
#1528 Can't type or paste characters into Master Key password box

Pan Do

Hi guys,

I have been using Keepass 2.33 in Lubuntu 16.04 and today I witnessed something extremely weird. I can't type any characters into the Master Key password box only numbers and special characters. I think that it was working before even though I am not a 100% sure as I only recently installed 16.04 and haven't used it much yet.

One of the things that concern me is the fact that I don't think that fcitx is working very well on my system.

I tried reinstalling Keepass 2.33 and I am getting the same exact behaviour.

I will try restarting after I submit this and see if I get anything out of it.

Has anyone else had the same problem? Does anyone know how to fix it?




  • Pan Do

    Pan Do - 2016-06-04

    Nope didn't solve it.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-06-04

    What happens if you show the password - three dots on the right?
    Can you type into a File > Open box?
    When you edit an entry in a new database?
    Have you re-installed mono?

    cheers, Paul

  • Pan Do

    Pan Do - 2016-06-04

    Hi Paul,

    If I show the password I still can only type numbers and special characters.

    I can't type into the File> Open box and into other boxes as well. I didn't try to edit an entry in a new database but in all the fields I had the same problem.

    No I don't think I have and I don't even know what mono is. Should I reinstall it?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-06-04

    That sounds like some keyboard program affecting what you can type depending on what window is showing.
    What other programs are you running?
    Can you test on another machine?

    cheers, Paul

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2016-06-26
    • status: open --> closed
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2016-06-26

    The Open File dialog is displayed by Mono (all drawing and input handling is done by Mono for this dialog); no KeePass code involved. Thus, this is a Mono bug, not one in KeePass.

    You could try installing the latest Mono version from the Mono repository (see the Mono download page for instructions), if you didn't do this yet; maybe the Mono developers already fixed it.

    Best regards,


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