
IndiMail / News: Recent posts

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.5 Released

DATE: Sun May 23 13:52:48 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.5 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs.

This release introduces RPM for Mac OS X. The RPM needs to be built using the indimail.spec file provided in the indimail source archive.

qmail-qstat based in qmHandle has been removed. The queue counts functionality has been moved to qmail-qread

Focus of this release was testing of existing features and options that have not been widely used. New versions of sub components pam-multi and nssd have been released.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-05-23

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.4 Released

DATE: Tue Apr 27 10:18:23 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.4 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs
This release adds a new program qmail-sql, which makes it easy to migrate qmail control
files to MySQL. IndiMail is probably the only MTA which gives you the flexibility of having
configuration in plain text, cdb or MySQL.

This release also adds a new control file 'badip' using which you can issue temporary SMTP
error code to clients having IP addresses listed in 'badip' or 'badip.cdb' or 'badip' table
in MySQL. This feature will help an ISP from the Republic of Macedonia to reject (for a day),
clients who spam, by executing the following command to be run once daily in cron.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-04-28

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.3 Released


DATE: Wed Apr 14 08:25:21 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.3 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs
This release introduces QMQP support in svctool. The RPM installation now
creates a QMQP service. To use QMQP service to your servers, you will have
to create qmqpservers file. This release also integrates domain limits into
authentication modules vchkpass, and authindi... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-04-14

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.2 Released


DATE: Wed Mar 31 08:49:12 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.2 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs

This release introduces QMTP support in qmail-remote. The RPM installation now creates a QMTP service. To enable QMTP service to your servers, you will have to create qmtproutes file.

This release fixes quite many bugs identified by Tobias Schmidt (greylisting, documentation, chowkidar)... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-03-31

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7.1 Released


DATE: Mon Mar 15 08:41:10 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7.1 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs

This release introduces sslerator which is a TLS/SSL wrapper to encrypt a network connection using SSL/TLS, without having the application to deal with openssl libraries.

This man page for IndiMail is now exhaustive, covering almost all applications which make up the IndiMail package.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-03-15

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.7 Released


DATE: Thu Mar 4 09:24:11 IST 2010

This is Release 1.7 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs. This release adds multiple ways in which parameters for connecting to MySQL can be given.

This release includes the following files

README (Introduction to IndiMail)
INSTALL-1.7 (Installation Instructions)
INSTALL-RPM-1.7 (Install Instructions for RPM)
INSTALL-MYSQL-1.7 (MySQL specific Installation Instructions)
README-CLUSTER (Steps on installing a clustered setup)
Quick-INSTALL-1.7 (A minimal documentation on Installation)
RELEASE-Notes-1.7 (This file)
indimail-1.7.tar.gz (IndiMail source)
indimail-1.7-1.i386.deb... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-03-04

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.9 Released

This is Release 1.6.9 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs

This release adds Post Execution hooks to vadddomain, vdeldomain, vrenamedomain, vadduser, vdeluser, vrenamedomain, vrenameuser, vmoveuser, vpasswd. Post execution hooks helps in extending the functionality of IndiMail



* Thu Feb 18 2010

1. Removed INDIMAIL depencies in qmail-tcpok, qmail-tcpto, qmail-qread
2. Added abuse, mailer-daemon as alias to postmaster when creating a new domain.
3. Added POST Hook for program vadddomain, vdeldomain, vadduser, vdeluser, vrenamedomain, vrenameuser, vpasswd, vmoveuser
4. BUG - Free memory allocated by vasprintf in error_stack.c
5. BUG - Fixed creation of indisrvr service when installing RPM
6. Changed default mysql socket to /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock in indimail.h
7. BUG - localdbinfo() did not use host:user:passwd:socket/port format from host.mysql

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-02-19

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.8 Released

IndiMail 1.6.8 has been released. This release fixes minor bugs


* Mon Feb 01 2010

1. host.cntrl, host.mysql, host.master can now accept
2. MYSQL_PASS changed to MYSQL_PASSWD in svctool
3. Fixed install_tables attempting to create clustered tables setup on non-clustered setup.
4. Remove --mysqlhost parameter for indisrvr service creation in indimail.spec
5. use mysql user, password from command line in pwdlookup service
6. Fixed logic in mail_acl() function. accesslist feature in qmail-smtpd
7. New program uacl to test accesslist
8. Fixed xtext function in qmail-remote

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-02-01

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.7 Released

IndiMail 1.6.7 has been released. This release fixes minor bugs


* Mon Jan 04 2010
Release 1.6.7 Start 11/12/2009
1. create log directory in create_services
2. replaced all occurences of chown with $chown in svctool
3. log from and rcpt for qmail-remote
4. Modified rsmtp, rsmtprdomains, rsmtpsdomains, rsmptsenders to correctly decipher host from smtp log
5. Added case for mysql-5.5 in svctool
6. Use GNU syntax for tail in
7. fixed issue with delivery of mails to register-spam, spam, register-nonspam, nonspam ids
8. Added vfilter rule for X-Bogosity spam filtering in postfilt in svctool
9. Made vcfilter setuid
10. Modified vcfilter.c, vbulletin.c, vadduser.c, printdir.c, vdeluser.c, vreorg.c, vdominfo.c, vdeldomain.c for running programs with uid,gid of domain

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2010-01-04

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.6 Released

This is to announce Release 1.6.6 of IndiMail. The release has both
source.tar.gz and RPMs

This release is mostly a bug-fix release

Following bugs at the tracker have been fixed


This release includes the following files

INSTALL-1.6.6 (Installation Instructions)
INSTALL-RPM-1.6.6 (Install Instructions for RPM)
INSTALL-1.6.6.mysql (MySQL specific Installation Instructions)... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-12-11

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.5 Released

DATE: Tue Nov 24 20:55:44 IST 2009

This is Release 1.6.5 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs

This release comes with provision to render MRTG graphs for queue status, concurrency
for various services running under tcpserver. This release also introduces a new
command vserverinfo which helps in showing all servers involved in serving a specific
email when IndiMail is configured as a large extended domain.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-11-25

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.4 Released

This is Release 1.6.4 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz
and RPMs

This release comes with a autoresponder plugin for Squirrel Mail.

Following features at the tracker have been incorporated

2895710, 2895711, 2895712, 2895714, 2895715, 2895720, 2895722,
2895724, 2895725

Following bugs at the tracker have been fixed read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-11-12

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.3 Released

DATE: Thu Oct 29 22:41:12 IST 2009

This is Release 1.6.3 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs

With this release, IndiMail has got tested with MySQL 5.4.3-beta and no issues were found.

Main focus of this release was extensive testing and bug fixes

Following bugs at the tracker
have been fixed

2883153, 2883154 2887071 2887721

This release includes the following files... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-10-30

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.2 Released

This is Release 1.6.2 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs

The Highlights of this release are

PAM module - pam-multi. pam-multi enables external programs which use PAM to authenticate
against IndiMail's database.
atol() has been replaced with strtoll() for all quota calculations for better error handling.
A document Quick-INSTALL has been added to assist first time installation for newbies.
Man pages have been updated.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-10-16

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6.1 Released

This is to announce release 1.6.1 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz and RPMs

The Highlights of this release are

- Refreshed scripts with LT_INIT definition
- Added support for Mandriva 2009.1
- Added git repository (thanks Shakthi Kannan <>)
- Made IndiMail more fault tolerant with connectivity / uptime of MySQL databases
- Added 54 Man Pages for IndiMail... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-10-01

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.6 Released

Release 1.6 available for download with Greylisting and BATV.

1. Added greylisting capability
2. Added qmail-greyd with greylisting capability
3. Added flag to matchinet() to specify use of gethostbyname()
4. BATV patch -
5. recipients.c updated to update to RECIPIENTS extension 0.6 by Erwin
6. Use auto_break character from auto_break.c
7. BATV tester program (batv) added
8. Added option to svctool to add greydaemon as Greylisting daemon instead of
9. Fix for vulnerability in fetchmail
10. Added option to hash IP records in qmail-greyd
11. Upgraded to bogofilter 1.2.1
12. renamed connect_db(), create_table() in sqlmatch.c to avoid clash clash
with indimail library
13. Compile spam filtering, qhpsi without need of INDIMAIL to be defined
14. Fix creation of qscanq log service in supervise

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-09-12

Greylisting &amp; Bounce Address Tag Validation

Greylisting and Bounce Address Tag Validation (BATV) released for netqmail at

Discuss comments at

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-09-02

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.5.8 Released

I am pleased to announce the availability of IndiMail release 1.5.8

This Release implements TLS encryption for adminclient / indisrvr so
that all adminisration commands are sent encrypted. Also implemented
is the poppassd protocol (See\)


This is Release 1.5.8 of IndiMail. The release has both source.tar.gz
and RPMs... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-08-20

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.5.6 Released

I am pleased to announce the availability of IndiMail release 1.5.6

This Release fixes issues with compilation on Mac OS X 10.5.x and
generation of
debian package using ESP Package Manager (

The Release Notes and the full list of Changelog can be seen at read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-07-01

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.5.5 Released

I am pleased to announce the availability of IndiMail release 1.5.5 at
[ ]

This release fixes issues with compilation on Mac OS X 10.5.x and uprade using rpm (rpm -Uvh option).

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-06-12

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.5.4 Released

I am pleased to announce the availability of IndiMail release 1.5.4

This release adds SSL enabled services for SMTP, IMAP and POP3 by

The Release Notes and the full list of Changelog can be seen at

The RPM can be downloaded from read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-06-04

ANNOUNCE - IndiMail 1.5.3 Released

I am pleased to announce the availability of IndiMail release 1.5.3 at

This release enhances the generic address_match() function for searching entries in qmail control files. The new address_match() now allows qmail control files to be specified... in text, cdb format, or MySQL. The qmail-smtpd man page has the details. An external bounce
processor can be specified to qmail-send by setting the environment variable BOUNCEPROCESSOR. The cdbmatch() function has been optimized.... read more

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-05-06

A Peek at IndiMail 1.5.3

IndiMail 1.5.3 onwards will provide the ability to have some of the qmail control files in cdb as well as MySQL. Expected date of release is last week of May.

The Changelog as of now is as below

1. BUG - Fix memory leakage in MakeArgs.c
2. Added DKSIGNOPTIONS in qmail-dk
3. Made custom error fd in qmail.c, qmail-dkim.c, qmail-dk.c configurable
4. Polished qmail-qfilter
5. Simplified address_match() function
6. Speed improvement in cdbmatch() function
7. New control file goodrcptto, goodrcptpatterns
8. address_match() funcation can now lookup cdb.
9. New control file blackholercpt, blackholercptpatterns
10. Control files spamignore, blackholedsender, badmailfrom, relaymailfrom,
badrcptto, chkrcptdomains, goodrcptto, blackholercpt can now be
specified in cdb format (in addition to current text format).
11. New program qmail-cdb to generate cdb files.
12. Added sqlmatch() function to have qmail control files in MySQL.
13. Control files spamignore, blackholedsender, badmailfrom, relaymailfrom,
badrcptto, chkrcptdomains, goodrcptto, blackholercpt can now be
in MySQL (in addition to current text format and cdb).
14. instcheck will now check compressed man pages
15. Major change in address_match(), envrules() interface to pass errors
back to calling function.

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-05-02

ANNOUNCE IndiMail 1.5.2 Release

I am pleased to Announce Release 1.5.2 of IndiMail

This release further enhances DKIM capabilities in qmail-dkim and dk-filter

This release also fixes security vulnerability with Authenticated SMTP

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-04-20

IndiMail: 1.5.1 Release

I am pleased to announce the availability of IndiMail release 1.5 on

This release now adds Author Domain Signing Practice to DKIM verification. The release also adds a filter dk-filter which can be run before qmail-remote. The RPM can be downloaded from

The above also holds Yum repositories.

Posted by Manvendra Bhangui 2009-04-03