
#1784 Keypad doesn't work with X11

severe bug

I am running jEdit on a Sun Solaris box and viewing it
through an X11R6 server running on Win2K/Cygwin.

None of the keypad keys work with jEdit (right hand side
of the keyboard)

This is extremely annoying when entering a lot of

All the other apps (xterm, ...) works fine with it.


  • Slava Pestov

    Slava Pestov - 2003-08-19

    Logged In: YES

    What jEdit version? Can you post output of
    Utilities-Troubleshooting-Keyboard Tester please.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Well well well....

    First, my apologies for filing a bug so nebulous, with no details.

    After a small investigation, it seems that none of the jEdit
    versions (from 4.1 final to 4.2pre4) works with the keypad on
    my system. In fact, I have not been able to run any Java
    program that would accept key from the keypad on
    Cygwin/XFree86 (apps running on solaris jdk 1.3 & 1.3.1).
    So it could be a Java issue.

    Here is the Utilities-Troubleshooting-Keyboard from my jedit 4.

    With numlock on, no key generate anything. This seems to
    prove that the bug comes from Java...
    With numlock off, clicking the left arrow (for example) gives me
    the following:

    Event KEY_PRESSED,keyCode=0xe2,keyChar=0xffff,
    modifiers=0x0 passed
    ==> Translated to <e2,0>
    Event KEY_RELEASED,keyCode=0xe2,keyChar=0xffff,
    modifiers=0x0 passed

    And the cursor doesn't move...

    I think the bug can be (at least) moved to a lower priority if
    not closed. I don't think anybody use the keypad (with
    numlock off) to move the cursor around, but I may be wrong.
    Some old laptops just doesn't have anything else...

  • Slava Pestov

    Slava Pestov - 2003-10-29

    Logged In: YES

    <0xe2,0> is KP_LEFT. You can change the bindings for the
    left/up/down/right actions to the KP_ arrows. Alternatively,
    jEdit can do the mapping of KP_* to * automatically... add a
    comment to the bug if you're still interested in this.

  • Slava Pestov

    Slava Pestov - 2003-10-29
    • status: open --> closed

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