
GC Studio - Feedback and Support Thread

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  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-25

    It contained G+Stools so copied it into GCB@Syn and overwrite existing file but still I get the same error.
    GCB@Syn is in C: root but gcstudio is in c:/ mydocuments.
    Does gcstudio need to be in a particular folder please?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-02-25

      Maybe easiest to wait till v0.06. It very close to being ready.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-25

    As a user I could be doing something wrong.
    I run gcstudio then click open file or project.
    I open a gcb file from file manager and press f7.
    It gives the error message.
    Am I doing something wrong? Only Evans video to learn from.

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-02-25

      Wait till 0.06. Angel has now added an installer and this will create a new baseline installation from which we can support from.

      It will be out very soon.

      • stan cartwright

        stan cartwright - 2022-02-25

        OK. I represent joe everyman user. I didn't follow you video exactly so thought I messed up just loading a gcb file. You mentioned save to temp folder??
        My feedback is useless if I'm not using gcstudio correctly.
        What's it do to existing gcb install? Will it still work as before?
        It's large files in that I only got 222GB on C: drive as it's ssd. The big hdd is now drive E: and I cloned win from it to the ssd. I got to watch C: free space, it fills up quick and don't want to run code from hdd E: as ssd is faster

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-25

    If I load a gcb file and did get it to asm would it create a asm file in the same folder as the original basic file? Like gcbide does.

    • Angel Mier

      Angel Mier - 2022-02-25

      short answer: Yes

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-25

    Thanks. you said you want feedback, sorry it's not all good news.
    If I could get it to work like in Evans video.
    I quite like the dark theme , it makes the colours look brighter. I wasn't bothered but now think it's nice.
    When it's as working as gcbide then it will be a great alternative. Good luck.

    • Angel Mier

      Angel Mier - 2022-02-25

      thank you, version 0.06 will work as you see on evan's video and also will have disabled restricted mode option on the installer, it is more usefull, probably it will be available at tomorrow morning

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-26

    Is restricted mode where gcstudio asks if this folder is trusted?... which was unexpected.
    All new to me.

    • Angel Mier

      Angel Mier - 2022-02-26

      On the new version you can select on the installer to disable restricted mode.

      Release available!

  • Angel Mier

    Angel Mier - 2022-02-26

    New Release 0.06

    This release is available as an Installer, you can change the install path to anything you want.


    From this release we will continue giving automatic updates. (Also, from this version I will provide updates of components of GCB)

    All previous versions will be unsupported.

    Most relevant news:

    • PICKitPlus Clone Tool for migration from your existing gcb install (PICKitPlus users)
    • Hex Converter on mouse hover (needs to be enabled by: Press “F2”, type “Hover”, click “Hover Converter: Enable Extension”)
    • Installer option to Disable Restricted Mode
    • It is in a usable state now.
    • Excellent view on High DPI screens.

    Full Change Log:

    Informational: The code was ported to .Net 6.0 (.Net Core) it no longer uses or needs .Net Framework; .Net6 integrated on the installer, so just install and enjoy.


    Last edit: Angel Mier 2022-02-26
    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-02-26

      0.06 is the latest release.

      It is much improved. The syntax, helpers, colors and snippets are great.

      On High DPI screens this is very good.

      What need are users to provide feedback - how do this fee to install and initially use ? But, tell us how to improve not just there is a problem but how would you see it work.

      The art here is rapid releases, where we listen and then change.

      If you need a 'how to use page' then start to write one and then we can use this as the basis. We cannot include everything but we need your input.


  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-26

    The V0.06 gcstudio installer is fine. This version worked with a LGT328 nano. Opened a file and flashed it. It ran.
    Lots to investigate about gcstudio. Looks a cool editor.
    Had I not seen Evans video I would not know about F4 key which is very important but can find no reference to it. How else, without the menu F4 brings up do you know F5 is make hex and flash and select edit programmer preferences? As a new user I would like a button on the top bar with F4 menu on that a mouse click or F4 key would bring up the menu... or make it clearer where the most important edit programmer preferences and PPS and flash are.
    Just feedback from initial use as a new user. It's working for me it seems and looks polished.

    Is gcstudio a stand alone program ie does it need gcb@syn if so how do gcb updates, rc's and patches work? Cheers.

    ps. I wanted to say by default it saves the asm in the same folder the gcb file was from which I'm familiar with.


    Last edit: stan cartwright 2022-02-26
    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-02-26

      We will be adding an opening page that is presented to new users. It will show the keyboard functionality.

      We have a keyboard layout PDF. This could be opened when the application is started.

      If a user uses GCStudio then GCStudio will handle all the updates automatically. This will be the next phase of testing. So, if users what an easy life then choose GCStudio.. no more patches. There could be RC releases for major functional changes.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-26

    I'm using gcstudio and notice the first asm seemed to include every include which was weird but subsequent asm doesn't. Evan mentioned it in his video.
    I don't know what I've installed. Does gcstudio have internet access?

    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2022-02-26

      You may not have noticed when using SynWrite but the first install did verify and test every include. The verification of includes happens every compile... you just do not see this happen.

      Installed? You have installed GCStudio 0.06. Use F4/Show compiler version.

      GCStudio can use the internet to check for updates. And, if you get fancy you can install your own pieces within the IDE.

      Good progress this week.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-26

    I would be lost without F4.

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-26

    Excellent progress this week.. it works now . If I can get it to work anyone can :)
    I renamed gcb@syn to oldgcb@syn and gcstudio still worked so guess it's a stand alone new version of gcb. Not much feedback for something as new and a major change.

    • Angel Mier

      Angel Mier - 2022-02-26

      yo can change the dir name or location of gcstudio, the program will take care

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2022-02-26

    Someone needs to sit down, install the ShortCut menu bar extension. Cjange the icons, set up the package and it can have the same icons as SynWrite. This work was all done in the past by Frank... now I am asking someone to join the party. :-)

    See the attachment for my 5 min hack using the extension

    • stan cartwright

      stan cartwright - 2022-02-26

      The image is not clear sir.
      I think trying to get a menu of programs to appear is not trivial and I can't be asked to figure out how to do it,
      Why would I use gcstudio rather than gcbide? Dunno yet. I like the dark theme.
      Does win 10 have a dark theme? Rpi twister os has dark theme but strangely I don't use it preferring black on white not inverted.
      I'm using gcstudio as I would gcbide and it seems to do the same, but gcstudio has features to find.

      • Angel Mier

        Angel Mier - 2022-02-26

        win 11 have a dark theme, its awesome in my opinion :-)

  • stan cartwright

    stan cartwright - 2022-02-26

    If I click terminal there's F1 key option that brings up the same menu as F4 does.

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