
Hyperic Application & System Monitoring / News: Recent posts

New HQ 3.1.4 VMware Appliance

Just uploaded a VMware appliance for HQ 3.1.4. This is a great way to try out a pre-configured instance of HQ.

Posted by John Mark Walker 2008-01-17

Hyperic December Newsletter

Lots of good stuff in last week's newsletter: New OEM Partners, HQ for Nagios Users, and a Plugins HyperCAST - as well as the usual industry rabble-rouseing.

See the newsletter:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2008-01-03

All Hands on Deck: HQ 3.2 Beta 4

It's a new beta for Hyperic HQ 3.2. We should be wrapping up the beta process Real Soon Now, so if you haven't had a chance to kick the tires, please do so now!

See the Release Notes:

Download beta 4:

-John Mark

Posted by Hyperic Team 2008-01-03

Spring to Integrate Hyperic HQ

SF, Dec 12, 2007- Under the terms of the agreement, SpringSource will use Hyperic’s flagship open source software, Hyperic HQ, as the foundation of its new systems management offering...
<a href="">Read More</a>

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-12-28

Hyperic HQ 3.2 Beta 1

This is the first beta release of Hyperic HQ 3.2.

Download now:

See the release notes:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-11-27

Hyperic HQ 3.1.4

Hyperic has released HQ 3.1.4, most likely the final maintenance release in the 3.1 series.


Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-11-20

Hyperic + Red Hat Devs Common Systems Management Platform

As you can see, this one is pretty substantive and goes far beyond the usual "let us announce yet another product in RHX". This announcement means that Red Hat buys into Hyperic's approach and technology - enough to make it the basis for a common platform.

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-11-14

Hyperic HQ 3.1.1

Hyperic is please to announce the release of the latest version of HQ 3.1.1, the winner of the LinuxWorld Product Excellence Award for Best Systems Management Tool.

Download here:

This release features some major performance enhancements, as well as new plugins for Jetty, MS MQ, ColdFusion, Glassfish, OpenLDAP, Zimbra, and Alfresco. Also, an improved Alert Center now includes an Alert Definition view. ... read more

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-09-24

Howto on HQ and Ubuntu

Discovered this great article on HowtoForge:

It's a really good intro to setting up HQ. While it's Ubuntu-focused, the reality is that it's pretty much the same for Fedora, too.

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-08-27

August Newsletter is here!

You can read the details of the August newsletter here:

If you want to sign up for future newsletters, see this URL:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-08-14

Hyperic HQ 3.1 is Available

Come and get it! The award-winning, Open Source Hyperic HQ 3.1 is officially GA!

The product debuted this week at LinuxWorld and is already an award winner! With great new capabilities including a new Alert Center with the ability to tag alerts with how they were fixed, embedded contextual help - that can be copied locally to customize with anything from localization to adding runbook details, a completely localizeable UI, and support for more technologies including the latest additions of Coldfusion, Glassfish and Jetty.... read more

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-08-10

Alfresco and Sendmail Plugins Now Available

Hyperic HQ manages more data center technologies out of the box than any other enterprise monitoring software. Recent additions include Vyatta routing software, Zimbra Collaboration Suite, (patches are for...) qmail, OpenLDAP, and a few others.

Now comes 2 more plugins: Alfresco and Sendmail. If you're an HQ admin, now you can easily add monitoring for both apps.

You can always find the latest HQ plugin info on the HyperFORGE:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-07-31

HQ 3.1 Beta 3 Ready

This will hopefully be the final beta before we get the first release candidate ready.


HQ Beta Warning/Disclaimer

Note that the HQ 3.1 beta, while quite usable,
will have some bugs and is definitely not
recommended for production environments. While we
welcome user testing of this beta, we discourage
users from upgrading from 3.0.x to 3.1 Beta. Once
HQ 3.1 is released, we will provide a supported
upgrade path.

Hyperic HQ is the most complete IT management solution for open source and commercial infrastructure. Version 3.1 is the next release of Hyperic HQ, which is currently undergoing beta testing.

Binary Downloads

Installation Instructions

New Features and Enhancements in 3.1

  • Expanded Alert Features - Introduces the Alert Center
    for central management of alerts in a flat hierarchy, Alert
    Resolutions descriptions track how to resolve problems,
    expanded alert email detail to include indicator metric data
    and previous alert resolution.

  • Performance and Scalability Enhancements -
    Dramatically improves out-of-the-box scalability for large

  • MySQL - MySQL 5.0 and above is now a supported
    database backend for the Hyperic HQ environment, and the HQ
    plugin for MySQL has been further enhanced for greater
    management detail.

  • Embedded Contextual Help - Improved context-sensitive
    help detail, configurable option to display up-to-date help
    remotely from or locally, and local web
    pages can be customized and expanded for unique deployment

  • Localizable UI - The entire Hyperic HQ UI and help
    pages are now customizable for users to alter or translate
    UI elements. Sharing of translations is encouraged through a
    new area on the HyperFORGE.

  • Extended Product Coverage - The new Hyperic HQ
    distribution bundles support for over 13 new products
    including notables such as Zimbra, Informix, and OpenLDAP
    now deployed in the agent by default.

You Can Help!

  • Bugs: Did you find a bug? View our Jira to see if it's
    been logged, or report the issue in HQ Bug Forum.
    o Please include the configuration info for your
    deployment including the build number, OS version, RAM, and
    JRE version (if you are using your own JRE).

  • Questions: If you have questions about getting HQ
    installed or about new features:
    o Visit our Support, or
    o View the Forums

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-07-31

HQ 3.1 Beta Now Available

HQ Beta Warning/Disclaimer

Note that the HQ 3.1 beta, while quite usable,
will have some bugs and is definitely not
recommended for production environments. While we
welcome user testing of this beta, we discourage
users from upgrading from 3.0.x to 3.1 Beta. Once
HQ 3.1 is released, we will provide a supported
upgrade path.

Hyperic HQ is the most complete IT management solution for open source and commercial infrastructure. Version 3.1 is the next release of Hyperic HQ, which is currently undergoing beta testing.... read more

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-07-10

June 25 HQ Snapshot

June 25, 2007 Update: Getting closer to the HQ 3.1 beta. Check it out.

This is a snapshot of what will become HQ 3.1. Use at your own risk. It may or may not build :)

For further info on building HQ:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-06-25

Announcing Hyperic HQ VMware Appliance

Download available here:

We've always been known for our extraordinary VMware management abilities, but now we've taken the extra step of creating a VMware appliance.

Basic platform is Debian 4.0
HQ version: 3.0.5-417 OS

Start the appliance and login either as root or hyperic, same password. The motd will display the Web URL for HQ + username/password.... read more

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-06-08

Hyperic HQ 3.0.5 Released

Hyperic HQ 3.0.5 has been released, featuring some plugin bug fixes, performance improvements, and support for VMware server on x64 Linux. Changes include:

  • Performance improvements for browse resources and improved metric collection;
  • added VMware Server support for x64 Linux; - fixed some WebLogic plugin bugs;
  • can preload caches at startup, improving performance for large deployments;
  • fixed Sybase, Apache 2.2, and VMware plugin bugs;
  • added ability to disable control features;... read more
Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-06-06

Hyperic HQ: SVN Repo Updated

After a long time with no updates, the code repository stabilized enough to update the SVN repo on

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-06-01

New Snapshot: Hyperic HQ

Just uploaded a new snapshot of Hyperic HQ. You can download from

File name is hyperic-hq-20070531.tar.gz

Be sure and read the docs for building from source:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-05-31

Monitoring Tomcat 5 on Ubuntu

Ran across a nice howto that discusses how to monitor Tomcat 5 on Ubuntu with Hyperic HQ:


Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-05-31

InfoWorld Profiles Hyperic

Paul Roberts writes an in-depth article on Hyperic's beginnings and what we've accomplished in a short amount of time:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-05-24

May, 2007, Community Newsletter

Dear Hypericans,

You'll be shocked and amazed when you see what's in store for you in our most recent newsletter:

  • JavaOne highlights! With video!
  • MySQLConf!
  • Charles Lee's latest article on Hibernate migration!
  • Javier Soltero blogs about the "virtual divide!"

See the newsletter here:

Subscribe to our newsletter: read more

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-05-15

Release: Hyperic HQ 3.0.4

The Hyperic team is happy to announce the immediate availability of Hyperic HQ 3.0.4. This release marks significant improvements in performance and resource usage efficiency.

To download:

Posted by Hyperic Team 2007-05-03