
Jonas Batista Freeplane Version Announcement

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  • Dimitry Polivaev


    some weeks ago freeplane team met pedagogue and researcher Jonas Batista. He developed and shared with us effective ways of organizing and processing knowledge in mind maps. Therefore we started to develop a new Freeplane Version 1.5 to create mind maps accorging to his principles.

    Today there is a first official preview of the new Freeplane available. It has new options of creating mind maps with high homogenity and symmetry which should make it easier to read them for learning and knowledge representation.

    We asked Jonas to record a video explaining a new approach. He recorded the first one for the advanced users who want to evaluate the preview version and give their feedback. And he is working on developing many short tutorial videos explaining everyone his knowledge representation approach and how Freeplane makes it easy to apply it.

    The preview version currently is an alpha. It can be considered stable enough to give it a try. As always mind maps saved with new version can be not correctly displayed by older program versions.

    You can watch Jonas Batista Freeplane Video for Expert Users at and download the preview version 1.5.0_alpha_pre18 from

    Have fun and let us know how you like it.



    Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2015-11-15
    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2015-12-20

      So far I like it. The video even converted me to centered text in nodes (which I generally hate).

      Is there any way to take a larger amount of text -- as shown in the video you linked to (2:05) or in the attachment to this post -- and convert it to separate nodes, each node containing one word from the larger text)? I can do it word-by-word manually but it would be handy to have Freeplane do it for me.

      In the video example, I'd like to convert "the brain feel more attracted to choose easier tasks" into separate nodes:
      * tasks at 2:05


      Last edit: Ken Hill 2015-12-20
      • Dimitry Polivaev

        For this I have a script I attach here. Download it and put it into your user script directory.


        Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2015-12-20
        • Dimitry Polivaev

          Version 1.5.3 does not need this script, it has its own actions Edit -> Node core -> Split with N words which can be configured at Preferences -> Behavior -> Splitting node to words

          • Ken Hill

            Ken Hill - 2016-02-05

            I've used the split words feature a few times now and it works fine. Would it be possible, however, to add functionality so that I could split words based on a separator? For example, often I paste text with Bible references separated by semicolons (eg, John 3:15-16; Romans 8:28; Ephesians 4:29). It would be very handy to split such a node into 3 new nodes based on the semicolon.

            • Dimitry Polivaev

              Implemented in 1.5.6_03 : you got new option in preferences to configure which characters are considered to be allowed in words

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    A tip: to see how some new features work just create a new map and create some nodes and their subnodes. Try to use short and long texts in the nodes. Then create a summary node, select it, press enter multiple times to see what happens.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    "Automatic edge color for columns" makes edge color dependent on horizontal distance from the root node. All columns have the same width given by maximum node size set in the default style. If nodes have sizes different from this value the map can look weird. Indeed this option was specially developed to be used with the new BigMap template and all other maps with fixed node widths.The algorithm can however handle the case when the root node has width different from the rest node widths.

    • maggv

      maggv - 2016-02-05

      Would it be possible to make the edge color change from one child to another which is like saying to make the edge color change automatically from one level to another?

      I like "Automatic color for columns", it highlights very well one node from another and reinforces the ideas stated my Jonas.
      But like you said it works properly only if all the nodes have the same width given by maximum node size set in the default style.
      In my opinion this is rigid and should be more flexible to a users personal taste, especially now that there is choice of multiple node sizes and shapes, with horizontal/vertical/uniform margin capability.
      With this method, users could decide to use all nodes with the same size, with a symmetrical and uniform look (Jonas' way) or decide not to. I actually agree with Jonas' principles but the beauty of Freeplane lies in the flexibilty of creating personal and meaningful mindmaps for an infinite number of purposes. Managing knowedge, managing projects or creating anything else that comes to mind.

      I have tried to make the edge color change by using "Apply Level Style" "for all nodes" or by using conditional styles triggered by node level.The problem is that as the mindmap expands so does the creation of new levels and conditions. It makes it cumbersome.

      This command is comparable to "Automatic edge color". It greatly enhances and facilitates the user experience.A loop cycle of automatic child color progression.

      • Miguel Boyer

        Miguel Boyer - 2016-02-05

        True. I don't use Jonas way. My maps are not about learning knowledge.
        They are about making a point. That is why an idea, in a particular branch,
        makes for a long discussion and triggers many levels, while the next idea
        is pretty simple and has few levels.

        In that context, sublevels in different branches are by no means related,
        so I don't want them to be squarely shaped for symmetry. Much less level
        dependent for their colors.

        The old asymmetrical nodes whith no depth dependent colors are a
        fundamental thing for me.

        • Jonas

          Jonas - 2016-02-05

          Hello Maggv and Mighel Boyer

          I'm Working in a Answer Video.

          Problably I'll Post here today.

          Thanks for sharing your Ideas.

          Cheers and Best Regards.

        • Oliver

          Oliver - 2016-03-08

          I concur completely with Miguel. I also cannot see why nodes in higher levels should still be organised in the same way as the samle higher level nodes of a different branch. I actually find that this confuses the branches, they are visually less separated and the map as whole resembles more an excel spreadsheet than a map-pattern that our brain can pick-up and remember. The whole basis of mind-maps are maps that have an overall pattern that our brain can pick-up and remember easily (see books by Tony Buzan). Electronic maps, compared to hand made maps, have already the disadvantage to be less graphical, if now even the assymmetry between differrent branches is taken away ..... .
          I have also checked in Jonas video where he shows a short sentence versus all words separated into different nodes and asks the question which of these one can read more easily / rapidly : and quite clearly I can answer that for this kind of short sentence, I read the complete sentence much much more rapidly than the separated version. In my opinion, I agree that it is important for a good mind map, that the basic levels consist of only keyword(s), perhaps the first two or three levels, but higher levels can quite clearly contain more information. I'm also using mind mapping on paper for brainstorming, meeting and seminar notes, and this is the way it ends up most of the time : a basic structure and then added information. I agree that a node should probably not contain too much information, at least not more than the person who uses the map can read at one glance. It has been shown tha experienced readers can read several word and up to a whole line of text in one glance. The note field is good for detailed information.
          So, personally , I'm not going to profit from these new developments.
          So much for mind-mapping philosophy for today ;-)



          Last edit: Oliver 2016-03-08
          • Dimitry Polivaev

            I think that traditional maps are better as long as there are small enough so that you want to see them as a whole. But once the amount of information increases I think that homogeneous format suggested by Jonas is more productive because it allows to better concentrate on the content and its context.

      • Dimitry Polivaev

        I added new edge coloring rule "for levels" to the new version.
        It was not used for Jonas maps because of some issues with summary nodes.

  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2015-12-04

    Can this alpha version be installed alongside the regular version ? I have had a look at the video and am not really convinced by the approach, but still would like to test


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Yes, you can install Freeplane 1.5 alongside with Freeplane 1.3 . They store all user data in different directories. You can also use portable version or extract a zip archive if you not like to use a regular installer for test versions.

  • Jonas

    Jonas - 2015-12-21

    I'm working in a complete series of videos.

    I'm trying to create them as fast as I can but University takes me too much time, much more than I expected.

    I'm starting with basic ideas and explanation, and in the end there will be super expert level videos so everyone can enjoy Freeplane in its highest performance.

    This is one personal and independent channel that I created.

    Cheers and best regards.

    • j-lon

      j-lon - 2016-01-04

      Jonas: How do you decide whether to arrange nodes in a horizontal line vs a vertical stack?

      For example, in this video ( you've got a set of nodes that look like this:

      details > select > the node > and Press > F3

      Then you have some like this:

      Use > Small > Words
      As Small > As it > Could Be

      What made you choose to do it one way or the other?

      • Jonas

        Jonas - 2016-01-04

        Hello J-Lon

        I recorded a video about this question.

        I Really hope that this video can be useful for you.

        If any doubt persist you can answer me again.

        User Question 1 - Balance Between Vertical and Horizontal Trigger Words

        Cheers and Best Regards.

        • j-lon

          j-lon - 2016-01-04

          Thanks for the video. So it's more about saving space than it is about signifying a relationship of particularly nodes within that hierarchy of knowledge that you referenced in the video (i.e., the vertical stack affects how you read the information, but it does not, in and of itself, signify something different than than a horizontal list)?

          FWIW, more detail on the hierarchy of knowledge would be helpful too.

          I'd also be curious to get a deeper sense of your perspective on how summary nodes are used in your methodology.

          In any case, this is all helpful and thought provoking. Freeplane seems like a very open-ended at powerful tool, but sometimes it helps to have an approach to using it, even if you don't ultimately end up following that approach in every detail. At least it's a starting point.

          • Jonas

            Jonas - 2016-01-04

            Indeed J-Lon

            Even if people find out different ways to use Freeplane my role is to show a scientific approach grounded on Researches and Experimentations.

            I think in some point people that have differente goals than me will follow different ideas.

            I'm particularly Freak about Process knowledge as easy and fast as possible, this is the direction of all this years putting energy and time in this seek.

            And I'm really passionate about this seek.

            Is amazing unveil the mysteries of Knowledge, It really feels amazing understand knowledge geography.

            How to put knowledge inside anyone's head.

            And how about things that we still working on and making really good progress.

            It's priceless buddy, and I'll be happy sharing it with anyone who concerns.

            I'm expecting Upload more videos in the channel soon.

            Cheers and Best Regards,

  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2015-12-22

    I love the new summary nodes functionality. Really sweet. So the big question for me. I know this is an alpha stage product now. How stable do you think it is?

    If it's not really sufficiently robust for daily work, it would be nice if there was a way to save a mindmap in 1.3.1x format so that when I opened it in 1.3.1x I didn't get the error message about it being created in a later version. Alternatively, provide a way turn off the warning in 1.3.1x.


    - Bal

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    If you like 1.5.x I think you can use it safely because freeplane always makes backups so that you are not very likely to loose your maps if case of failure. However there shall be no way to export maps in old formats because of the new features.

    And if you use alpha version it means that there are can be bugs, and you are testing freeplane as you use it. In a couple of days I am going to release Freeplane 1.5.3 with cloned subtrees and all other new features contained in 1.4.x except ribbons. In this version I also did some futher improvements to the summary nodes. And old scripts and add-ons should run there too. So you can test it and use it. If you find and report bugs I shall fix them.

    But if you want to use a version already tested by other guys, 1.3.15 is the only one you can take now.


    • user0123

      user0123 - 2015-12-22

      Best news in a long time. Clones are the way to go...
      Way to go as the say on the other side of the pond.

      A very merry christmas to've earned it.

    • Ken Hill

      Ken Hill - 2015-12-23

      I am downloading 1.5.3 now. Is there any documentation on clones?

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