
Hyperlink bug

Ian Higgs
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  • Ian Higgs

    Ian Higgs - 2011-05-02

    <ctrl>-Enter fails for local files which include a space in the file name.
    No space is OK.

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-05-24

    Agreed and 2nded: I have this issue where the space representation as "%20" are stuffed into the link literally instead of the ' ' space needed in the path.
    Have to postedit and search/replace the "%20" with " ".

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-05-24

    I forgot to mention that this popped up with the latest versions. It worked well with older versions.

  • LogicDaemon

    LogicDaemon - 2011-06-29

    try to use paths like:

    \\INGO\users$\m.haas\Eigene Dateien\file name.extension

    (classical Windows paths, with \\ prefix, slashes in place of backslashes and with spaces instead of %20, and other chars non-encoded). Both relative or absolute works.

    This should work until you'll face double spaces. With double spaces, I've found no workaround.

  • Michael Haas

    Michael Haas - 2011-06-29

    Thanks for your quick advise!
    I followed your hint, but I am sorry because it still didn`t change.
    I have documanted a Mittwoch.pdf and a
    This I have posted at gmx; I have sent to you an invitation to
    Meaybe you find out, what is going wrong.

  • LogicDaemon

    LogicDaemon - 2011-06-29

    as you may had conjecture, noreply@ is not my address, its just an address without mailbox telling to send nothing there.

    However, the best you should do is post some test (w/o any confidential info) mindmap on a file-sharing service, and place link here.
    You can create such mindmap by saving a copy of you working map and removing all secret info from it, and if required tested elements are secret, rename them, leaving links, as you already posted them here anyway.

  • Michael Haas

    Michael Haas - 2011-06-29

    Hi, logicdaemon,
    I posted three files, all named mittwoch on a file-sharing-service.
    I just tested and voila, it works. I hope that you find the bad point, why the links dont work any more.
    Thanks, Michael
    PS: One more question
    Is it possible to make my first posting here (from 2011-06-28 23:53:50 CEST ) unvisible?
    The point is that I didn't think about last midnight, but I see it now after reading your reply: I made all of our filesystem visuable for the rest of the world. That vis not good and my IT-Admin will be not amused, when I shoh him.

  • LogicDaemon

    LogicDaemon - 2011-06-30

    If it works periodically, then try to determine, when it does, and when not.
    Maybe it doesn't work just after logon, and works after?
    Then that may be because you're logging on to \\INGO not fully automatically, but by shell when first opening a folder from server.

    Did you try local links (pointing to your documents, or desktop)? I suggest they will work ever. If so, this is "logon-to-server first" problem.

  • LogicDaemon

    LogicDaemon - 2011-06-30

    personalberater, about PS: I suggest this can be done by forum admins.

    But in general, there's only intranet pathnames exposed, so there's nothing useful for an intruder I can see.

  • zapkapow

    zapkapow - 2011-11-22

    I'm having a similar issue. Hyperlinks with spaces and/or with the # character crash FreeMind on my machine running Windows 7 32-bit and the latest Java build.

    I'm also trying to collaborate with a colleague on a mindmap over Dropbox. Her hyperlinks don't work for me, and mine don't work for her. We're both trying to use hyperlinks to pdfs in a shared folder on Dropbox. Significantly reduces the program's functionality in this context, which is a shame. Any hints?

    I hear that Freeplane allows for functional hyperlinks on Dropbox and other shared servers…

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-11-23

    Manual fix from Lee Studley:
    I now build from source and force a fix the above mentioned issue: In file FreeMind.Java I added these lines to force the URL back to
    what I want:( tip: searc on string ""Starting browser with "+command)" and place new code just above":

    command = command.replaceAll("%20"," "); //added  ~@approx line 550  FreeMind.Java
    command = command.replaceAll("%2520"," "); // added"Starting browser with "+command);  //original line

  • zapkapow

    zapkapow - 2011-11-23

    I'm a real newbie on this, but I can't find FreeMind.Java. Do you mean FreeMind.jar? If so, what program do you advise using to edit the file? I'm pretty sure I can follow your instructions from there.

    I can reproduce exactly the same behavior in Freeplane (Java crashes when open hyperlinks with files that have spaces in their names).

    The oddest thing is that with the same version of Java and FreeMind on my laptop, running Vista, I have no trouble…

    I've re-installed Java and FreeMind/Freeplane. No luck.

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-11-23

    It's the file in the sourcecode. The jar file is the distribution aggregate/archive. You would need to grab all the source code and rebuild it using eclipse.
    I posted my version for you to try here: just unzip and find freemind.exe. I promise no virus' etc.

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-11-23

    I'm not an expert either, just willing to try hacking anything :-)  p.s. I didn't add anything to fix the '#', just "0x20" to spaces, so it still might not fix your issue. What browsers are you using?

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-11-23

    If its firefox, this may seem totally weird, but it caused me issues in my workflow on Vista32 vs Vista64 , but try this temporarily to see if it changes the issue:
    >>The problem is Hardware Acceleration. I have tested this issue extensively with FireFox 4 Beta 10 and later. The frustrating part is disabling Hardware Acceleration in Tools > Options > Advanced only works after a restart of FireFox. I tried everything to avoid a restart, opening a new tab, reloading the page, opening a new window. Changing the Hardware Acceleration requires a restart.

  • zapkapow

    zapkapow - 2011-11-23

    Hey Lee,

    Your version works like a charm. Haven't tried with the # character, but all hyperlinks work when there are spaces in the filename. Awesome!

    Changing Hardware Acceleration didn't have any effect (and didn't require a reboot of Firefox with the latest version). I'm running the same version/config on both my desk and laptop, so that doesn't seem to be the root of the problem.

    Any chance you'd be willing to do similar hack on Freeplane? I'm having the same problem there, and have moved my workflow over to Freeplane because it handles cloud-based collaboration more handily (i.e. it automatically creates local hyperlinks when a file is drag-and-dropped to a node, rather than the full address of the physical location of the file). Really, both of these programs should be doing this to allow for Dropbox, iCloud and Sugarsync collabs.


  • zapkapow

    zapkapow - 2011-11-23

    Just checked, and the # symbol does cause a crash still.

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-11-23

    Nate: Very Cool! I had hoped The FreeMind guys would have listened to my
    earlier posts, but I got snubbed. I'm glad because it forced me to build
    local versions as needed. It would be a nice settings:option for them to include,
    or maybe even a reg-expression option on URL handling in the settings.

    also, give me and example of the url with a # char adn what
    you'd like it to be transformed to that works. I'll build that in to my Freemind builds

    I've never tried FreePlane, I'll check it out and see if I can build it. probably not
    today though, I'm at work :-(

  • zapkapow

    zapkapow - 2011-11-23

    Hey Lee,

    As far as I understand it, Freeplane is something of a spin-off from FreeMind. Not sure of the history, but they're quite compatible. Freeplane seems to do some things better.

    Certainly would be nice to have some more advanced options in FreeMind re: how hyperlinks are handled, and the option to edit hyperlink tags manually in the case of problems.

    I'm a biologist using this to create maps for writing large unwieldy manuscripts. I have a naming convention in my 3,000+ pdf library of source references. They all look something like this: "Smith, JD and Wesson, MF (2011) #2130.pdf". I created the naming convention years ago without considering snags associated with characters in the name.



  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-11-24

    Hi Nate, You piqued my interest, so I got the FreePlane source and built it no issue. They've cleaned up the code very well and modularized it some. I found the area of the same functionalitl to modify and was just debugging the strings passed to the "blahblah.exec"'s. They use a char array whereas Freemind passes a string(better way). I was in the middle of converting and parsing their char array to a string, modify, then and back when my boss kicked me out for the holiday at 3pm. Nice!!! so I have to keep you in suspense unit soon, but its a no-brainer. Your work sounds very important. I'm a hardware designer, but often write drivers for my hardware( so that SW guys can't stall saying there's hardware problems )
    It served me well at Hypercom etc. I now do Aerospace modules and love it! I use Freemind to navigate my computor and work or personal design projects. I also use ToDoList.exe( to generate the mind maps and the priority dictates the text size and color. I stole and modified that exporter from a guy somewhere( is awesome) I would be lost without these programs. My boss is such a fast thinker, I can pull stuff up quick to keep the stream of thought going. Happy Turkey MAssacre Day!!! -Lee Studley

  • Volker Börchers


    if you have patches and bug reports please report them at the Freeplane project page, so that they can make it into our next stable release. All contributions are most welcome. Please check if the errors aren't fixed already in the preview releases.

    Regards, Volker

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-11-24

    HI Nate, could you send me and example map that has some of those links that fail. I was mistaken at first glance when I said FreePlane passes char it was a String array to build up the command to be handled. Very nice. I had no trouble with the # signs in the link, but I added the link using the manual textedit option, so and example of your would go far. mailto  I'll pass this to Volker when we test it.

  • Christian Foltin


    is it possible to summarize the solution for FreeMind?
    TIA, Chris

  • studeylee

    studeylee - 2011-11-28

    Hi Chris,
    I will write it up tomorrow for you. I'm not up to speed with freeminds gui architecture and how settings are stored yet, so I was trying to figure out the best way to add a user setting 'string' with the desired chars to be spared from forced %xx URL encoding. I had an odd idea to either add the setting as node data the user could include in the mindmap, or as a prefix added to the beginning of a link to force simple urls with no encoding or translation. -Lee

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