
#1516 Unexpected blank line dropping in user defined fields


KeePass 2.33 (perhaps already some minor releases earlier, because I not updated all times)

In user defined fields (Main Menu / Edit / Edit/View Entry / Advanced) blank lines (including 0xA0) are silently dropped. In prior releases they were respescted an could be uses to pretty format entries, which especially makes sense if all is displayed in monospeace fonts.

Now the pretty format can only be enforced with some printable (but unwanted) characters in first line.

The old behaviour was better without some unexpected and unwanted "intelligence".


  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-05-16

    I can't see any possibility for adding blank lines on that screen. Can you post a screen shot? (Save as PNG, click "Add attachments" next to Post button.)

    cheers, Paul

    • Niko Genzler

      Niko Genzler - 2016-05-16

      I meant blank lines IN the user fields, not between. In prior releases blanks at start were respected, now a workaround with extra printable lines in neccessary, but not nice.


      Last edit: Niko Genzler 2016-05-16
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2016-05-16
    • status: open --> closed
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2016-05-16

    This is the intended behavior, not a bug. The feature has been introduced in KeePass 2.32 ("Improved new-line filtering in the main entry view.").

    In custom fields, it often is the case that the user appends a new-line after the data. Without trimming new-lines, this results in the entry view looking ugly. I understand your use case, but the problems caused by not trimming new-lines are far more common.

    Best regards,

    • Niko Genzler

      Niko Genzler - 2016-05-16

      In such case (of changing a self-evident and useful semantics) an appropriate handling is with adding an user changeable option.

      Now all users which done a lot of effort to format entries nicely, must change all entries.

      There are not only small private users with only a handfull items, there also exist big rollouts with thousands of entries.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2016-05-17

    If you want to insert '--' to ensure that the first line of a field value is not empty (like in your screenshot): the XML Replace feature can be used to do this for all fields at once. Here's an example for parameters that can be used for this:
    (example 'Ensure first line is not empty').

    Best regards,


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