
#1725 ALT GR key don't work every first fun for master password


Hi All,
I have KeePass 2.38 and KeePassRPC 1.7.3 on my Ubuntu 17.10 fresh Installed.

I have a problem with my main password, every startup of my computer, the first launch of KeePass does not recognize the symbol "@" with azerty keyboard (French laptop Keyborard) in the field "master password".
I have to close KeePass and run it again to properly enter my master password.

the "@" symbol work in other software.
the key combination to make the @ is "ALT GR" + "0"
I found that any character using the "ALT GR" key does not work (only at first run)


  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-03-26

    Does it behave without any plug-ins?

    cheers, Paul

    • Nicolas NOEL

      Nicolas NOEL - 2018-03-26

      same thing without any pluggin.



      Last edit: Nicolas NOEL 2018-03-26
  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-03-26

    Do you have any other mono apps you can run before KeePass, or just fire up mono on its own first?

    cheers, Paul

    • Nicolas NOEL

      Nicolas NOEL - 2018-03-27

      I have'nt got any other apps with mono.
      I don't know how to fire up mono

  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-03-27

    Open a terminal window.
    Type mono.
    Close the terminal window.

    cheers, Paul

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2018-03-27
    • status: open --> closed
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2018-03-27

    Such low level input handling is done by Mono, not KeePass. So, this is a Mono bug and must be fixed in Mono.

    The problem has been reported before, but I'm not aware of any good workaround (except the one that you mentioned already, i.e. by manually starting and exiting KeePass once).
    Running Mono or mono KeePass.exe --preload is insufficient.

    Best regards,

    • Nicolas NOEL

      Nicolas NOEL - 2018-03-28

      Thansk's for this informations.
      I h'aven't got this issue on my previously laptop. I will compare mono version with the new one.

      Thank's again.


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