
#1863 The session plugin does not restore session name


Using the Session plugin, files open in a named session when jEdit exits are re-opened corrwectly when jEdit starts again. However the named session is not retained. Instead a Session called 'None' becomes the named session. This is not the way the Session plugin should work as I understand it. The named session I am using when I exit jEdit should be the named session that is being used when I start jEdit again.

This can easily be duplicated. Create your own session, open one or more files in that named session. Exit jEdit. Start jEdit again. You will correctly see the files that were opened when you exited jEdit as re-opened when you start jEdit again. However the named session which you were previously using is now called 'None' and if you now open files in that 'None' session and then switch to your previous named session you will see that the extra file(s) that you opened in the 'None' names session are not the same files that were previously opened in your original named session. This shows that the 'None' named session is NOT the same names session as the previous named session you were working under when you exited jEdit.

The actual named session needs to be retained when you restart jEdit, along with the files opened in that named session.


  • Edward Diener

    Edward Diener - 2016-08-17

    I ma using the latest jEdit 5.3.1 from the latest daily build, using java 1.8.0_91 on Windows 7 Professional.

  • dbareis

    dbareis - 2022-05-02

    Same here on JE 5.5.0, Windows 10 & Windows 11 on many versions of the latest 1.8 JREs.

    On JE 5.6 (needs JRE 11) it gets worse, the plugin doesn't work at all. JRE 11 + JE 5.5.0 works with just be bug the op reported.

    It is also not just visual (None), the session is not active, if you add a file before switching to the session Name that should have been restored that file will be lost from sessions memory.


    Last edit: dbareis 2022-05-02
  • Robert Schwenn

    Robert Schwenn - 2022-05-02

    For me, it really seems to work perfectly: When I choose a session, exit and re-start jEdit, the last session will be restored and it's name ist shown in jedit's title bar and in session toolbar. In session swither this session is selected. I'm on Win10 21H2, Java 11, jEdit 5.6.

    Maybe Your problems go away when You start jedit with a clean settings directory?

    From activity.log:
    java.vm.version= 64-Bit Server VM
    java.runtime.version= Runtime Environment
    java.vendor=Eclipse Adoptium
    java.compiler=null 10
    jEdit version 5.6.0

    • dbareis

      dbareis - 2022-05-03

      Don't know I tried to set up a new settings dir but "sessions" is one of many plugins that can't be installed (some others work):

      9:47:57 am [Plugin manager thread] [debug] Roster$Install: Trying URL ''
      9:47:58 am [Plugin manager thread] [debug] Roster$Install: Trying URL ''
      9:47:58 am [Plugin manager thread] [debug] Roster$Install: Final URL '' found
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install: D:\DBAREIS\JEDIT DATA\USER_SETTINGS-WIN10-x64-TEST-TEMP\\ (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install:  at java.base/ Method)
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install:  at java.base/
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install:  at java.base/<init>(
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install:  at java.base/<init>(
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install:  at org.gjt.sp.jedit.pluginmgr.Roster$
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install:  at org.gjt.sp.jedit.pluginmgr.Roster$Install.runInWorkThread(
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install:  at org.gjt.sp.jedit.pluginmgr.Roster.performOperationsInWorkThread(
      9:47:59 am [Plugin manager thread] [error] Roster$Install:  at org.gjt.sp.jedit.pluginmgr.PluginManagerProgress$

      My activity log info:

      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: java.version=11.0.2
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: java.vm.version=11.0.2+9
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: 64-Bit Server VM
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: java.runtime.version=11.0.2+9
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: Runtime Environment
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: java.compiler=null
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: 10
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: os.version=10.0
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: os.arch=amd64
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: user.home=C:\Users\Dennis
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: java.home=D:\DBAREIS\TOOLS\JAVA\11.0.2 (build 11.0.2+9)
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] Log: java.class.path=C:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.jar
      9:47:43 am [main] [message] jEdit: starting with command line arguments: -settings=D:\DBAREIS\JEDIT DATA\USER_SETTINGS-WIN10-x64-TEST-TEMP -reuseview
  • Robert Schwenn

    Robert Schwenn - 2022-05-04

    I wonder if the space inside Your settings directory "JEDIT DATA" may cause such problems. Maybe it would be worth to try a settings directory without any space in it's path name?

    • dbareis

      dbareis - 2022-05-04

      I've used the same settings dir for probably 10 or more years but I now tried "D:\TMP\xxxx", this made no change, to my sessions problem or the ability to download it's plugin.

  • Robert Schwenn

    Robert Schwenn - 2022-05-05

    Certainly something is going wrong. Nevertheless, I've activated the option to re-open files that were opened in last session under "General options->General". When I deactivate this option, the session files won't be opened at next jedit startup, and in session manager and toolbar "none" is selected, but in jedit's title bar the last session's name is displayed. Just for log.

    Which version of session plugin are You running (my is 1.7)? And to be sure: What do mean by "tried to set up a new settings dir"? With "clean settings directory" I meant to delete or rename current settings dir and then start jedit. This way jedit creates a new, clean settings directory. Then You may copy Sessions.jar to the jars directory, but NOT any settings files...


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