
#4005 Nimbus or GTK+ L&F: Odd change of help viewer font after change of text area font

minor bug

This is jEdit trunk 24461 with jdk-8u92 on Linux.

With Nimbus or GTK+ L&F the following odd behaviour can be seen in the help viewer. Starting situation: help viewer font 36px and main text area font 36px. Now open the help viewer. Keep it open while changing the main text area font to 24px: the help viewer font is somehow reset as well.

Closing help and re-opening it gets back to the 36px help viewer font.

Nothing like that happens for Metal L&F.


  • Makarius

    Makarius - 2016-08-31

    There is some chance that it requires the following to be put in strategic places:

    putClientProperty(JEditorPane.HONOR_DISPLAY_PROPERTIES, true)

  • Roman Tsourick

    Roman Tsourick - 2017-10-09

    For me this happens only on the welcome page of jEdit Help dialog. Other pages of the contents list retain intact.
    Win7. Nimbus look&feel.

  • z/VMphile

    z/VMphile - 2022-09-20

    A similar issue happens for me with jEdit 5.6.0. When it starts up the fonts in the main window are set according to Utilities => Global => Appearance, but the fonts in other windows that I open (help, file browser, utility, etc.) are almost too small to read. Toggling the size of any of the three fonts in Global => Appearance makes their sizes all conformant to the Appearance settings until the editor is closed; the next time it is opened, the tiny fonts are back.


    Last edit: z/VMphile 2022-09-20
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2022-11-11
    • summary: Odd change of help viewer font after change of text area font --> Nimbus L&F: Odd change of help viewer font after change of text area font
  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2022-11-11
    • summary: Nimbus L&F: Odd change of help viewer font after change of text area font --> Nimbus or GTK+ L&F: Odd change of help viewer font after change of text area font

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