
#71 AntFarm: remove dockable dependency


It is not possible to run commands through the Ant shell (provided by AntFarm) without the AntFarm dockable window popping up, and after some investigation I discovered it's because the "parseBuildFile" method belonged to the dockable's class. The parse build file action is in no way dependent on the dockable being visible, so this patch moves that method from AntFarm to AntFarmPlugin so that other plugins may parse build files through the Ant shell without requiring that the AntFarm window be visible.

This patch also removes the ProjectBridge class as it used outdated PV api, and was impossible to compile with it included. It also appeared that the only reference to that class in the plugin was in a commented-out line, so it wasn't even used despite its inclusion.


  • Damien

    Damien - 2010-02-05
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2010-02-05

    There is no maintainer for antfarm. Would you like to commit your changes directly and prepare antfarm for release at some point?

  • Damien

    Damien - 2010-02-05

    Sure. If that's the case, I'll probably make a few other changes based on other ideas I have for the plugin, and if everyone is okay with them, I'll go ahead and commit it.

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2010-02-05

    Ok, I added you to the project, now you have svn access. And I am assigning this ticket to you.
    Welcome to the team! let me know when you want me to test AntFarm.

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2010-02-05
    • assigned_to: nobody --> kog13
  • Damien

    Damien - 2010-04-01
    • status: open --> closed

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