
1.9.19 released

The 1.9.19 release of latex2rtf has a handful of new features and many, many bug fixes. It is a recommended upgrade for all users of latex2rtf.

New features (since 1.9.18) include

* basic support for \usepackage{subfigure}
basic support for \usepackage{endfloat}
basic support for \documentclass{apa}
basic support for \usepackage{pstricks-add}
basic support for \usepackage{hyperref}
 * nearly complete support for \usepackage{apacite}

* support for \symbol{\'23} and better support for \char'23
support for \overrightarrow
support for \namedref
 * support for \urlstyle and \UrlFont

This release eliminates the rarely used '%latex2rtf:' feature. In the past, this sequence was used to pass commands directly to latex2rtf (and hide them from latex).  Instead use the much more powerful '\iflatextortf ... \else ... \fi' sequence to achieve similar effects.

This release also has a new restriction: any files used by the root
latex document must be contained somewhere in the directory of the root document.  This is similar to how TeX itself works.

Posted by Scott Prahl 2007-11-20

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