
which is the auto-type key?

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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    i have resolved the problem, i must copy every time the string

    Url-Override: cmd://KeePrg2 "C:\Programmi\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE {URL}" "{TITLE}" {USERNAME} {PASSWORD} "{_USERNAME_}{TAB}{_PASSWORD_}{ENTER}"

    in the field Note, don't know why, becouse i have added the string in the keepass.ini but don't work

    Ok no problem, i m happy to have resolved the problem

    Last 3 little question and after i stop the request...i promise :)

    There is an option (or string) that can clear the field password and user if there are write words and after paste the correct user and pass?

    Is possible delete the fierl "Repeat password"?

    Is possible ha the password visible?

    Many thank's :)

  • Paul

    Paul - 2006-04-13

    I doubt the password can be made visible, that is a function of the HTML page.

    cheers, Paul

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    yes, is possible..i have find the way, you must disable the function "Hide Password behind asterisks" in the tab View

    i have always the last two question

    There is an option (or string) that can clear the field password and user (if there are write words) and after paste the correct user and pass?

    and if is possible delete the field "Repeat password"

    Bye :)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    >I doubt the password can be made visible, that is a function of the HTML page.

    i speak about KeePass, not about IE :)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    anyone can answer me? Please

  • Paul

    Paul - 2006-04-15

    {CLEARFIELD} - It's in the help file.
    The second password field is not removable.

    cheers, Paul

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    thank's but the string:

    Url-Override: cmd://KeePrg2 "C:\Programmi\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE {CLEARFIELD}{URL}" "{TITLE}" {USERNAME} {PASSWORD} "{_USERNAME_}{TAB}{_PASSWORD_}{ENTER}"

    don't work for me

    where i must put the {CLEARFIELD} command?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2006-04-18

    Certainly not before the URL. Clearfield is a KeePass command, not a KeeForm command.

    cheers, Paul

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    ok, thank's :(

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