closed, please try running /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon --replace --debug &> /tmp/gsd.log. Once that has started, open up the Wacom panel. Finally, hit CTRL+C to stop gathering data, upload the log file for review, and then logout/login (since you'll have killed gnome-settings-daemon which can lead to some things not working).

  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-09

    Hi Jason,

    I actually already turned off my laptop monitor, so cintiq DTZ-2100 is the only active display.

    for the command, I don't have "gnome-settings-daemon" folder under /usr/lib/, see attached screen copy. only "gnome-settings-daemon-3.0", and there is no command in that folder.
    it is strange, my ubuntu 12.04 laptop does have that folder and command... not sure why these are missing from ubuntu 14.04 laptop that connect to cintiq.

    NOTE: if enable both monitors (laptop monitor @ left | cintiq @ right), then calibrate button will be enabled.
    But the pen will spread on both monitors, and the clibration screen will show up @ laptop monitor instead of cintiq monitor... strange.


  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-09

    wooops, my bad, I saw "gnome-settings-daemon" is uninstalled from synaptic package manager, I will install it and update the log ... cheers!

  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-09

    Hi Jason,

    Here is the gsd.log (with cintiq as the only active monitor, the laptop monitor is turned off)



    Last edit: qu9542 2014-10-09
  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-09

    Hmmm... Looks like Ubuntu wound up forking the gnome-control-center and gnome-settings-daemon code:

    Try looking for a 'unity-settings-daemon' binary instead. The command should otherwise be largely the same since its just a fork.

    EDIT: Nevermind, looks like gnome-settings-daemon worked as well :)


    Last edit: Jason Gerecke 2014-10-09
  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-09

    Hi Jason,

    Here is the log generated from unity-settings-daemon using the same workflow you provided:
    /usr/lib/unity-settings-daemon/unity-settings-daemon --replace --debug &> /tmp/gsd.log



    Last edit: qu9542 2014-10-09
  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-09

    The logs indicate that only a single display could be located, and I'm guessing based on its manufacturer ID that it belongs to the laptop ('LEN' == "Lenovo"?). If that's the case, there's unfortunately not much that can be done. We can fix the code to better handle this particular situation in the future, but it doesn't look like there's a way to force the calibrator to run on the Cintiq.

    It looks like the program 'xinput-calibrator' is included in the Ubuntu repository. That's an alternative calibration program and it should pop up some targets to use. Afterwards, it should provide a snippet for you to add into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf. You'll want to change the option names from "MinX", "MaxX", "MinY", "MaxY" to "TopX", "BottomX", "TopY", "BottomY". As for the "MatchProduct" that it lists, I believe something like "Wacom Cintiq 21UX*" should work (check the name of the device in xsetwacom to be sure). You'll need to logout/login to have changes to that file take effect.

    Let me know if you have any problems getting xinput_calibrator to work.

  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-09

    Hi Jason,

    'LEN' == "Lenovo"?

    Yes, the laptop is lenovo X61 laptop.

    We can fix the code to better handle this particular situation in the future, but it doesn't look like there's a way to force the calibrator to run on the Cintiq.

    do you mean this is a bug? can it be fixed in the future libwacom driver release?

    I tried xinput-calibrator, but the strange thing is it always output the same parameters (i.e., all 0). Anyway, I create the following file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf. After logout/login, don't think the calibration change anythings, still the same parallax as before. (If I connect this cintiq DTZ-2100 to windows PC, after calibration, there is no parallax)

    output from xinput-calibrator:

    home@X61s:/etc/X11$ xinput_calibrator
    Warning: multiple calibratable devices found, calibrating last one (Wacom Cintiq 21UX pad)
    use --device to select another one.
    Calibrating standard Xorg driver "Wacom Cintiq 21UX pad"
    current calibration values: min_x=0, max_x=0 and min_y=0, max_y=0
    If these values are estimated wrong, either supply it manually with the --precalib option, or run the '' script to automatically get it (through HAL).
    --> Making the calibration permanent <--
    copy the snippet below into '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf' (/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ in some distro's)
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "calibration"
    MatchProduct "!!Name_Of_TouchScreen!!"
    Option "MinX" "0"
    Option "MaxX" "0"
    Option "MinY" "0"
    Option "MaxY" "0"
    Option "SwapXY" "0" # unless it was already set to 1
    Option "InvertX" "0" # unless it was already set
    Option "InvertY" "0" # unless it was already set

    Change '!!Name_Of_TouchScreen!!' to your device's name in the config above.



    Last edit: qu9542 2014-10-09
  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-09

    Looks like xinput_calibrator was working with the wrong device. Try running xinput_calibrator --device "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus". You can also remove the "SwapXY", "InvertX", and "InvertY" options as these aren't used by our driver. Finally, for "MatchProduct" you should use Wacom Cintiq 21UX* (complete with asterisk) so that the calibration is applied to all the tools.

    The calibration button being greyed out is definitely a bug (in gnome-settings-daemon, not libwacom). G-s-d should be doing a better job of locating attached displays (and furthermore, should absolutely reject a builtin laptop screen as a candidate for an external Cintiq). A bug will need to be filed at to get things fixed.

  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-10

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks a lot for your time and help, learned a lot :)
    This bug can be closed.

    I created bug against G-s-d (gnome-settings-daemon) : Bug 738269 @

    Some update on your previous post, still nothing is changed.

    [1]Use the following command gives me some valid number

    xinput_calibrator --device "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus"

    [2]Here is the /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "calibration"
    MatchProduct "Wacom Cintiq 21UX*"
    Option "TopX" "305"
    Option "BottomX" "86427"
    Option "TopY" "363"
    Option "BottomY" "65109"

    [3]After logout/login, there is no change.


  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-10

    In that case, try replacing MatchProduct "Wacom Cintiq 21UX*" with MatchUSBID "056a:003f". You can xsetwacom get "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" area if you aren't sure the values are being applied.

  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-10

    Hi Jason,

    Before the change (i.e., using MatchProduct "Wacom Cintiq 21UX*"), the xinput_calibrator always report the whole mapping area (xsetwacom get "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" area).

    Yes, after the change (i.e., using MatchUSBID "056a:003f"), xinput_calibrator reported extact min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y that is in the /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf.

    But still the same parallax...
    I did an experiment, change TopX, TopY to big number (e.g., 10000), after logout/login, still the same parallax.
    see attached screen copy.


  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-10

    The code in xinput_calibrator seems to get the default values, not the current ones. Could you let me know what xsetwacom get "Cintiq 21UX stylus" area reports? Or if running xsetwacom set "Cintiq 21UX stylus" area 10000 10000 85712 64575 changes things?

  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-10

    Hi Jason,

    Could you let me know what xsetwacom get "Cintiq 21UX stylus" area reports?

    Yes, it reports the follow dimension
    0 0 87200 65600

    Or if running xsetwacom set "Cintiq 21UX stylus" area 10000 10000 85712 64575 changes things?

    Yes, it changes!! I get very big parallax, feels like 10000x10000 offset


  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-10

    Hi Jason,

    The following command actually did the calibration for me, now there is no parallax at all.
    xsetwacom set "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" area 305 363 86427 65109

    Then I tried to modify the 99-calibration.conf, so system remember the calibration. I tried the following, my best option is to do [2] then manually run xsetwacom set "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" area 305 363 86427 65109, which will give me perfect calibration. Not sure why system don't like "056a:003f"...

    [1] After logout/login the pen stuck on the bottom of the screen ...
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "calibration"

    MatchProduct "Wacom Cintiq 21UX*"

    MatchUSBID "056a:003f"
    Option "TopX" "305"
    Option "BottomX" "86427"
    Option "TopY" "363"
    Option "BottomY" "65109"

    [2] Still the default parallax
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "calibration"
    MatchProduct "Wacom Cintiq 21UX*"

    MatchUSBID "056a:003f"

    Option "TopX" "305"
    Option "BottomX" "86427"
    Option "TopY" "363"
    Option "BottomY" "65109"


  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-10

    Hi Jason,

    Thanks a lot for trouble shooting with me, I think I am very happy with the workaround!! I really appreciate your great help.
    The workaround for me is simply run xsetwacom area command manually!

    Here is the step by step, learned quite a lot from you :)

    [1] Get Wacom device name

    xsetwacom --list devices
    Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus id: 9 type: STYLUS
    Wacom Cintiq 21UX eraser id: 13 type: ERASER
    Wacom Cintiq 21UX pad id: 14 type: PAD

    [2] Run calibration utility

    xinput_calibrator --device "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus"
    Calibrating standard Xorg driver "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus"
    current calibration values: min_x=0, max_x=87200 and min_y=0, max_y=65600
    If these values are estimated wrong, either supply it manually with the --precalib option, or run the '' script to automatically get it (through HAL).
    --> Making the calibration permanent <--
    copy the snippet below into '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf' (/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ in some distro's)
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "calibration"
    MatchProduct "!!Name_Of_TouchScreen!!"
    Option "MinX" "355"
    Option "MaxX" "86419"
    Option "MinY" "306"
    Option "MaxY" "65166"
    Option "SwapXY" "0" # unless it was already set to 1
    Option "InvertX" "0" # unless it was already set
    Option "InvertY" "0" # unless it was already set

    Change '!!Name_Of_TouchScreen!!' to your device's name in the config above.

    [3] Manually set area using the parameters (i.e., MinX,MinY,MaxX,MaxY) from above calibration report

    xsetwacom set "Wacom Cintiq 21UX stylus" area 355 306 86419 65166

    [4] done, no more parallax.
    NOTE: Every time restart computer, run the command @ [3], calibration will be performed.

    Cheers and thanks again for your excellent help!

  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-10

    The gnome-settings-daemon will try to apply any saved calibration automatically, and it sounds like it might be resetting the calibration to the default even in the absence of any calibration having been done through the control panel. This would override the settings stored in 99-calibration.conf, which would be applied prior to gnome-settings-daemon being started. :(

    Having to run xsetwacom every login isn't ideal, but it does have the benefit that its a workaround that should always work. Hopefully the issue with the daemon will be worked out and you won't have to be stuck with this approach for too many months...

  • qu9542

    qu9542 - 2014-10-10

    Hi Jason,

    Yes, I will keep my eye on G-s-d Bug 738269 ...

    It is strange that there is no such issue on Wacom Cintiq 22HD, dual monitor setup works, calibration works out of the box. Not sure why 21UX DTZ-2100 has dual monitor and calibration issue ... hopefully it is an easy fix for G-s-d team.

    running command is not a big deal for me, the overall ubuntu+Wacom+gimp experience has been fantastic for me, I am very happy :)

    Appreciate all the effect, your guys are awesome indeed!!
    Cheers & have a good weekend!

  • Jason Gerecke

    Jason Gerecke - 2014-10-14
    • status: new --> closed-invalid