
Ham Radio Control Libraries / News: Recent posts

Hamlib 1.2.15 released

The Hamlib Group is pleased to announce the release of Hamlib 1.2.15, the latest, and last release of the Hamlib 1.2 series. Future development will focus on API changes needed to keep up with today's radio equipment.

Version 1.2.15
* New models: TT-599 Eagle, IC-RX7, IC-1275, HiQSDR, ADAT ADT-200A, DttSP UDP, TM-D710
* New rotator backends: Celestron (telescope mount)
* Fixes and features: K3, various other rigs
* Update LGPL/GPL header boilerplate
* Quell various compiler errors
* Add CM108 PTT capability

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2012-02-03

Hamlib 1.2.14 released

To match a new timed release schedule of 1 Feb and 1 Aug of each year, the Hamlib team announces the timely release of 1.2.14. Main changes include:

* New models: SigFox Transfox, TH-D72A, IC-7410, IC-9100, IC-R9500, KX3, V4L2 API support (untested),

* New rotator backends: IF-100, TS-7400

* Fixes and features: K3/KX3, Build Win32 from script, rigctld/rotctld ported to Mingw32, Win32 build fixes, remove obsolete bundled libtool files, rigctl improvements, FUNcube string test (works with V0.0 and V1.0), Yaesu newcat.c fixed to use rig->state.current_vfo to store vfo value, add a command to halt rigctld, select PTT source in Kenwood backends (TS-590S), make sure scan is stopped at IC-9000 opening, thd72 get channel data (alpha). See ChangeLog for a link to the online log.

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2011-07-31

1.2.13 released

Hamlib 1.2.13 has been released as a source archive as of March 12, 2011. The Win32 DLL will be released at a later time.

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2011-03-13

Hamlib 1.2.11 released

Hamlib purpose is to develop flexible and portable shared libraries that offer a standardised API to control any radio oriented equipment through a computer interface.

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and
rotator control applications. The release 1.2.11 includes many improvements since last official version.

Check it out at !

Version 1.2.11
* New models: RA-3702, IC-738, IC-7600, IC-7700, AR 7030+,
FT-980, TT-536 Delta-II, R&S EB200
* New rotator backends: GS-232B, GS-232 (not A or B), ARS RCI, M2 RC2800
* Fixes and features: TH-F7E, FT-847, FT-736, FT-920, FT767GX, FT-747,
FT-950, FT-450, Yaesu NewCAT, PCR*, IC-706MkIIG, IC-7800, R-8A, Paragon
* rigctld/rotctld
* ltdl security update
* IPv6 ready
* bindings not built by default... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2010-06-01

Hamlib 1.2.10 released

Hamlib purpose is to develop flexible and portable shared libraries that offer a standardised API to control any radio oriented equipment through a computer interface.

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and
rotator control applications. The release 1.2.10 includes many improvements since last official version.

Check it out at !

Version 1.2.10
New models: IC-7200, PCR-1500, PCR-2500, RX-340, R&S ESMC, BC898T,
Si570 AVR-USB, Paragon (skeleton)
* New rotator backend: SPID, GS-232 (not A or B)
* Fixes and features: TH-F7E, K2, FT-920, Yaesu NewCAT, IC-7000, IC-7800,
IC-910, IC-718, IC-756PROIII, Tentec Orion, Jupiter, RX320, AOR-8000,
PCR-1000, Video4Linux, all the kenwood backends, GS-232A
* ABI version in backend symbols
* expose PTT/DCD setup through rig_set_conf()
* Parallel port PTT now following cwdaemon (STROBE+INIT) interface
* bindings
* ltdl update... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2009-11-02

Hamlib is now using Subversion SCM

Stephane sent the following mail to the Hamlib Developer List:


I've migrated today the Hamlib's CVS repository to Subversion (svn).
The HEAD of CVS repository has been tagged with "tag_migration_from_cvs_to_svn_20090403"
before the migration.
You may still use the CVS repository to generate diff against local work,
but please, do not use the CVS repository anymore for commits.... read more

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2009-03-06

Ham Radio Control Libraries: Hamlib 1.2.8 released

Hamlib purpose is to develop flexible and portable shared libraries that offer a standardised API to control any radio oriented equipment through a computer interface.

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and
rotator control applications. The release 1.2.8 includes many improvements
since last official version.

Check it out at !

New in 1.2.8:
* New models: BC235, BC250, BC780, PRO-2052,
BCD396T, BCD996T, K3, FT950
* New pseudo models: netrigctl/netrotctl, backends ala
rpcrig/rpcrot, but based on rigctld/rotctld
* New rotator backends: GS232A, PcRotor
* Removed microtune backend
* Fixes: DttSP, IC-275, IC-475, IC-725, IC-735, IC-756PRO,
IC-761, IC-775, IC-781, IC-706*, Kenwood TH/TM models, Orion,
BC245, BC895, FT-100, FT757GX, FT-857, FT-897, FT-920
* Numerous bindings fixes, esp. for memory channel works
* New commands available in rigctl
* New rotctld to go with rigctld rig daemon.
The protocol changed, but there's the compatibility
option -e to pass to the daemon for previous protocol.... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2008-11-03

Ham Radio Control Libraries: Hamlib released

Hamlib purpose is to develop flexible and portable shared libraries that offer a standardised API to control any radio oriented equipment through a computer interface.

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and rotator control applications. The release includes various bug fixes since last official version. Owners of a FT1000MP definitely need to upgrade.

Check it out at ! ... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2008-04-12

Ham Radio Control Libraries: Hamlib 1.2.7 released

Hamlib purpose is to develop flexible and portable shared libraries that offer a standardised API to control any radio oriented equipment through a computer interface.

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and
rotator control applications. The release 1.2.7 includes many improvements
since last official version.

Check it out at !

New in 1.2.7:
* Much Improved Documentation
* New models: IC-820H, DttSP, Elektor SDR-USB, DDS-60,
FT-450, FT-767GX
* Fixes: IC-746, IC-765, IC-910, Kenwood's, FT1000MP, FT817, ..
* New rigsmtr toy to graph polar signal strength
* New experimental rigctld rig daemon, with simple protocol... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2008-02-15

Hamlib released

This is a mid-year roll-up of bug fixes and minor feature enhancemts to the Hamlib libraries. No new radio models have been added to this release.

As usual, please report all bugs to the hamlib-developer mailing list.

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2007-06-30

Hamlib- Released

Thanks to the mantra of "release early, release often", here is the first point release of Hamlib- which fixes a PTT issue of the IC-7000.

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2007-02-04

Hamlib 1.2.6 released

At long last the Hamlib Group is pleased to announce the release of Hamlib 1.2.6. This release has no code or build changes from 1.2.6rc1.

Here is the excerpt from the NEWS file:

Version 1.2.6
* Bump version to 1.2.6
* no changes from 1.2.6rc1

Version 1.2.6rc1
* Python 2.4 compatibility
* Improved TS570 functionality
* Improved Argonaut V functionality
* New models: IC7000, G313i/G313e
* Many Icom, Kenwood, and Tentec fixes.
* Build system fixes... read more

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2006-12-22

Hamlib 1.2.6rc1 released

The first preview release of Hamlib 1.2.6 has been added to the Download section. Please test and report bugs to the Hamlib Developer mailing list.

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2006-12-12

CVS snapshots are back!

If you check out you will find some recent tarballs of the CVS archive. Right now I am making these manually and I hope to automate the process in the near future. I plan to keep the last 10 days worth of snapshots online.

Along with the snapshots is README.txt which has a few notes about building the snapshot. Included in the snapshot archives are README.betatester and README.developer which include more valuable information.... read more

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2006-11-09

Admin change

Thanks to Stephane, I, Nate, N0NB, have been added as an admin of Hamlib. We are working on releasing CVS as 1.2.6 in a few weeks and then will begin work on what we plan to be Hamlib 2.0.

Many ideas for Hamlib 2.0 have already been submitted. Please consider joining the hamlib-developer mailing list and helping out. Check out the hamlib-developer archives to get up to speed.

73, de Nate >>

Posted by Nate Bargmann 2006-10-05

Hamlib 1.2.5 released

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and rotator control
applications. Release 1.2.5 includes many improvements since last official version.

Check it out at !

New in 1.2.5:
* frontend API: support for clonable rigs
- rigmem: CSV format change
- rigctl: new send_cmd for protocol debugging purpose
- easy USB devices support
* new models: AR8600, AR2700, DWT (DLL based under Windows, need test under other OS)
* fixes: big AOR update, AR7030, Orion, NRD-545, RX-320,
FT-817, FT-990, TS-2000, Easycomm
* port: BSD fix of parallel port support... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2006-02-26

Hamlib 1.2.4 released

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and rotator control applications. Release 1.2.4 includes many fixes since last official version.

Check it out at !

New in 1.2.4:
* frontend API: port_t renamed as hamlib_port_t
* new models: TS-480, VR5000, FT1000MkV Fld
* fixes: TS-570S, AR7030, AR3000A, Orion, FT-897, IC746
* port: fixed 64bit int handling which potentially fixes backends
added xBSD parallel port support... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2005-04-05

Hamlib 1.2.3 released

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and rotator control applications. Release 1.2.3 includes many fixes since last official version. A strong emphasis has been put on backend addition and fixes.

Check it out at !

New in 1.2.3:
* frontend API: LEVEL_SQLSTAT marked as deprecated
* new backends: Racal, V4L radio cards, Watkins-Johnson 8888
* new models: IC-78, IC-7800, IC-R20, IC-756PROIII
* fixes: AOR 5k&8k: added S-Meter, 7030: fixed freq,
IC-R8500: calibrated S-Meter, legacy Jupiter and many others..
* port: mingw32 dist with gcc 3.4 version, and stdcall interface prepared for VisualBasic support.... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2004-11-18

Hamlib 1.2.2 released

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and rotator control applications. Release 1.2.2 includes many improvements since last official version. A strong emphasis has been put on backend addition and fixes. The MinGW(win32)/MSVC platform is now well supported. Exciting times are coming with the integration of Hamlib with DReaM, so stay tuned.

Check it out at ! ... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2004-08-23

Hamlib 1.2.0 released

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and rotator control applications. Release 1.2.0 includes many significant improvements since last version. Just to name a few, while the API matures slowly, many backends and new models were added, Python binding is now there, the MinGW(win32) platform is in the supported list. Besides improvements and bug fixes, the experimental work has been continued on SDR, more to come soon, so stay tuned.... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2004-02-16

Hamlib 1.1.4 released

Hamlib provides a unified environment for the development of radio and rotator control applications. Release 1.1.4 includes improved rotator support, important build fixes for gcc-3.x, *BSD, Mac OS X and Cygwin(win32) platforms. Besides improvements and bug fixes, some experimental work has been started on SDR, stay tuned.

Check it out at !

New in 1.1.4:
* new backends: Drake (R8B), GNU Radio (experimental), microtune, and many new rig models
* new rotator backends: fodtrack, rotorez
* better doxygenized documentation
* reworked perl and tcl bindings using swig
* vfo_t rework
* gcc-3.x compilance ... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2003-04-29

Hamlib 1.1.3 released

Hamlib-1.1.3 has finally been released.
Check it out at !

New in 1.1.3:
* new backend: JRC (NRD-545), and many new rig models
* rotator frontend, new easycomm backend
* added Kylix and perl bindings and completed tcl/tk support
* networked (RPC) rig and rotator

Note: locator calculation is not working right.

Download pages are accessible at
i386 rpms and .deb coming soon.... read more

Posted by Stéphane Fillod 2002-06-18

Hamlib 1.1.2 released

Hamlib-1.1.2 has been released. This version controls more radios,
with an extended API to cover the capabilities commonly found on latest
rigs. Also you'll be pleased to notice that Hamlib is now released
under LGPL, see LICENSE for more info.

There's a new web site at
Please take a break and stop by!

New in 1.1.2:
* License converted to LGPL
* new backends: Alinco (DX-77), Uniden (BC895),
Ten-Tec (RX320), Kachina (505DSP)
* New port_t design, coming with easy rig auto-probe
* mv_ctl replaced by vfo_op, set_vfo/get_vfo extended to RIG_VFO_MEM
* set_conf/get_conf for opaque variable parameters setting
* Better portability, esp. with libtool (DLL dlopen'ing works under Win32 !)
* added C++ and tcl/tk bindings (not complete yet)
* converted from hamlib-doc to doxygen in-source interface documenting... read more

Posted by Stephane Fillod 2001-09-24

Hamlib 1.1.1 released

hamlib-1.1.1 has been released. This version controls more radios, with an extended API to cover the capabilities commonly found on latest rigs.

Event though it's still alpha, various applications can already make use of it (e.g. band scope, psk31 AFC, doppler compensation, early memory mgmt, etc.)
See <> for details.

The library has been tested against FT747, FT847 (Yaesu CAT) and IC706MkIIG (CI-V) rigs. Backends exists for TS-870S (Kenwood CAT), AR-8200 (AOR), WR-1550 (LiNRADiO) and PCR-1000 (PCR).
Current status can be found at read more

Posted by Stephane Fillod 2001-06-09

Hamlib 1.1.0 Project Release

hamlib-1.1.0 finally released (alpha).
for details.
There exists a mailing list for developers at
Although alpha code, proof of concept has been tested against FT747, FT847 and IC706 rigs.

It has gone through a major rework since its inception and testing on my poor old FT747
(smoke test :) Current (limited) support for FT747, FT847 and IC706.... read more

Posted by Frank Singleton 2000-12-23