
#1667 Specify which database KeePass opens when an AutoType is initiated


A method where the user can specify which database is opened when a KeePass Workspace Unlock is triggered by global AutoType.

It would be very useful for the user to be able to specify which database KeePass opens when a user initiates an AutoType. This would facilitate the use of multiple databases and, by splitting passwords into separate databases, allow the selective synchronisation of passwords.

No triggers currently allow this to be done in v2.20.1 although I think that it should be possible using the "Activate database (select tab)" action. Unfortunately, it appears that KeePass does not correctly remember the last view settings when the "Activate database (select tab)" action is triggered during locking (database closing).

There is a discussion of some attempts to persuade KeePass to open a selected base on AutoType in the Help thread where Wellread1 says he and develop1 would like this feature - see


  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2012-12-10

    This feature request should apply for all actions that trigger a Workspace un-lock, including clicking on a locked KeePass icon.

    Also, KeeAutoExec is not a solution because it does not address the issue of specifying the initial database to be un-locked during Workspace un-lock.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2012-12-10

    It would be practical to implement an additional security scheme if this feature is implemented.

    In this scheme, an appropriately defined primary database is protected with a very strong password and thus is self-contained, fully portable, and has adequate protection for use in all environments. A secondary, optional database is used to automatically open, via a trigger, the primary database. The Master Key of the optional database can be chosen to provide appropriate protection in the local environment. The optional database is performing a role similar to a key file in this scheme.

    One capability of this scheme is that is allows a user to separate the convenience from the risk of linking a KeePass database to a Windows User Account.

    While the above scheme is technically possible now, a convenient implementation is impossible. This is because the user can not specify that the "key file" database be opened first when a workspace unlock is triggered (provided that this optional "key file" database was present in the Workspace at time of locking). Also, work-arounds that produce different outcomes depending on the method the user selects to un-lock the Workspace create confusion (e.g. special shortcuts).

  •  alederono

    alederono - 2023-09-04

    Please, this feature is really required. We work with different KeePass DBs plus I personally split up the data into different DBs. Whenever I want to login to a place using Auto type I have to explicitly go back to the keepass main window and open the DB first if the last used DB isn't the one I require next. I already lowered security to ease it but I just can't keep everything unlocked all the time.

    Please add a drop down to choose from an MRU of DBs and/or a list of DB paths the user registers in the settings.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2023-09-04

    Use the "activate on lock" trigger to make sure your primary database is the one which unlocks first.

    cheers, Paul


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