
KMyMoney / News: Recent posts

KMyMoney 4.6.4 Windows installer released

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the KMyMoney 4.6.4 standalone installer for Windows.

The package contains:
KMyMoney 4.6.4 (all available languages)
KDE 4.10.5

Notes about this version:
- it fixes IME (input method editor) related crashes
- the availability of the local user manual was fixed
- as with previous versions the Finance::Quote module will only work if you install perl (with the Finance::Quote module) separately... read more

Posted by Cristian Onet 2013-10-05

KMyMoney 4.6.4 released

06.10.2013 The Internet: After more than a year from the last bugfix release the KMyMoney development team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of KMyMoney version 4.6.4. This version contains a few fixes for bugs found in 4.6.3.

Here is a list of the most important changes since the last stable release:... read more

Posted by Cristian Onet 2013-10-05

KMyMoney installer for Windows

We are happy to announce the release of a standalone installer for Windows of KMyMoney version 4.6.3. For a while now the latest version that was available on Windows was 4.6.2. Since we took over the packaging of the application on Windows with the help of the KDE on Windows project we will be able to provide the latest stable release once we release a source tarball.

The package contains:
KMyMoney 4.6.3 (all available languages)
KDE 4.8.5... read more

Posted by Cristian Onet 2013-01-21

KMyMoney 4.6.3 released

The KMyMoney Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of KMyMoney version 4.6.3. This version contains quite a few fixes for bugs found in 4.6.2 since it was released seven months ago.

Here is a list of the most important changes since the last stable release:

* The online statement balance is highlighted if it's different from current file balance
* Correct the post date of the opening balance transaction when the opening date of the account changes
* The header state (adjusted column sizes) is now always restored correctly
* Can be built with Qt 4.8 without patching KDChart
* Fix a crash on opening SQLite databases
* MZN as new Mozambique Metical as well as an entry for MZM as the old Mozambique Metical were added
* Attempt to reconnect to the database (once) on accidental disconnects
* Allow the creation of 'Equity' accounts when "Show equity accounts" is checked
* In the 'Find transactions' dialog trigger a search when return is pressed and there is text entered in the filter
* Reports related fixes
* Fixed a large minimum ledger size when using some fonts
* Fixed SQL sintax in a certain usecase
* CSV importer plugin related fixes

Posted by Cristian Onet 2012-09-10

KMyMoney 4.6.2 released

The KMyMoney Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of KMyMoney version 4.6.2. This version contains quite a few fixes for bugs found in 4.6.1 since it was released three months ago.

Here is a list of the most important changes since the last stable release:

* OFX files with UTF-8 data can now be imported correctly
* Fix displaying the 'Enter/Skip schedule' action icons in the homepage on Windows
* Fixed the initial size of the schedule entry dialog in some use cases
* Fixed a hang in reports in some scenarios
* Fixed some Finance::Quote related problems on Windows
* Allow editing the memo of multiple transactions
* Fix schedule handling
* Make the QIF import on Windows usable
* Fix GnuCash file import
* Improve item navigation using the keyboard
* Scheduled transactions can now be correctly skipped or ignored when automatic entry is enabled
* Fix the budgets that somehow still reference invalid accounts... read more

Posted by Cristian Onet 2012-02-04

KMyMoney 4.6.1 released

The KMyMoney Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of KMyMoney version 4.6.1. This version contains several fixes for bugs found in 4.6.0 since it was released three months ago.

Here is a list of the most important changes since the last stable release:

* fixed schedules moved to the next processing day
* fixed a crash with an uncaught exception when closing the current file before a GNUCash import
* fixed the split window redraw when resizing
* fixed a crash caused by an invalid budget
* fixed a crash when deleting an account
* the date can now be modified when editing multiple transactions
* the balance in the payees view is now computed correctly even if the payee has transactions with different currencies... read more

Posted by Cristian Onet 2011-11-06

KMyMoney 4.6.0 released

We are happy to announce the release of KMyMoney version 4.6.0, the next stable version, after 11 months of development from the first release of the 4.5 series.

Some of the highlights since the latest stable version:

* New CSV import plugin
* The application is translated in 36 languages (Bosnian and Uyghur added)
* The user documentation is available in 7 languages (French translation added)
* Many fixes for the OS X and Windows platform
* Performance improvements (although we know there's still work to do in this regard)
* Many fixes in the import and online banking modules
* Over 100 bugs have been fixed since the latest bugfix release alone
* Since the OFX institution listing service run by Microsoft (TM) stopped working, we switched to the service run on which is provided on a voluntarily basis by Jesse Liesch. With his support it was easy to make the switch in KMyMoney
* Added Serbian Dinar as a standard currency
* Allow entering an interest rate with three decimal places when editing a loan
* Improved wording when transaction editing is canceled by selecting another transaction in the ledger
* Make FID an optional field during definition of an OFX account mapping
* Allow to base the payee name from either the PAYEEID, NAME or MEMO field in an OFX transaction

Posted by Cristian Onet 2011-08-11

Stable release for KDE platform 4

The KMyMoney is pleased to announce the release of a stable version for KDE Platform 4. With over 15 months of development, this new version is the starting point of a new series of KMyMoney versions to leverage the stellar features offered by the KDE Platform.

Throughout this effort, our focus has been to maintain feature-parity with previous versions, maintaining and improving the high level of quality that your personal financial data deserve. This version has gone through an intensive testing, allowing us to find and fix many bugs and improve the usability of the application.... read more

Posted by Alvaro Soliverez 2010-08-16

KMyMoney announces release candidate for KDE4

After a year of hard work on a version for the KDE platform 4, the KMyMoney team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the first release candidate. Unlike previous versions, this one is recommended for general use. The feedback provided by previous beta releases makes us confident that it is as stable and rock-solid as previous stable versions.

Throughout this effort, our focus has been to maintain feature-parity compared to the KDE3 stable version. We know that many of you keep using KDE3 for the sole purpose of running KMyMoney, so we devised a plan to produce a version for KDE4 as fast as possible and at the same time keep the high level of quality that your financial data deserves. If you upgrade to this new version and you notice no changes, other than some style eye-candy here and there, we can say we fulfilled our goal.... read more

Posted by Alvaro Soliverez 2010-05-19

KMyMoney second beta for KDE4 now available

The KMyMoney Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of version 3.96 of KMyMoney. This is the second beta release for the KDE4 platform, after only 1 and a half month of hard work, stabilizing and fixing bugs found during the first beta release.

This version is still considered beta and not recommended for general use. As with the previous version, the intention is to get feedback from the community and find those issues that are not immediately apparent.... read more

Posted by Alvaro Soliverez 2010-02-15

KMyMoney 1.0.3 released

For those still using the KDE3 platform version, the team has also released version 1.0.3. This maintenance release contains some fixes and improvements we found during the development of the KDE4 version and backported to it.

This is a bugfix release and contains no new features, because our efforts are currently devoted to making a full port to KDE4.

Posted by Alvaro Soliverez 2010-02-15

KMyMoney 1.0.2 released

The KMyMoney development team announces the release of KMyMoney 1.0.2.
This is a bug-fix release, including, among others, the following changes:
* Improve QIF importer to simply skip unknown sections
* Removed 'combine transaction' feature from menus, since it is not implemented
* Fixed #2867234 (Don't take status field when creating schedule from
* Fixed a problem when no file was opened during program start
* Force initial size to be 800x600
* Make expand/collapse state of account and category view persistent
* Allow to modify the tab order during transaction entry
* Updated Russian translation by Andrey Cherepanov
* Updated German translation
* Fixed sizing of forecast chart
* Select all subaccounts of an investment in reports when not in expert mode - #2853193

Posted by Alvaro Soliverez 2009-10-04

KMyMoney 1.0 released

The KMyMoney development team is pleased to announce a major step forward for what has been described as "the BEST personal finance manager for FREE users". With over 3 years of development, this new stable release has a lot of new features and a refreshed user interface.

You don't know where your money is going? Trying to get a hold of your household budget? Have an investment portfolio and don't know how much money you earned or lost? You have money in many currencies and it's hard to count how much you actually have? KMyMoney can help you. KMyMoney strives to be the easiest open source personal finance manager to use, especially for the non-technical user. Based on tried and tested double entry accounting principles KMyMoney ensures that your finances are kept in correct order. Although many of the features can be found in other similar applications, KMyMoney strives to present an individual and unique view of your finances. Following the KDE's way of "sensible defaults with powerful configuration", KMyMoney offers a default configuration and templates to start managing your finances with minimum hassle, with the possibility to customize it to your liking.... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2009-08-19

KMyMoney 0.9.3 released

the KMyMoney Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of version 0.9.3 of "the BEST personal finance manager for FREE users".

This offers many new features and improvements over the existing, stable, 0.8 series; and the previous development version 0.9, see below for just some of these.

This 0.9.3 release can be considered as a release candidate for the
upcoming 1.0 release. Even so, it should still be considered a
development release and as such, we still recommended that you maintain
frequent backups of your files. Please let us know if something is not
working properly.... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2009-02-24

New KMyMoney Forum

The KMyMoney Development Team is glad to announce the KMyMoney Forum, in the new KDE Forums.
You can subscribe to the RSS feed.
Although the mailing lists will continue to be the main line of support, the forum will monitored and moderated by members of the development team to provide timely help and advice. We welcome this as a new way of communication with all users and hope that it will become an important path of interaction not only with the development team but among users too.

Posted by Alvaro Soliverez 2008-10-21

KMyMoney 0.9.2 released

the KMyMoney Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of version 0.9.2 of "the BEST personal finance manager for FREE users".

This offers many new features and improvements over the existing, stable, 0.8 series; and the previous development version 0.9, see below for just some of these.

It should be emphasized however that this is a development release, and as such some of the newer features may not be fully functional.
Releases like this are also termed 'unstable', so as such, it is advisable when using it to ensure that you maintain frequent backups of your files, including your current (version 0.8) file. That being said, most of the developers themselves have, of course, been entrusting their own data to this new release for some time!... read more

Posted by Alvaro Soliverez 2008-09-15

KMyMoney presentation at aKademy 2008

The aKademy conference committee has accepted the talk to be given by Thomas Baumgart during the KDE Contributors Conference tracks to be held on Saturday August 9th and Sunday August 10th at the De Nayer Institute in Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium.

There are no details yet about the exact date and time of the talk. Details will be presented by the committee at as soon as they are available.... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2008-06-13

KMyMoney: 0.9 released

KMyMoney is the Personal Finance Manager for KDE. It operates similar to MS-Money and Quicken, supports different account types, categorisation of expenses, QIF import/export, multiple currencies and initial online banking support.

The KMyMoney development team is pleased to announce a major step forward for what has been described as "the easiest personal money tool out there", with the first public availability of a new development release, version 0.9. This offers many new features and improvements over the existing, stable, 0.8 series; see below for just some of these.... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2008-05-19

KMyMoney 0.8.9 released

The KMyMoney development team are pleased to announce the release of their latest update to the stable branch of the project, known as Release 0.8.9.

The Change Log details the fixes made since the last release, including correction
of a few errors, and some interesting improvements to the user interface.

Once again, there are a number of enhancements relevant to internationalization, with
a number of new and updated translations. ... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2008-03-26

KMyMoney 0.8.8 released

Ooops, we have forgotten to announce the release of the maintenance release 0.8.8 which happened on 2007-12-19 here. Since some people mention that our news section of SF is a bit behind reality, we add a note here.

Details can be found as usual in the ChangeLog of the tarball.

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2008-01-27

KMyMoney 0.8.7 released

The KMyMoney development team are pleased to announce the release of their latest update to the stable branch of the project, known as Release 0.8.7.

The Change Log details the fixes made since the last release, including correction
of a few errors, and some interesting improvements to the user interface.

Once again, there are a number of enhancements relevant to internationalization, with
a number of new and updated translations.... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2007-07-22

KMyMoney is a finalist in the SF 2007 CCA

Good news everyone! We made it!

KMyMoney has been nominated for "best user support" and
is a finalist in the 2007 Community Choice Awards.

Final voting will be open until July 20th.
So hurry up and select your favorite projects.

You can vote by going to

Winners will be announced on July 26th and posted on
Sourceforge before July 30th.

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2007-07-08

KMyMoney 0.8.6 released

The KMyMoney team is pleased to announce the availability of Release 0.8.6.

The Change Log details the fixes made since the last release in the correction of errors,
and in a few improvements to the user interface.

Many enhancements have also been made in issues of internationalization.
In addition to a number of new and updated translations, several internal
changes have been made to enable more comprehensive translations to be produced.... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2007-03-10

KMyMoney 0.8.5 released

The KMyMoney team is pleased to announce the availability of Release 0.8.5.

This is an update to our latest stable release, and contains some bug fixes and user interface improvements. Some build system changes will help in implementing the application on a wide selection of platforms. Improvements to the file importers (GnuCash and QIF) will hopefully encourage those of you who haven't yet tried KMyMoney to give it a go, and a new introductory chapter in the User Manual should help get you under way more easily. Last, but not least, there are some updated translations for our non-English speaking users.... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2006-09-01

KMyMoney 0.8.4 released

The KMyMoney team is pleased to announce the availability of Release 0.8.4.

This is an update to our latest stable release,
and contains several bug fixes and some improvements
to the entry of scheduled transactions. There are also
some new translations and miscellaneous changes, all
of which should help to make building and using the
application even easier.

The source tarball for this package can be downloaded
from our web site at
Should you need any further information or advice, feel
free to contact us on one of our mailing lists: ... read more

Posted by Thomas Baumgart 2006-05-20