
iTop Stress Test

Marah Alh
  • Marah Alh

    Marah Alh - 2024-05-28

    Hi dears,

    I need your help for my questions:

    1- I try to Create 500 UserRequest using iTop API, only 100 -> 300 request created and I got a lot of "The operation has timed out".
    same for 1000 (35% or less created)

    we run iTop as a Kubernetes pod with 3 replica.
    cluster node specs:
    - CPUs: 16 core
    - RAM: 32 G

    iTop version: 3.0.3
    php version: 7.4

    PHP and DB:

    - max_input_time=60
    - memory_limit= 512M
    - upload_max_filesize=2M
    - max_input_vars = 5000
    - max_file_uploads=20
    - post_max_size=20M
    - innodb_buffer_pool_size= '536870912'
    - query_cache_size='33554432'
    - query_cache_limit = '1048576'

    2- Portal My Request take to long time to open with less than 4000 request, and the tab doesn't open more than 4000 request.

    Allowed memory size of 512M exhausted

    What Can I do to improve the performance?



    Last edit: Marah Alh 2024-05-28
  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2024-05-28

    If you're running a stress test - why not do so on a more recent version?
    If I'm not mistaken, the more recent versions also contain some memory tweaks.

    • Marah Alh

      Marah Alh - 2024-05-28

      We will upgrade to the next version but not now, we need some time to upgrade.
      Is there anything to do with this version.

      thanks Jeffrey

      • Jeffrey Bostoen

        Jeffrey Bostoen - 2024-05-28

        I believe it's unsupported as of now, so it might not be the best to stress test.

        • Marah Alh

          Marah Alh - 2024-05-29

          thanks Jeffrey,

          and for my second question:
          In Portal: My Request take to long time to open with less than 4000 request.

          I do some test to change: memory limit, max execution time, and ThreadStackSize,
          and it is better now, but I notice that the <scope> query for different profiles is the problem.
          Is there any solution to apply security with good performance?</scope>



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