
IndiMail / News: Recent posts

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 2.6 Release

DATE: Tue Oct 9 12:56:41 IST 2018

Announcing Release 2.6 of IndiMail.

You can find the ChangeLog at the bottom of this notes.

This release includes the following files (Note: Files may be suffied with -2.6)

README (Introduction to IndiMail)
INSTALL (Source Installation Instructions)
INSTALL-RPM (Install Instructions using RPM)
INSTALL-MYSQL (MySQL specific Installation Instructions)
README-CLUSTER (Steps on configuring a clustered setup)
Quick-INSTALL (A minimal documentation on Installation/Configuration)
RELEASE-Notes (This file)
indimail-2.6.tar.gz (IndiMail source)... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2018-10-09 Labels: qmail indimail utf8

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 2.5 Release

DATE: Sun Apr 1 18:19:06 IST 2018

Announcing Release 2.5 of IndiMail.

Following are the main features of this release

o added ability to use SSL/TLS encryption for MySQL connections. set
use_ssl paramter for MySQL connnections Table dbinfo needs additional
field with the following SQL stmt
'alter table dbinfo add column use_ssl int after port;'
o RPM/DEB installation will now recreate services with the same options
given during first installation. This will ensure creation of new env
variables added in new releases
o New script in svctool for MySQL db creation
o svctool can use .mylogin.cnf created by mysql_config_editor, allowing
MySQL admin passwords to be stored externally
o set_mysql_options.c - set MySQL options for SSL/TLS connections.
o removed legacy MYSQL_ESCAPE
o svctool - added --config=sqlssl to create MariaDB SSL/TLS config
(similar to MySQL's mysql_rsa_setup)
o Fixed Bug with VIRTUAL_PKG_LIB env variable... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2018-04-10 Labels: qmail indimail indimail-mta courier-imap bogofilter fetchmail

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 2.4 Release

DATE: Sat Jan 27 08:56:50 IST 2018

Announcing Release 2.4 of IndiMail.

Following are the main features of this release

o Removed version numbers from shared library filenames
o Cache active login records in inlookup during startup
o Ability to switch between dlopen(), dlmopen() via environment variable USE_DLMOPEN
o Made indimail, indimail-mta packages independent. indimail-mta now provides features of indimail by just loading
o Upgraded courier-imap to v4.18.2... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2018-01-27 Labels: indimail indimail-mta qmail ucspi-tcp daemontools

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 2.3 Release

DATE: Mon Dec 4 08:31:07 IST 2017**

Announcing Release 2.3 of IndiMail.

This is primarily a bug fix / minor feature upgrade release

o added svctool, systemctl unit file for daemontools package
o renamed systemd unit file indimail.service to svscan.service
o multiple fixes for MySQL/MariaDB database creation during RPM/Deb install
o Logdir changed to /var/log/svc
o Use Binary Search algorithm, using tsearch in inlookup (Knuth (6.2.2) Algorithm T)
o qmail-greyd - Mutiple optimization/improvements for hash search
o added post handle call in vaddaliasdomain... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2017-12-04 Labels: indimail

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 2.2 Release


DATE: Tue Aug 29 14:40:39 IST 2017

Announcing the Release 2.2 of IndiMail. This release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs. Currently the build for home:mbhangui repository is complete. The build for home:indimail repo will be completed this week (See below for details on the repositories).

Following are the main features of this release

o OpenSSL 1.1.0 ready
o svscanboot/svscan option run .svscan/run or INITCMD. This can be used to run
unshare --mount option and mount private mounts like custom resolv.conf
o svscan - added ability to run a custom shutdown command on svscan shutdown
o added inotify program to get file system events
o added resolvconf service for a custom /etc/resolv.conf
o qmail-remote - use X-SMTPROUTES env variable for setting artificial smtp routes.
SMTPROUTES takes precendence over X-SMTPROUTES. This allows emails to be routed
using X-SMTPROUTES in email header.
configure smtproutes, qmtproutes, moresmtproutes.cdb filenames
o refactored dns_text() function in libdkim, surblfilter.c, dns_text.c, dns.c
o Upgraded courier-imap to 4.18.0 for openssl 1.1.0
o Upgraded fetchmail to version 6.4.0
o Updated for roundcube 1.3
o qmail-smtpd, qmail-remote - improved logging of TLS method errors... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2017-08-29 Labels: mta imap pop3 openssl 1.1.0 qmail indimail ezmlm djbdns

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 2.1 Released

DATE: Mon May 8 14:25:36 IST 2017

This is Release 2.1 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs. Special thanks to Glenn Remstedt and Pablo Esteban J
for trying out Release 2.0 and letting me know of issues they encountered. This release is available at the repo at

If you are upgrading from 2.0, this release will run an upgrade script to fix issues with variables in the /service directory and move certificates to /etc/indimail/certs
For the time being, I will keep the IndiMail 2.0 release at read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2017-05-08 Labels: qmail indimail

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 2.0 Released

DATE: Thu Mar 16 14:30:11 IST 2017
This is Release 2.0 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

  • This is a FHS compliant version of IndiMail. All binaries have moved to /usr/bin, /usr/sbin. Similarly other files have been moved to appropriate locations.
  • The new directories are incompatible with previous versions of IndiMail.
  • The code still needs some thorough testing. Volunteers are welcome.
  • It is advised that the package be installed on a test setup and tried out
  • To install on a new system, you can directly install using yum/dnf, apt-get or using rpm, dpkg package tools
  • To Install on an existing system following steps are required
  • run the migrate script This script migrates all your configuration files to /etc/indimail and keeps your MySQL database intact.
  • The script is attached in this email. This script needs to be run with root privilege. The best way to test this is to backup indimail from an existing system, restore it on a new system and run the script on the new system.
  • erase existing IndiMail 1.x package
  • Install IndiMail 2.x package... read more
Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2017-03-16 Labels: IndiMail 2.0

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.9.1 Released

DATE: Thu Jan 21 17:10:14 IST 2016

This is Release 1.9.1 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

Download Binary Packages from


o added pkgconfig data to, created libindimail.pc
o udpopen.c - added missing call to getservbyname()
o batv.c - exit 111 for ENOMEM
o added whois program
o added tcpopen() function
o fixed errno getting clobbered in tcpbind()
o fixes for 'stack smashing detected' when compiled with -fstack-protector
o ipme.c - use getifaddrs() to get interface addresses
o ip.c - modifications to use shortened ipv6 addresses
o indimail.spec changed to use --with-pkgconfigdir
o upgrade courier-imap from 4.13 to 4.16.2
o display aliases for a domain if Email is specified as @domain
o fixed autoresponder for delivery to aliases
o deliver_mail.c - Fixed X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-To headers for valias delivery
o vdelivermail, deliver_mail.c - Honour dot-qmail exit codes for valias based program deliveries
o deliver_mail.c - use fork() instead of vfork for makeseekable to work
o qmail-dk.c - fixed qmail-dk quitting during verfication without writing DomainKey-Status header
o svctool - new code to handle MySQL-community-server & MariaDB-server installation
o removed dependency on mysql_config for getting mysql version
o indimail.spec fixed chrpath error for imapd, imaplogin during rpm build
o libindimail.pc - fixed package name
o svctool - set permission of variables directory to 500
o udpclient - copy data from stdin if message argument not specified on command line
o IPV6 code added to qmail-greyd, greylist.c (qmail-smtpd)
o greylist.c - Use @ as separator for IP, Port in GREYIP env variable
o indisrvr - fixed issue with getnameinfo() hostname not getting set
o tcpbind.c - pass hostname parameter to getaddrinfo
o use qmail-greyd for greylisting+ipv6 instead of greydaemon
o tcpserver - rules.c - fix bug with tcprules when using compact ipv6 notation in tcp.smtp
o dbload.c total was not correctly assigned if RelayHosts was already obtained
o LoadDbInfo.c - set _total for dbcount in localDbinfo()
o inquerytest.c - random fifo was not getting selected with infifo=""
o pass address family as argument to get_local_ip()
o multiple fixes to address compatibility with both mysql-community-server and mariadb-server
o userinfo.c - user localip for mailstore if MdaServer returns null

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2016-01-21 Labels: qmail indimail imap pop3 dkim mta

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.9.0 Released


DATE: Wed Aug 5 00:09:30 IST 2015

This is Release 1.9.0 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

o added selinux policy file indimail.te
o added option --config=selinux in svctool, added svctool --config=selinux command during rpm installation/upgrade
o fixed update-rc.d syntax for ubuntu
o added apparmor rule (usr.sbin.mysqld) for mysqld under indimail on Debian/Ubuntu distros
o svctool - add check for mysql_config, configurable service list for addition, removal
o use lsb_release to handle distribution specific installation
o preinst, postinst, prerm, postrm fixes for debian/ubuntu installation
o svctool - added Show_view_priv, Create_tablespace_priv in create_msyql_db()
o svctool - fix for sendmail installations which do not use alternatives
o autoresponder - fixed issues with Date field, SIGPIPE resulting in duplicate emails. use mktime to use local time
o added timestamp columns to indimail tables
o added tlsserverciphers configuration in svctool
o added helohostbyip control file
o added udpclient, udplogger
o added post handles for vdeldomain, vaddaliasdomain, vrenamedomain... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2015-08-04 Labels: indimail mta imap pop3 qmail

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.9 Released


DATE: Fri Apr 18 18:39:58 IST 2014

This is Release 1.8.9 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

o fix for debian to make indimail run at runlevel 2
o fixed -q option in qmail-rm
o qaes - qmail encryption utility which uses AES
o set delayed inserts for lastauth, relay tables if DELAYED_INSERT environment variable is set
o courier-imap - Fixed bug with setting of MAX_ATOM_SIZE in mainloop.c, imaptoken.c
o BUG fix rblsmtpd.c - flagip6 was not initialized
o vdelivermail - Discard bounce if environment variable DISCARD_BOUNCE is set
o qmail-smtpd - Added SECURE_AUTH to allow AUTH PLAIN, LOGIN only if TLS is enabled.
o qmail-smtpd - set AUTHINFO for successful SMTP AUTH
o qmail-dk, qmail-dkim - Treat AUTHINFO environment variable exactly like RELAYCLIENT
o Set environment variables from control/auth.envrules if RELAYCLIENT is set
or on successful SMTP AUTH
o spawn-filter.c - made RATELIMIT_DIR configurable through envrules
o instcheck.c - Fix locating files in lib64
o made domainqueue file configurable through env variable DOMAINQUEUE
o fixed DNS functions compilation on OS X systems (dns.c, dns_text.c, surblfilter.c)
o qmailctl - fix for Fedora where /etc/sysconfig/network is missing or does not have
o fixed BUG in ldap-checkpwd.c - extra semicolon removed
o dns.c - fixed call to resolve() function
o qmail-send.c - discard bounce if bounce processor exits 1
o vcreate_dir_control.c, vwrite_dir_control.c, vdel_dir_control.c changed mode
of .filesystems to 640
o authindi - changes to error messages for inquery/vauth_open failures
o spawn-filter - allow wildcards for rate control using ratecontrol file and
default ratelimit using .global file
o envrules - use wildmat_internal for pattern patching
o svctool --cname-lookup option to Perform CNAME lookup for recipient host in qmail-remote
o qmail-remote - Set environment variable OUTGOINGIP
o tai64nunix.c, tai64nlocal.c - fixed issue with tai timestamp with non-whitespace after 25 characters
o spawn-filter. Report Blackholed: filter_script_path in delivery log when filters exits 2
o qmail-remote - ability to disable AUTH PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, CRAM-SHA1,
o ability to use clamav installed in OS and set QHPSI variable
o control.c - copy to sa without \0 in control_readrandom()
o logalert - add usename argument to set_user()
o set supplementary groups for indimai user in vadduser.c, vdeluser.c,
vreorg.c, vdominfo.c, printdir.c, vrenameuser.c, vcfilter.c, vbulletin.c
o added error message for setuid() in handlers.c
o islocalif.c - display hostname in error message
o added function setuser_privileges for setting uid, gid and supplementary group ids.
o instcheck - ignore man pages error
o vdelivermail - delivery to date formated folder... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2014-04-18 Labels: qmail mta imap pop3 dkim domainkeys

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.8 Released

DATE: Fri Nov 22 21:41:33 IST 2013

This is Release 1.8.8 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

o inlookup - Issue sighup to reload database
o send sighup to qmail-send through post handle for vdeldomain, vaddaliasdomain, vrenamedomain
o compact ipv6 and CIDR notation support in tcpserver rules file
o inverse IPv6 nibble format for RBL and anti-RBL lookups in rblsmtpd
o ipv6 support for spf
o fixed STARTTLS plaintext command injection vulnerability in qmail-smtpd
o BUG - corrected location of private key when % sign is removed in qmail-dk, qmail-dkim
o fixed syntax errors and private key lookup in dk-filter
o Use SURBLQUEUE in surblqueue to change default queue program from qmail-multi
o Make IT_MAX_ATOM_SIZE configurable using env variable in courier-imap
o bypass tls if clientcert.pem is missing in qmail-remote
o fix setting of SMTPTEXT for success and failures in qmail-remote
o validity checks in qmail-qmtpd to ensure that input actually conforms to the netstring protocol.
o domain based delivery rate limit code in spawn-filter. New command drate to control delivery rate to specific domains
o dk-filter - sign as default if both DKSIGN and DKIMSIGN are not defined
o qmail-remote - try next mx on helo failure (problem with broken yahoo mx servers) by setting env variable TRY_NEXT_MX_HELO_FAIL
o qmail-dk, qmail-dkim - Use RELAYCLIENT_NODKVERIFY, RELAYCLIENT_NODKIMVERIFY to turn off verification when both DK[IM]VERIFY and RELAYCLIENT are set
o concurrencylocal, concurrencyremote can be configured queue specific
o display the associated queue directory in logs during startup of qmail-send, qmail-todo
o domainqueue control files to provide ability to specify specific queues for specific domains
o added getopt style arguments to inquerytest

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2013-11-22 Labels: indimail 1.8.8

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.7 Released


DATE: Tue Jun 11 16:56:14 IST 2013

This is Release 1.8.7 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

o standalone mta package indimail-mta
o fixed setting of quota=NOQUOTA in vlimits
o new postgres sql auth module authpgsql
o upgraded packages bogofilter(1.2.3), fetchmail(6.3.26), courier-imap(4.13), clamav(0.97.8)

This release includes the following files... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2013-06-11

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.6 Released


DATE: Tue Jan 22 18:44:27 IST 2013

This is Release 1.8.6 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

o Do not skip X-Mailer in DKIM signing
o fixed tcpserver bug causing ip address match with cdb to fail
o made diskquota, maxmsgcount, defaultquota, defaultmaxmsgcount in vlimits unsigned
o DISABLE_CNAME_LOOKUP functionality for qmail-remote
o New program rrt to respond to Return-Receipt-To requests
o Added functionality to enforce STARTTLS before auth using FORCE_TLS env variable.
o Upgraded to fetchmail 6.3.24... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2013-01-22

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.5 Released


DATE: Sun Aug 5 10:54:19 IST 2012

This is Release 1.8.5 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

o vchkpass mod to fix outlook authentication when using AUTH DIGEST-MD5
o fixed spf query in qmail-smtpd
o fixed quota bug in adduser due to use of 32 bit integers
o use g/G suffix to specify quota in gb
o added AUTH DIGEST_MD5 authentication in swaks
o fix high cpu usage in qmail-smtpd at EOF, due to infinite loop in blast() function... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2012-08-05

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.4 Released

This is Release 1.8.4 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

o CRAM-SHA1, CRAM-SHA256, CRAM-RIPEMD, DIGEST-MD5 authentication support in qmail-smtpd, qma
o Ability to use AUTH PLAIN, LOGIN with plain text passwords in db.
o Ability of iwebadmin authentication to work with plain text passwords in db.
o Added Repo for Mandriva 2011, Ubuntu 11.10
o RFC 3798 compliant qnotify for automatic Mail Delivery Notification (MDN)
o fix md5 for 64 bit systems... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2011-12-10

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.3 Released

DATE: Tue Sep 20 19:25:31 IST 2011

This is Release 1.8.3 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz, RPMs and debs.

o added capability to send mails through multiple IP in qmail-remote, qmail-qmqpc
o added if-else type of programming in qmail-local
o fixed initsvc for virtual machines
o added DNSBL, SURBL functionality
o systemd support for starting IndiMail at boot (FC15)
o BUG related to opening of control files in qmail-dk, qmail-dkim, qmail-inject... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2011-09-20

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.2 released

DATE: Fri Jul 1 06:39:06 IST 2011

This is Release 1.8.2 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.

o New libdkim release 1.4
o added ability in indimail to run procmail
o procmail integrated with indimail
o external program ismaildup duplicating duplicate email eliminator in vdelivermail
o upgraded to clamav-0.97.1, fetchmail-6.3.20

This release includes the following files

README-1.8.2 (Introduction to IndiMail)
INSTALL-1.8.2 (Source Installation Instructions)
INSTALL-RPM-1.8.2 (Install Instructions using RPM)
INSTALL-MYSQL-1.8.2 (MySQL specific Installation Instructions)
README-CLUSTER (Steps on configuring a clustered setup)
Quick-INSTALL-1.8.2 (A minimal documentation on Installation/Configuration)
RELEASE-Notes-1.8.2 (This file)
indimail-1.8.2.tar.gz (IndiMail source)... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2011-07-01

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8.1 released


DATE: Sat May 14 16:47:07 IST 2011

This is Release 1.8.1 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs./Debs

o SMTP Plugins - qmail-smtpd can be extended using plugins
o courier-imap upgraded to 4.9.2
o Debian Release for Debian and Ubuntu

This releases fixes few bugs listed in ChangeLog

This release includes the following files

README-1.8.1 (Introduction to IndiMail)
INSTALL-1.8.1 (Source Installation Instructions)
INSTALL-RPM-1.8.1 (Install Instructions using RPM)
INSTALL-MYSQL-1.8.1 (MySQL specific Installation Instructions)
README-CLUSTER (Steps on configuring a clustered setup)
Quick-INSTALL-1.8.1 (A minimal documentation on Installation/Configuration)
RELEASE-Notes-1.8.1 (This file)
indimail-1.8.1.tar.gz (IndiMail source)... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2011-05-21

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.8 released


DATE: Tue Apr 5 00:02:50 IST 2011

This is Release 1.8 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.

o New authmodule authgeneric
o major upgrade of clamav, fetchmail & courier-imap to the latest versions
o Source compilation tested on Ubuntu. The INSTALL file reflects few extra steps for Ubuntu
o Fixed minor bugs in qmail-dkim.c, qmail-remote.c, svctool.
o upgraded Erwin Hoffman's recipients extension to version 0.7.1
o Fixes to quota mechanism to display quota > 2Gb
o qmail Abuse Report Format Generator
o New logalert utility to create alerts based on patterns in logs
o ability to auto provision users in proxyimap, proxypop3
o Minor changes for ubuntu
o RPM for RHEL 6, openSUSE 11.4, openSUSE Tumbleweed... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2011-04-04

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.11 released


DATE: Fri Nov 5 06:56:34 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.11 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.

This releases fixes few bugs listed in ChangeLog

This release includes the following files

README-1.7.11 (Introduction to IndiMail)
INSTALL-1.7.11 (Source Installation Instructions)
INSTALL-RPM-1.7.11 (Install Instructions using RPM)
INSTALL-MYSQL-1.7.11 (MySQL specific Installation Instructions)
README-CLUSTER (Steps on configuring a clustered setup)
Quick-INSTALL-1.7.11 (A minimal documentation on Installation/Configuration)
RELEASE-Notes-1.7.11 (This file)
indimail-1.7.11.tar.gz (IndiMail source)... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-11-05

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.10 released


DATE: Tue Aug 24 21:22:39 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.10 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.

This release adds MD5 authentication to qmail-remote. The number of levels in a directory when creating home directories has been made configurable. clamav has been upgraded to clamav-0.96.2

This release includes the following files

README-1.7.10 (Introduction to IndiMail)
INSTALL-1.7.10 (Source Installation Instructions)
INSTALL-RPM-1.7.10 (Install Instructions using RPM)
INSTALL-MYSQL-1.7.10 (MySQL specific Installation Instructions)
README-CLUSTER (Steps on configuring a clustered setup)
Quick-INSTALL-1.7.10 (A minimal documentation on Installation/Configuration)
RELEASE-Notes-1.7.10 (This file)
indimail-1.7.10.tar.gz (IndiMail source)... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-09-01

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.9 released


DATE: Sun Aug 1 14:52:59 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.9 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.

This release allows you to execute your own programs on successful or failed remote deliveries.

Load distribution feature has been added to qmail-qmqpc

A new feature in qmail-send allows you to load startup plugins to extend qmail-send's functionality.

This release includes the following files... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-08-01

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.8 released


DATE: Wed Jul 14 16:25:15 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.8 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.
This release addresses issues affecting portability. IndiMail can now be started on Linux and Mac by using 'service indimail start/restart/stop' commands. Sender based envrules has been added for local and remote delivery. A feature has been added to qmail-smtpd to notify recipients when they receive mails which exceed quota and get
bounced.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-07-14

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.7 released


DATE: Tue Jun 24 20:33:57 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.7 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.

This release adds an internal environment variables directory which eliminates the need of using a program like envdir. This will be used by clients to qmail-queue to set any environment variable configured as files in this directory. This also eliminates the need of (wrapper for sendmail). This release also adds a simple rule based mail archival functionality to qmail-queue. Using control file mailarchive, one can specify different mail archival destination for different users based on email address, user component or the domain component. The users can also be specified as regular expressions.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-06-24

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.6 Released

DATE: Mon Jun 7 11:31:53 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.6 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.
This release adds Mail Exchanger Protocol Swith (MXPS). fetchmail has been upgraded
to version 6.3.17 and courier-imap-3.0.8 has been updated with the latest changes
in courier-imap-4.8.0.

With release of Fedora Core 13, openSUSE Build Service will include FC13 repository for
indimail package.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-06-07