
GC Studio - Feedback and Support Thread

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  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2022-03-09

    Hi Domenic, and welcome to this post.

    Just finished the upload of the new update including the build 1094 (on Mainstream Channel).

    Normally i will be one or two days behind Evan releases not more.

    Currently I'm only releasing updates thru the mainstream channel, the other ones are there for future use, please change back to mainstream to receive the update.

    I can see that the other channels can cause confusion, so i will remove them until being used.

    Already changed on code, change will take place on next update release (99.02.09)


  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-09

    Nice one Angel, update seems fine.
    As this is an alternative ide for gcb should it be simpler, like just an alternative editor.
    GCB is just f4 or if you use a mouse terminal/ run task f4.
    I want gcb f4 button on task bar at top as default. Can I do that?
    Gcstudio looks cool and I got to like the default colour theme but too many buttons and menus that don't have anything to do with gcb.
    I had to ask where indents were.
    gcstudio doesn't seem a dedicated gcb ide more an open editor with gcb installed as f4.
    I'm not moaning, it's nice to use but you wouldn't think it was a gcb editor.

    I meant that not many menus are gcb specific, they're related to vs, or so it seems. Lots to learn.
    Seems ok to use with default values.
    I'm open to try changing values for the editor but which would be suggested?


    Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-03-09
    • Angel Mier

      Angel Mier - 2022-03-10

      Hi Stan, a tool bar is in the works, but not finished yet. I get your point on integration and i will try to improve this.

      GC Code being vscode isn't a gcb specific editor, the same happens whit synwrite, they are code editors. But i see it as a good thing, in example, i can code the installer of gcstudio inside GC Code whit syntax and tools (NSIS languaje), I can edit G code for my CNC (whit language support), I use gcstudio as my main tool to compare files and folders, i have it configured in GIT as a Merge tool and Diff tool, I edit SQL databases and scripts on it; even every monthly update of the source code of vscode i adapted to gccode inside it.

      It's one of the best if not the best editor out there, it is very powerful and customizable, the only down size i see, is that it have a more pronounced learning curve and a not common or expected user interface (strange menu names for new people); but once you know how to use it, it's great.

      At first I didn't like some ideas of vscode too, but whit time and use it makes sense.

      On the next update of the installer, i will add a windows explorer context menu option to open folders and files on GC Studio.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-10

    It's great work ,a powerful editor/compiler interface. Sorry if my last comments were not complimentary, it was just a feeling.
    It doesn't detract that gcstudio is nice to use after gcb @syn ide.
    It takes time to learn but as a drop in replacement for gcb ide not a problem.
    Easy to use for the necessary stuff., one can just use it without projects.
    learning vs comes later for me,
    my code is still rubbish but it's in colour :(

    Personally I think the default gcstudio install doesn't need changing, It's fine. What's to change?


    Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-03-11
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-11

    I run gcstudio and get option on 1st screen to open recent files but not really good so usually
    click open project/file and gcstudio seems to keep a last used folder but then I just open a file to get to the real last used files. I need last used files as I can't remember stuff.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-11

    This opening screen recent files seems different to the recent files under file button.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-11

    This opening screen recent files seems different to the recent files under file button.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-11

    Wow. There's so much to learn about gcstudio or really VS itself.
    It's great that it's set up for gcb as I would not have a clue how to set it up.. so many menus.
    Going through the menus it's all no idea. It's too many options.
    The default gcstudio works easy while you learn how to change it if you want.
    For a complicated program it is a smaller file than I thought it would be so no reason not to use it.
    It grows on you after a while. I'm using gcstudio as my default editor, which I never thought I'd do.
    Nice one for the work.

    • Angel Mier

      Angel Mier - 2022-03-12

      Thank you Stan!

      I hope you like it more when more features are added.

      I recommend you to view the "Editor Playground" on the help menu, it will show you a lot of tricks that can speed up your coding, and it is interactive!


  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-11

    Still trying all options, well not things that could mess it up but so many options it's mind boggling.
    I can't see the option to add a button to the "task bar" where other keys are to add a gcb button.
    Or a flash hex button. It's meant for gcb so maybe how to make it more dedicated so it look more gcb than vs. Just user feedback, not moaning. I'll try harder.
    If a new gcb user came along would the old ide be easier to use than gcs
    getting new gcb users on board I think is important and gcstudio seems a bit harder than gcb@syn ide to use but maybe that's just me.
    I spend my time coding not messing with the editor and default is nice to use.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-11

    only Dominic Cerone has posted about gcstudio.
    You must be bored with my feedback.
    I want to tell gcb users it works... try it. You may like it. I do. You don't have to use it but suggest trying it.
    It's a big gcb project that's happened quickly.
    more users experience would be nice or is it all on github?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-11

      Others are using. And, many will be soon as this willl be the prefered download. The automated update is huge benefit to users.

  • Domenic Cirone

    Domenic Cirone - 2022-03-12

    Thanks, updated to 99.0209 automatically when set to minstream. Compiler updated, nice. I assume the whole package will update, demos, etc... Couple of other minor things. My notebook has a resolution of 1366x768 and the initial screen that comes up is squished vertically a bit, I know my notebook is ancient, but maybe that screen can be scaled a bit. Also my machine is 64bit, but it doesn't seem to detect or install a 64bit version. BTW, I also wanted to say that this is a great improvement and good direction overall. I like to synwrite but see the potential in gccode.

    • Angel Mier

      Angel Mier - 2022-03-12

      Hi Domenic.


      yes, all parts of gcb are updated (compiler, demos, gccode, synwrite, programmers, tools, or any other part that have an update) so you will always get the latest versions of all the full GCB system.


      i designed it for a minimum resolution of 1280x1024, let me see how i modify it to work, probably i fix it on the upcoming updates.

      CPU architecture

      Both compiler binary's are available in the compiler folder, i will code GC Studio to check the OS and CPU architecture and establish the corresponding binary at startup, Great Idea! Thank you, probably ready for next update.


      • Anobium

        Anobium - 2022-03-12

        Re CPU architecture - we should use the installer to select the compiler EXE, and, add a option within GCStudio to select either 32bit or 64bit. The question is: Whether to do this as one time action, or, to select the compiler exe every time GCStudio launches VSCode. I vote for a one-time change to the exe when the user changes from 32bit/64bit.

  • Domenic Cirone

    Domenic Cirone - 2022-03-12

    I agree, I think a one-time action from the installer would be best. All Apps can be 64bits, if auto-selected (I don't see a advantage to prompt user). When i initially installed, I had to install .net 32bit for gcstudio to work...

    Do you get statistics on what is installed or downloaded. 32/64. settings in gcstudio... Might be useful to determine what most people use. Would that be a privacy issue?

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-12

    I found gcstudio installed the 64 bit version on a 64 bit win 10 pc where as gcb.syn is 32 bit on same machine. Does it really make any difference to use either 32 or 64 bit ?
    I remember updating win 10, 32 bit to 64 bit just for Cura 64 bit but found 64bit Cura needed
    open gl so had to get a pci graphics card. 32 bit Cura used on board graphics :(

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-12

    Auto up dates seem convenient as gcb is sorting patches for problems as users report them
    a lot and they get sorted.
    I used to just wait for the next gcb release cos got fed up with release candidates and patches seemed prone to errors.

    If the gcs installer detects a 32 bit system then no choice.
    If it's a 64 bit system then 64 bit gcs would be obvious, why not?

    can we refer to gcstudio as gcs like gcb as it's less typing?
    ok I have to type code but use a mouse for everything else ...except file names.
    don't even press f4, use terminal button click.

    Isn't the guy who created the gcb ide pissed you are now promoting another gcb ide?
    It has served us well... unless you're a fussy person. It's all I used and works.


    Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-03-12
  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2022-03-12

    CPU and OS Architecture

    I don't know if only using the installer to set the binary architecture will do.

    A few thoughts or cases of installer selecting the architecture:

    When first installed all will work as expected, but when the first update came along, it will be overridden as the update will don't care about architecture.

    If some one download only the system on a zip (without installer) this will not work, or if some one transfers or backup and restore the system to another PC whit a different architecture it wouldn't work also.

    And I'm most worried by the updates, as this will happen most often.

    The same cases if GCstudio.exe dynamically selects the architecture.

    When first installed, it will work the same.

    when an update is applied, it will select and set the corresponding arch. to the updated binaries (will work as expected)

    If some one download the files or zip, when you run GCstudio it will select the correct one and all will be good

    If you migrate your installation/backup to another PC, at the next run it will select/change to the correct architecture and all will be good.

    Also if needed i can add an option to override the architecture (options can be: Auto, x86, x64) and also show the current architecture.

    Knowing this, I want your opinions.



    Last edit: Angel Mier 2022-03-13
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-12

    Angel sir.I downloaded gcstudio and it gave error so applied a fix.
    The error was the updater.. didn't update.
    You posted a this works version which I guess I'm using and it updates no errors.
    I wonder what it updates. I guess that is down to Evan to decide. No one else releases new gcb.
    people find problems with gcb and when identified get sorted but how they are made fixes and how gcs will update them is a mystery to me. It's amazing how many gcb errors are being found but I guess that's because there's more gcb users to find them than before.
    My "opinion" is Evan makes/posts the gcb updates.

    If gcs was installed on 2 pcs why would there be incompatibly issues? I didn't understand what you were saying like what is arch? startrek hologram suite

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-12

    Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-03-12
    • Angel Mier

      Angel Mier - 2022-03-13

      Hi Stan, that link is for Visual Studio (the IDE for making windows applications).

      Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code are two very different things.

      you need to search topics for Visual Studio Code or vscode for short

      I know this can be confusing at first.



  • Domenic Cirone

    Domenic Cirone - 2022-03-13

    Ok, how about, when using the installer, detect and configure the correct architecture (32/64) . So first launch will be correct. When updating or if not using the installer the auto, 32, 64 makes sense. If using auto, the next run GCStudio will auto select the correct architecture. As default the user doesn't need to worry about it, and gets the best architecture for the system. I just figured that the installer was the only way to install, of course that is not the case. As far as the 32/64 difference, I have noticed a slight improvement using 64bit on my system.

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