
JGAP / News: Recent posts

JGAP 3.6 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.6 is a major release with focus on stability and extension. Some changes:
* Enhanced GP logic a lot
* New examples: MapGeneExample, IslandGPExample
* A lot of smaller changes
* Fixed some bugs
* Added new test cases

This release can be downloaded here: read more

Posted by Klaus 2011-10-10

JGAP 3.5 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.5 is a major release with a lot of changes and extensions. Among them:
* Added GP examples and Island example
* New features for monitoring
* New feature unique key for business objects
* A lot of smaller changes
* Fixed some bugs
* Added new test cases, fixed some existing ones
* Enhanced Javadoc... read more

Posted by Klaus 2010-09-25

JGAP 3.4.4 released

JGAP 3.4.4 releasedJGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.4.4 adds some features and fixes some bugs, regarding the input from JGAP users.
Among the changes are the following:
* GP: aadded support for matrices as well as some
other commands
* Introduced option for disabling cloning of command genes
during creation of GP programs in Programchromosome
* Fixed bug in IfElse.clone
* Fixed clone-bug in LesserThan, GreaterThan, Equals,
* Enhanced Javadoc... read more

Posted by Klaus 2009-10-17

JGAP 3.4.3 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.4.3 fixes some bugs, mainly concerning Genetic Programming. Some new GP commands were added as well.
Among the changes are the following:
* GP: aadded support for matrices as well as some
other commands
* Introduced option for disabling cloning of command genes
during creation of GP programs in Programchromosome
* Fixed bug in IfElse.clone
* Fixed clone-bug in LesserThan, GreaterThan, Equals,
* Enhanced Javadoc... read more

Posted by Klaus 2009-02-28

JGAP 3.4.2 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.4.2 fixes some bugs, mainly concerning cloning as well as some examples. This includes:
* Corrected cloning of alleles in Chromosome.clone()
* Fixed the Salesman problem: use real coordinates instead
of city indices only; skip acceptable cost option (did
not work); removed shuffle (done with JGAP itself)
* Fixed about box in GA version of Mona Lisa example
* Added math example, see package examples.math
* Fixed the MultiObjective example: fixed MO evaluator and
comparator, enhanced output... read more

Posted by Klaus 2009-02-27

JGAP 3.4.1 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.4.1 fine-tunes Genetic Programming capabilities that have been advanced in the previous major release 3.4
The tuning includes:
* Enhanced GP evolution cycle by avoiding dead ends
* Better support of GP mutation
* Improved Mona Lisa Painting Problem example
* Some bug fixes

This release can be downloaded here: read more

Posted by Klaus 2009-01-29

JGAP 3.4 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.4 is an enhancement release, driving Genetic Programming capabilities to a new level. Among the extensions are:
* A new popular example: Mona Lisa Painting Problem, available for GA as well as for GP
* Enhancement of evolution cycle of Genetic Programming
* Javadoc-enhancements and new JUnit tests
* Some bug fixes... read more

Posted by Klaus 2009-01-27

JGAP 3.3.4 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.3.4 is an extensive release, bringing a lot of new features and a couple of bug fixes. Among them:
* Enhancement of Genetic Programming (GP) and new GP functions
* Enhancement of grid computing
* Some new utility functions and classes
* Some bug fixes
* Javadoc-enhancements and new JUnit tests... read more

Posted by Klaus 2008-12-07

JGAP 3.3.3 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.3.3 is an extensive release, featuring basically the following:
* The evolution cycle has been revamped and simplified for a better understanding
* A lot of smaller enhancements and arcitectural improvements, see the change log
* Some bugs have been fixed
* The basic MinimizingMakeChange example was simplified
* Improved grid computing by adding new classes and features
* Javadoc-enhancements
* New JUnit tests... read more

Posted by Klaus 2008-05-09

JGAP 3.3.2 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.3.2 is a feature enrichment and quality release, it includes:
* A new one-file PDF documentation (see online resources)
* Bug fixes related to the perservation of the fittest individual
* Utilization of fast trove maps with CachedFitnessFunction, MapGene and SetGene
* Javadoc-enhancements
* New JUnit tests
* Enhancement of CrossoverOperator class
* Some smaller changes, see change log... read more

Posted by Klaus 2008-03-08

JGAP 3.3.1 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.3.1 is a feature enrichment release.

For the first time, the XStream library is used for serialization issues, making such much more convenient.
Besides, the fast and stable trove4j map implementation is utilized. With that, unit tests relying on maps now don't fail any longer due to specific Java 6 map implementations.
Genetic Programming capabilities have been enhanced a lot, including better cloning support for GA and GP entities.
Robocode 1.5 has been integrated with JGAP in the RobocodeJGAP sibling project.
Besides, some bugs have been fixed, some unit tests were added, Javadoc has been improved and naming conventions of test classes have been enforced for a better Maven support.... read more

Posted by Klaus 2007-12-13

RobocodeJGAP 0.2.5 published

RobocodeJGAP enables JGAP to generate code for robots playing at Robocode. JGAP produces pure Java code by means of the so-called Genetic Programming. This new version enhances the evolution process and thus enables to find better robots. The newest Robocode version 1.4.9 is supported and integrated.

Check out details at about RobocodeJGAP or at for JGAP itself.

Posted by Klaus 2007-11-11

JGAP 3.3 released

JGAP is a sophisticated Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.3 is a stability release, it includes:
* Enhanced GP evolution: logging, functionality, stability
* Fixed some bugs
* Considered user feedback
* Integrated Robocode 1.4.8 with JGAP (RobocodeJGAP sibling project)
* Cared of Java 6
* Enhanced Javadoc and unit tests

This release can be downloaded here: read more

Posted by Klaus 2007-11-05

RobocodeJGAP 0.2.1 published

RobocodeJGAP enables JGAP to generate code for robots playing at Robocode. JGAP produces pure Java code by means of the so-called Genetic Programming.
Check out details at about RobocodeJGAP or at for JGAP itself.

Posted by Klaus 2007-09-11

JGAP 3.2.2 released

JGAP is a Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.2.2 represents some enhancements, including:
* Enhanced GP evolution: prototype program always recognized in first evolution round
* Added IPopulationCreator and DefaultPopulationCreator: allow for presetting the GP population at start-up
* Added IProgramCreator and DefaultProgramCreator: enable sophisticated custom initialization of GP programs (IGPProgram)
* Added convenient constructor to ProgramChromosome
* Chromosome can be configured to always calculate fitness value (instead of caching only)
* Added getGenes() to class CompositeGene
* Added some few unit tests
* Added missing Javadoc, enhanced Javadoc
* Preset keepPopulationSize to true instead of false
* Fixed two bugs in MultiObjectiveExample
* Fixed small bugs in Configuration with locking null valued properties... read more

Posted by Klaus 2007-09-07

JGAP 3.2.1 released

JGAP is a Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.2.1 represents some enhancements, including:
* Made Robocode example work with newest Robocode
version and enhanced the example in general
* Added Maven pom file
* Introduced log4j
* Fixed bug with allTimeBest and cloning (see bug
* Fixed bug with GABreeder.evolution (bug 1748528)
* Made INodeValidator serializable
* Added custom-initialization mechanism for GP
* Enhanced IGPChromosome by method getFunctionSet
* Added Java command version to NOP
* Enhanced Javadoc a lot
* Added two utility functions to SystemKit
* Improved Chromosome.hashCode()
* Added some few unit tests... read more

Posted by Klaus 2007-07-10

JGAP 3.2 released

JGAP is a Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.2 represents major feature enhancements, including:
+ Port to Java version 5 (previously also ran on version 4)
+ Providing a job-based evolution facility, allowing to run your own computing grid
+ Improvements in the grid logic (especially concerning the architecture)
+ Better evolution architecture thanks to the new Breeder class
+ Caching of fitness computation via introduction of business keys
+ Speedup
+ Genetic Programming enhancements
+ A complex Robocode GP example for evolving pure Java code
+ A lot of new unit tests (currently we count over 1350 unit tests)
+ Bug fixes with new unit tests exposing the former bugs
+ A lot more, see the change log... read more

Posted by Klaus 2007-06-23

JGAP 3.2RC1 released

JGAP is a Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.2 Release Candidate 1 represents major feature enhancements, including:
+ Genetic Programming enhancements
+ A complex Robocode GP example for evolving pure Java code
+ Improvements in the grid logic (especially in the architecture)
+ A lot of new unit tests (currently we count over 1300 unit tests).... read more

Posted by Klaus 2007-02-08

Genetic Programing evolves Robocode Robots

Now JGAP does Robocode: Robocode is sort of a game. On a virtual playfield, two or more robots compete against each other. A robot's behaviour is controlled by a Java program with several methods.
JGAP's Genetic Progranmming (GP) capabilities were used by Javier and Enrique to evolve capable robots. This is a case study that really helped improve JGAP and that unveils optimization potentials for further investigations.
Please see for how to get JGAP and Robocode play together.... read more

Posted by Klaus 2007-02-01

JGAP 3.1 released

JGAP is a Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.1 is a quality improvement release.
It considers multiple user feedback by consolidating the grid functionality, fixing several bugs, introducing a lot of new unit tests, and enhancing the logic of many classes.

This release can be downloaded here: read more

Posted by Klaus 2007-01-03

JGAP 3.01 released

JGAP is a genetic algorithms and genetic programming package written in Java.

JGAP version 3.01 adds grid functionality to the code base of release 3.0. With that you can build your own grid in LANs.
A grid hosts a server, one to many workers, and one to many clients. A client can send work requests to the server, which in turn splits the work and provides the workers with corresponding tasks. After a worker finished a task the result is sent back to the server, which finally sends each received result back to the requesting client. The package used for grid functionaliry is jcgrid, another open source project.... read more

Posted by Klaus 2006-09-22

Grid-Example available

JGAP now contains an example providing a grid functionality with a server, workers and a client (for providing work units).
Check it out by retrieving JGAP from the CVS (lib-dir, examples-dir, jars in CVS-root should be sufficient).
Open readme.txt in directory examples/src/examples/grid to obtain instructions on how to run yoru grid.

More to come in the next release.

Klaus Meffert

Posted by Klaus 2006-09-21

JGAP 3.0 final released

JGAP is a genetic algorithms and genetic programming package written in Java. It is designed to require minimum effort to use "out of the box", but is also designed to be highly modular. It allows custom components to be easily plugged in.
JGAP version 3.0final represents a major release manifesting well tested Genetic Programming capabilities with JGAP, including two GP examples. One example, Fibonacci computation is quite complex and shows the GP capabilities of JGAP as well as displaying the best evolved programs in the form of a graphical tree. We took the feedback from the three release candidates to enhance the current release.
As always, the javadocs have been improved, new unit tests have been added (we are counting nearly 1200), and the overall GP structure has improved a lot.... read more

Posted by Klaus 2006-09-01

JGAP 3.0RC3 released

JGAP is a genetic algorithms and genetic programming package written in Java. It is designed to require minimum effort to use "out of the box", but is also designed to be highly modular. It allows custom components to be easily plugged in.
JGAP version 3.0 (Release Candidate 3) represents a major release manifesting well tested Genetic Programming capabilities with JGAP, including two GP examples. One example, Fibonacci computation is quite complex and shows the GP functionality of JGAP.
We took the experience from the previous release candidates to enhance the current release and present it as Release Candidate 3.
As always, the javadocs have been improved, of course new unit tests have been added (we are counting nearly 1200), and the overall GP structure has improved a lot.... read more

Posted by Klaus 2006-08-25

Over 440 downloads and 13500 project web hits/day

Short after releasing version 3.0 (Release Candidate 2), we registered 443 downloads of JGAP and about 13500 project web hits for Juli 24th.
We enjoy receiving feedback, including suggestions, questions and critics, to our Genetic Algorithms and Programming Package and love to discuss with you about future improvements of JGAP.

Again, a warm thank you to the community for regarding JGAP that much!

Posted by Klaus 2006-07-26