
#300 ToolBarOptionPane.ToolBarAddDialog -- Choose icon button

normal bug

See following post from jedit-users:

FROM: sneakemail.comDATE: 12/22/2000 00:00:00SUBJECT: [ jEdit-users ] Toolbar Button with Icon Hi

I tried to add a "Close Buffer" button to the toolbar.
But when I tried to choose a custom icon (by selecting
the "Load icon from file" radio button and clicking on
the "No icon selected" button in "Utilities | Global Options | Toolbar | Add...".

So what is the right procedure to add a button with
custom icon to the toolbar?

I'm sorry if this is was discussed before but I can't
find the answer in the archive.

Miles D. Leadlem
Problem is in VFSBrowser constructor. which is passed null for View parameter, then calls view.getBuffer() around line 154. Replace the call and the next few lines with the following:

String name = null;
int index = -1;
if(view != null)
name = view.getBuffer().getName();
index = name.lastIndexOf('.');


  • John Gellene

    John Gellene - 2000-12-23

    This duplicates #126695 -- my hand slipped. Sorry.

  • Slava Pestov

    Slava Pestov - 2000-12-24
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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