
#1186 Auto-Type Advanced Settings Matching URL in Title


Given any browser with a plug-in that places the site URL in the window title and two Keepass entries with the following two URLs (one in each):


If Keepass has the advanced setting ('Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Advanced' -> Auto-Type -> 'An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title') checked then when you use the global auto-type key for access.[domain].org you will get prompted to select which entry to use. If you uncheck the setting the global auto-type works as expected.

Both entries have customize sequences in the Auto-Type tab. I tried refining those entries with simple wildcards and regular expressions, but it seems that the advanced setting overrides the Auto-Type tab in the entry if it finds a match.

It therefore seems to me that there is a bug in that the URL matching mechanism is actually matching on the domain name (not sure if it is the domain and TLD or just the domain) and not the host ('access' or 'www' in my test case) name.

I similar problem I have where I could not figure out the root cause until now seems to be related to this problem in that the matching mechanism for this setting seems to be a 'sub string' match. For instance with the setting enabled and two keepass entries one with each of the following two URLs in the URL field using the global auto-type on the first site prompts for choosing between the two entries.

Ideally the fix would be to actually use the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) from the URL field.

At the very least if my analysis is correct then a change to the setting description is in order.

'An entry matches if the domain component of its URL is contained in the target window title'

A side note is that I could not find documentation on details of the matching process (which mechanism is tried first, second, etc and where or how the process quits) when there are multiple possible mechanisms in use.


  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2013-10-31

    This is the intended behavior.

    If the protocol is HTTP or HTTPS, KeePass ignores any 'www.' prefix. So, if the entry URL is 'www.[domain].org', KeePass actually looks for '[domain].org'.

    If you wish 'www.[domain].org' and '[domain].org' to be different, you must use the URL matching option instead of the host matching option.

    Best regards,

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2013-10-31
    • status: open --> closed

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