
#1522 I can't open my db



I have a problem with my database . I created my database using KeePass pro , desktop on my windows 7. After this , I changed the file location and moved to c: When I did this I got error and could not open the file . Then I moved indietrosul desktop , and it opened properly .
I also tried to move the kdbx files on my phone and open it with keepass Android , but it did not work .
After this , I updated my pc to win 10 , and the database was not opened more .
From that moment , I can not open more than him on any PC.
I do not used the " Windows user " function when I created the database . And I'm sure that you remember the correct password for it .

Can someone help me?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-05-31

    Using the correct database and entering the correct Master Key will open your database.
    1. Check that the file you are attempting to open is your database by confirming size and date.
    2. You may have used Windows User Account along with a password. In this case you need to revert to W7. (This will not prevent you later upgrading to W10.)
    3. Have you pressed the "3 dots" button to show the password when entering it?
    4. Have you checked that you were not using a key file as well?

    cheers, Paul

    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2016-06-05
       1. Check that the file you are attempting to open is your database by confirming size and date.

      I've one only keepass file

      2. You may have used Windows User Account along with a password. In this case you need to revert to W7. (This will not prevent you later upgrading to W10.)

      I did not upedate my pc, but i formatt all and install a new copy of windows. However, the original installation of 7 (the one wich i created the keepass file on) was done with original recovery dvd. In this case, i think that i can restore the original.

      3. Have you pressed the "3 dots" button to show the password when entering it?

      Yes. I'm sure i'm writing the corretc master key, becausa it's very easy to me

      4. Have you checked that you were not using a key file as well?


      BUT: can someone explain to me this thing? I'm sure that, on previous installation, the file works ONLY on the directory (desktop) of the creation. I saved first time on desktop, after i moved it in c: but it didn't work. So i re-moved on desktop and it worked good.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-06-11

    KeePass does not care where the database is stored.

    As you have re-formatted and installed a new version of Windows it is possible you were using a key file or Windows User Account as well as the password. You will have to restore the original Windows and open the database, taking note of the settings.
    Once you have opened the database, change it to use only a password, then backup the database and test that you can open the backup on another PC, or using KeeWeb.

    cheers, Paul

  • Francesco

    Francesco - 2016-07-15

    So, probably i used windows key file, BUT:
    i found xml export file, i did before formatting (i was safety, but i didn't remember)
    in this xml, i can see all data in clear: username, email, PASSWORDS, and more.
    So i can copy it one by one (REALLY LONG WORK!) or import xml. When i try to import xml, it ask me password to open, and it doesn't work. My ask:
    It's possible to modify or delete some string in xml to erase password? I tried to build a new database, export it in xml and coping all <meta> </meta> string in old xml but it doesn't work.

    There <meta> of original (old one) database wich contain info i want to keep.
    Some ideas?


  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2016-07-15

    You do NOT need a password to import your XM file. When you import, make sure that you select 'KeePass XML (2.x)' in the 'Import File/Data' dialog.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-07-15

    You need to create a new, empty database, then select File > Import and import your XML.

    cheers, Paul

  • Francesco

    Francesco - 2016-07-17

    It works, now. So, guys, lots of thanks.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2016-07-20
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
     I have a problem with my database . I created my database using KeePass pro , desktop on my windows 7. After this , I changed the file location and moved to c: When I did this I got error and could not open the file . Then I moved indietrosul desktop , and it opened properly .
    • status: open --> closed
    • Priority: 7 --> 5

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