
GC Studio - Feedback and Support Thread

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  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-04

    The updater works. A new experience but then windows updates and no-one worries.. I guess it will be gcstudio updates more than gcb and gcb updates will be posted on the forum for gcb@syn.
    It's all new but so far I just use f4 to use it as I would gcb ide.
    GCstudio has lots of things to try.
    GCstudio folder is 1.14GB
    GCB@syn is 1.15GB
    GCstudio seems more complex so thought it would be bigger.
    The transition to using gcstudio was easy but I haven't tried all it's features yet.
    Seems to work ok for a new.. seems new, major development.

    What is planned for gcb @syn ?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-05

      Plan for GCB@SYN - same as today. Maintain as we have.

      If you look in GCStudio you can select SynWrite as the editor.

      And, GCStudio uses many of the same files, scripts, setup information. So, we have to maintain both editors for the Windows environment.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-04

    Probably a naive question but got Visual Studio code to install on rpi 400 linux.
    Will it make installing gcb on linux any easier please?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-05

      The quick answer is yes. Once we have the Windows version sorted then someone can use the same approach for the other operating systems.

      Angel and I have opened up all the source code. There is nothing to stop someone.. they just need the passion to make it happen.

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2022-03-05

        Not passion but knowledge.
        Linux terminal is the same on rpi as pc, ie difficult if you're a novice.
        Installing linux gcb is having to use other peoples scripts to get fb to build itself then build gcb then sort out geany then sort out programming hardware. I never got geany to work with gcb or averdude let alone pickit. If it was an apt-get install package...
        I got visual studio from the inbuilt app store with just a mouse click.
        I thought it may make gcstudio easier to install on linux.
        Pickit and arduino usb may be a problem.

        ps remember rpi is arm not pc but gcb on pc linux would be same process.


        Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-03-05
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-05

    GCstudio seems to work, I found no problems but only tested the necessary functions-
    write code, test the editor, flash the code. All ok.
    The rest is a lot of meaningless commands.
    Grunt , I had to look it up. A java editor. What do I know about java.
    It's great work you guys are doing.

    GCB on rpi would get lots of interest as rpi is popular and people would do youtube videos about it
    and more publicity for gcb. Along the lines of easy way to use arduino.
    rpi users tend to use python, which is more like basic than C.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-05

      Good feedback Stan.

      Re RPI. It is doable as we could load GCStudio extensions into the RPI repositories. For PK+ there is no real installation you would just put the AppImage in the right place.

      One day we may get this.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-05

    It doesn't bother me about gcb linux.
    Using WIN 10 !!! gcstudio. I redid sprite code so got to use the editor, Dim problemio... Welsh for it's OK.
    I got it to draw sprites with a 1 pixel border that over write the old sprite rather than erase it then redraw it.
    Here's a demo and all sprites move at 1 pixel per frame but still looks smooth.
    It was just testing gcstudio for like real stuff and it's ok.
    As an editor I sorted this code quickly.
    They are multi coloured sprites but the display/camera... my excuse.

    ps I gonna read the table to an array and see if it's quicker to use an array rather than a table.
    not 2k ram though but see.

       #chip LGT8F328P
        #option explicit
        #include <glcd.h>
        #include <LGT8F328P.h>
        # define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ILI9341
        #define ILI9341_HardwareSPI
        'Pin mappings for SPI - this GLCD driver supports Hardware SPI and Software SPI
        #define GLCD_DC       DIGITAL_8           ' Data command line
        #define GLCD_RESET    DIGITAL_9           ' Reset line
        #define GLCD_CS       DIGITAL_10          ' Chip select line
        #define GLCD_DO       DIGITAL_11          ' Data out | MOSI
        #define GLCD_DI       DIGITAL_12          ' Data in  | MISO    - Not used therefore not really required
        #define GLCD_SCK      DIGITAL_13          ' Clock Line
        ;now rename colours to make it easier to set up sprite data
        #define bk ILI9341_BLACK
        #define re ILI9341_RED
        #define gr ILI9341_GREEN
        #define bl ILI9341_BLUE
        #define wh ILI9341_WHITE
        #define pu ILI9341_PURPLE
        #define ye ILI9341_YELLOW
        #define cy ILI9341_CYAN
        #define dg ILI9341_D_GRAY
        #define lg ILI9341_L_GRAY
        #define si ILI9341_SILVER
        #define ma ILI9341_MAROON
        #define ol ILI9341_OLIVE
        #define li ILI9341_LIME
        #define aq ILI9341_AQUA
        #define te ILI9341_TEAL
        #define na ILI9341_NAVY
        #define fu ILI9341_FUCHSIA
        ;backgroung color
        #define bg bk
        #define bg_hi  bg / 256
        #define bg_lo  bg AND 255
        GLCDRotate Portrait
        GLCDCLS bg
        dim sprite_height,sprite_width as byte ;height and width of sprite in pixels
        dim dx(8),dy(8),spy(8),spx(8),temp,ptr,spritedata_ptr,pixel, sprite_x,sprite_y as word
        ;set up start sprite positions and directions
        do ;demo moving sprite
          for temp=1 to 8
            if spx(temp)> (229-sprite_width) then ;check right edge
              dx(temp)= 65536-dx(temp)
            end if
            if spx(temp)<8 then ;check left edge
              dx(temp)= 65536-dx(temp)
            end if
            if spy(temp)> (319-sprite_height) then ;check bottom edge
              dy(temp)= 65536-dy(temp)
            end if
            if spy(temp)<8 then ;check top edge
              dy(temp)= 65536-dy(temp)
            end if
            spx(temp)=spx(temp)+dx(temp):spy(temp)=spy(temp)+dy(temp) ;get new position for draw
            sprite (spx(temp),spy(temp), 1 ) ;draw sprite1 at new position       
          next temp
        loop ;end demo
        sub sprite ( in sprite_x, in sprite_y, in spritedata_ptr ) ;fills box with sprite data
          SetAddressWindow_ILI9341 ( sprite_x,sprite_y,sprite_x +15,sprite_y +15 )
              for ptr=spritedata_ptr to spritedata_ptr+255
                ReadTable sprite1,ptr,pixel
                SendWord_ILI9341 pixel
              next ptr
        end sub
        table sprite1
        end table

    Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-03-05
    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-06

      That is very smooth. Is the more speed improvements you could make?
      Nice chip!!!

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2022-03-06

        Very nice chip!
        for ptr=spritedata_ptr to spritedata_ptr+255
        could be for ptr=1 to 256 which would be faster.
        I will try

        repeat 256
               ReadTable sprite1,ptr,pixel
               SendWord_ILI9341 pixel
         end repeat

        Repeat is 4X faster than for next but will ptr++ make it slower? Will see.
        I like redoing code and trying to make it more efficient.

        This was your code example. You added software spi. I was testing basic coding with gcstudio and modified the code easily.

        I don't know what this code does, it wasn't used and isn't used. Your spilling misteak :)

            ;backgroung color
            #define bg bk
            #define bg_hi  bg / 256
            #define bg_lo  bg AND 255

        I used the sprite code to test gcstudio.
        The help button is for VS as all the buttons are.
        For gcb only f4 is needed. That's were gcb help is.
        I tried to make a project for this but got nowhere.


        Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-03-06
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-06

    I tried edit and commented out the for next loop and used a repeat loop but it gave an asm error.
    So commented out the repeat loop and uncommented the for next loop but still the same asm error.
    It's the same code but now won't asm.
    The previous version flashes ok.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-06

    PROBLEM . I copied the sprite code I posted and pasted into gcstudio and now it doesn't asm.
    Something's wrong.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-06

      Try to sort.

      but, you know the rules... 😀. no analysis without your code attached as a zip.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-06

    Sorry I found the error - # define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ILI9341
    where's that space come from!? It's in the listing I posted.
    Anyway tried using repeat instead of for next. looks clearer graphics, dunno.
    nice using gcstudio.
    how do I move the sprite sub to be in line? I couldn't get it to work.
    sorry again, gcb didn't flag that line as an error.

    this works !!

       #chip LGT8F328P
        #option explicit
        #include <glcd.h>
        #include <LGT8F328P.h>
        #define GLCD_TYPE GLCD_TYPE_ILI9341
        #define ILI9341_HardwareSPI
        'Pin mappings for SPI - this GLCD driver supports Hardware SPI and Software SPI
        #define GLCD_DC       DIGITAL_8           ' Data command line
        #define GLCD_RESET    DIGITAL_9           ' Reset line
        #define GLCD_CS       DIGITAL_10          ' Chip select line
        #define GLCD_DO       DIGITAL_11          ' Data out | MOSI
        #define GLCD_DI       DIGITAL_12          ' Data in  | MISO    - Not used therefore not really required
        #define GLCD_SCK      DIGITAL_13          ' Clock Line
        ;now rename colours to make it easier to set up sprite data
        #define bk ILI9341_BLACK
        #define re ILI9341_RED
        #define gr ILI9341_GREEN
        #define bl ILI9341_BLUE
        #define wh ILI9341_WHITE
        #define pu ILI9341_PURPLE
        #define ye ILI9341_YELLOW
        #define cy ILI9341_CYAN
        #define dg ILI9341_D_GRAY
        #define lg ILI9341_L_GRAY
        #define si ILI9341_SILVER
        #define ma ILI9341_MAROON
        #define ol ILI9341_OLIVE
        #define li ILI9341_LIME
        #define aq ILI9341_AQUA
        #define te ILI9341_TEAL
        #define na ILI9341_NAVY
        #define fu ILI9341_FUCHSIA
        ;backgroung color
        #define bg bk
        GLCDRotate Portrait
        GLCDCLS bg
        dim sprite_height,sprite_width,temp as byte ;height and width of sprite in pixels
        dim dx(8),dy(8),spy(8),spx(8),ptr,pixel, sprite_x,sprite_y as word
        ;set up start sprite positions and directions
        do ;main loop
          repeat 8  
            if spx(temp)> (229-sprite_width) then ;check right edge
              dx(temp)= 65536-dx(temp)
            end if
            if spx(temp)<8 then ;check left edge
              dx(temp)= 65536-dx(temp)
            end if
            if spy(temp)> (319-sprite_height) then ;check bottom edge
              dy(temp)= 65536-dy(temp)
            end if
            if spy(temp)<8 then ;check top edge
              dy(temp)= 65536-dy(temp)
            end if
            spx(temp)=spx(temp)+dx(temp):spy(temp)=spy(temp)+dy(temp) ;get new position for draw
            sprite (spx(temp),spy(temp), 1 ) ;draw sprite1 at new position 
          end repeat
        loop ;end main loop
        sub sprite ( in sprite_x, in sprite_y ) ;fills box with sprite data
          SetAddressWindow_ILI9341 ( sprite_x,sprite_y,sprite_x +15,sprite_y +15 )
          repeat 256
            ReadTable sprite1,ptr,pixel
            SendWord_ILI9341 pixel
          end repeat
        end sub
        table sprite1
        end table

    Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-03-06
  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-06

    sorry again if I freaked you out. I don't know how the space appeared... my mouse skills.
    this isn't about my code it's feedback about gcstudio. my last error had me trying the code with gcb@syn and lots of editing, how do I get gcstudio indents to work?
    Thing with gcstudio is I like the defaults and can't see any point with messing with them so I'm not much of a tester.
    suggest something you'd like testing.. apart from using it to write/flash code. cheers

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-06


  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-06

    Using gcstudio I added

       dim spritedata(256) as byte ;trying sprite data in array instead of a table
        for ptr=1 to 256
             readtable sprite1,ptr,spritedata(ptr) ;copy table to array

    that was supposed to copy the sprite data in table to an array.
    this was supposed to read the array when drawing sprite

        sub sprite ( in sprite_x, in sprite_y ) ;fills box with sprite data
          SetAddressWindow_ILI9341 ( sprite_x,sprite_y,sprite_x +15,sprite_y +15 )
          repeat 256
            SendWord_ILI9341 pixel
          end repeat

    didn't work. I thought a table was bytes but ili9341 colours are words??
    Anyway gcstudio is working fine for the editing except where is indenting? After you used the default dark theme gcb@syn looks old. gcstudio makes when your code doesn't work look nicer.
    Using rpi twister os I can change themes and selected win 10 dark theme cos I like gcstudio dark theme

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-07

      If spritedata() is a byte array(which I guess it is) then pixel in will be a byte. Was that the issue?

      (and, you hijacked the thread - this thread is specific to the GCStudio IDE).

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2022-03-07

        I didn't want to hijack the thread, just user feedback and needed code to test with and used existing code to mess with.
        My use is have 3 programs say in the "task bar" and open one and highlight code and copy it then ipen another proram and paste code I copied. This has caused missing lines of code and a space being inserted which I put down to my mouse skills but thinking see if anyone else notices this.
        When I got asm errors with code that previously worked it was a head scratcher so tried using gcb@syn ide to see if same errors. Do gcstudio and gcb@syn work the same? Same compiler but different ide editor.
        In the thread in big letters it says GIVE FEEDBACK so I've done practical stuff like editing code and flashing it, not changing colours or changing anything... yet.
        I used gcstudio to change a lot of code. It's new sprite code.
        You got to test basic functionality ie editing code.
        I was trying to read the sprite data from table to an array(256) 16x16 sprite then read sprite data from the array every loop instead of reading from a table.
        Changed for next to repeat.
        I won't hijack the thread anymore about this.

        • Anobium

          Anobium - 2022-03-07

          Point is to focus the discussion of the IDE.

          I get your point tho.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-03-07

    Where is indent function?
    Like indented code in loop etc looks easier to read but I can't find the function. It may be called something else in one of the menus.
    Can you indent several lines of code like gcb ide can?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-03-07

      Select block and press TAB

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2022-03-07

        That works, cheers. How do you remove indents though? Why do I need to ask these questions? It should be somewhere obvious, Just FEEDBACK.
        People got to use this... give them the necessary info.
        sorry if I seem abrupt but think gcstudio runs as virtual studio with gcb "hidden" in there.
        This is my experience. It's ok when you get used to it but not gcb friendly.
        Using keyboard presses is ok but where are they? Going through menus and finding no results.
        I would expect gcstudio to do everything gcb ide does... and as easily... indent add/remove is in edit menu in gcb ide. More to an editor than colours and "snippets" whatever they are.
        User friendly is important. You said it's interface should be redone for gcb.

        • Anobium

          Anobium - 2022-03-07

          Un-Dent is the same as more editors Shift-Tab. I think SynWrite is the same.


  • Domenic Cirone

    Domenic Cirone - 2022-03-09

    Does GCStudio update the whole system if set to beta or nightly? I noticed an update to the compiler (to 1094) but did't see a change when using the latest gcstudio full install. Tried nightly and beta settings.


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