
Hugin / News: Recent posts

hugin-0.7.0 rc4 released

There is a release candidate 4 available in the sourceforge download area.

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-09-01

hugin-0.7.0 rc2 released

There is a release candidate 2 available in the sourceforge download area.

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-08-14

hugin-0.7.0 beta5 released

This is a pre-release snapshot, expect a beta6 or release candidate soon.

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-07-25

hugin: autopano-sift-C-2.5.0 released

GUI for Panorama Tools, a powerful software package for the creation & processing of panoramic images. It supports most pano tools features and contains a powerful control point picker. Similar to the windows programs PTGui and PTAssembler.

This release contains many bugfixes and speed improvements, plus support for feature identification in conformal space.

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-07-24

panoglview-0.2.2 released

Panoglview is a hardware-accelerated viewer for equirectangular panoramas. This release contains build updates, fixes for rendering artefacts and support for partial panoramas via project file extensions.

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-07-23

Google Summer of Code - Deadline Extension

Google has granted an extension deadline. You can submit your application until Monday, April 7.

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-04-01

Summer of Code 2008 call for students

If you are a full time student and would like to apply for a paid summer internship with Google and mentored by our team, then you need to get involved now to develop the project brief before the application deadline: March 31 5:00 PM PDT. More details here:

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-03-18

Hugin participating in Google Summer of Code 2008

Following the success of last year when four out of five projects were completed, hugin/panotools has been selected as a mentoring organisation for the 2008 Google Summer of Code:

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-03-18

enfuse 360degree tutorial

enfuse is a new tool for exposure blending integrated into the upcoming 0.7.0 hugin release:

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-01-30

This week in panospace

A hugin related blog has been launched with news, tips and links for hugin users:

Posted by Bruno Postle 2008-01-30

Meet the GIMP 19 featuring hugin

Meet the GIMP is an excellent series of video podcasts covering image editing, the latest episode focuses on stitching panoramas with hugin:

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-11-15

[Video] Features of upcoming hugin release

A video about the new features of the upcoming hugin 0.7 release is available at

This is a given by Pablo d'Angelo, at the Panotools 2007 meeting in Lucerne. Don't miss the other talks, they are also very interesting and available at: Thanks to all participants of the meeting, it was simply great.

Posted by Pablo d'Angelo 2007-10-25

Google summer of code 2007 finished

Four students completed their projects successfully, helping panorama making open source software and particularly hugin and FreePV leap forward

hugin is the most advanced open source panorama stitching solution. It received three major improvements:

* Zoran Mesec has written Autopano-Z, a new feature/detection matching tool that will free hugin from the restrictions of the patented SIFT algorithm.... read more

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-09-10

Hugin manual now available

The manual for the upcoming stable release of hugin has been imported into the panotools wiki:

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-06-20

Launch of photographic distortion correction database

Article on The lead developer of the Hugin panorama-stitching application, Pablo d'Angelo, has proposed a new open database for collecting camera lens information that could be used to correct systematic distortion in photographs.

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-06-04

Five google Summer of Code students accepted

The following projects are scheduled for completion by August 31 2007:

Pedro Alonso from Spain, mentored by Herbert Bay from Switzerland, will develop a new algorithm to identify better control points, so critical to the stitching process

Ippei Ukai from Japan currently in Scotland, mentored by Yuval Levy from Israel currently in Canada, will produce a new user interface to make this versatile tools even easier to use on multiple platforms (Windows/Mac/Linux/Unix)... read more

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-04-12

Hugin participating in Google Summer of Code 2007

Hugin and panotools are participating in google Summer of Code 2007, where students are paid by Google to work on hugin and/or panotools and mentored by experts in the field.

Some suitable projects are listed on the panotools wiki:

The deadline for student applications is 24th March 2007. Application details can be found here:

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-03-15

Hugin 0.7 beta 4 released

This release supports all new projections in libpano13. The windows package contains the latest panotools build as well as Enblend 3.0.

Newsworthy changes in hugin 0.7 beta 4
* update panotools to latest version
* Albers equal area conic and Miller cylindrical projection
* Support for straight line control points
* Fixed running of Autopano-SIFT integration on windows
* (linux) work around bugs in wxWidgets (fixes double deletion
of control points when pressing the Del key)
* Force even values for width for 360 degree equirectangular

Posted by Pablo d'Angelo 2007-02-03

Hugin featured in Free Software Magazine

Hugin is featured in issue 15 of Free Software magazine "Stitching seamless panoramas with Hugin"

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-02-02

enblend-3.0 released

Enblend is used by hugin to do the final image assembly after remapping. Enblend 3.0 has lots of improvements over previous versions.

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-01-30

Hugin 0.7 beta 1 release

New assistant tab considerably simplifies stitching, especially for new users. The preview window offers interative centering and rotation as well as an automatic straighten function.

Newsworthy changes in 0.7
* Assistant panel, enables 3 click stitching (well, almost ;-)
* Center and rotate panorama by mouse clicks in preview window.
Also added a numerical transform dialog
* automatic straighten
* support for Lambert and Lambert Azimuthal projections
* Rotated display of images in control point selector, depending
on the roll value
* allow images with and without alpha channels in the same project
* many small bugfixes
* removed image center dialog

Posted by Pablo d'Angelo 2006-12-20

Mailing list switch

The old 'ptx' mailing list has been shut down after four years and 5400 messages. Everyone should now be successfully migrated to the new 'hugin-ptx' list for 'discussion of hugin and other Free panoramic software':

Posted by Bruno Postle 2006-08-24

hugin 0.6.1 released

hugin 0.6.1 is mainly a bugfix release, especially for Intel OS X users. New features include support for displaying HDR images in control point editor and panorama preview.

Download hugin from:

Currently, source code and windows binaries are available. Mac OS X binaries
should be available on Monday.

Newsworthy changes in 0.6.1
* fixed Autopano-SIFT integration on Unix and OSX (it was broken in 0.6).
* Support for displaying HDR images within hugin, using log or gamma mapping
* .hdr file support (tif HDR image files have been always useable)
* reduced memory usage, better image caching strategy.
* fixed crashes and hangs when using the preview auto update and avoid
unnessecary remapping of images.
* vignetting correction estimation speed up.
* nona and nona_gui can be used to do template stitching, by specifying
images on the command line (or dnd shortcut under windows)
* distribute fulla.exe with windows package (it was accidentally
not included in the 0.6 package)
* universal build for Intel Macs, fixed hang after enblend or autopano-sift
* projection can be changed in preview.
* removed all references to malicious website
* various smaller bugfixes... read more

Posted by Pablo d'Angelo 2006-08-20

hugin 0.6 released

Hugin version 0.6, a set of tools for panoramic imaging, has been released. Functions for the correction of vignetting and chromatic abberations have been added and multithreaded operation improves the performance on multicore/CPU machines.

Newsworthy changes in 0.6
* updated vigra to version 1.4. All sourcecode of hugin is now
released under approved open source licences. This means there
is no problem with including hugin in debian and ubuntu anymore.
* Copy ICC profiles from input images to output
* Added vignetting correction and brighness correction
during stitching.
Vignetting can be corrected by addition or division.
The correction can be done with a flatfield image or an
radial polynomial
* Functionality to estimate the vignetting polynomial
directly from the overlapping images. This is an experimental feature.
* Multithreaded remapping. hugin and nona fully utilize multiple
CPUs or multi core CPUs during preview generation and stitching
* support for dcraw 16 bit .ppm files
* Disabled PTOptimizer progress display on OSX. This should fix
the crashes some people have experienced.
* New command line tool (fulla), for distortion, TCA and vignetting correction.
Can use PTLens database (old format only).
* reorganized GUI layout.
* Czech translation added

Posted by Pablo d'Angelo 2006-07-23

New projection formats

Hugin CVS now features new projection formats: Stereographic, Mercator, Transverse Mercator and Sinusoidal (requires a CVS version of the pano12 library). Some examples of each here:

Posted by Bruno Postle 2006-04-21