
FreeMind / News: Recent posts

New Release: FreeMind 0.8.1

Dear FreeMind users,

we decided to publish a pure bug fix release that makes FreeMind compatible with Java6.

There are only very few changes:

Changes made in Freemind 0.8.1:

* Bug fix: Preferences dialog can be opened with Java 6
* Bug fix: Encrypted nodes and maps work with Java 6

We hope that you enjoy it,


Posted by Christian Foltin 2008-03-20

New Release: FreeMind 0.8.0

Dear FreeMinders,

we proudly present the new release FreeMind Version 0.8.0.
It has taken a lot of time to finish the elaborate Undo and Plugin mechanism s which have turned FreeMind into a professional application.

You can get a summary of new features under

Main new features include:
* Undo
* Many new exports and imports (among others: jpeg, png, new html exports, PDF, MindManager 5)
* new layout and movable nodes (thanks to Dimitri)
* Preferences dialog
* new menu structure
* new local hyperlinks... read more

Posted by Christian Foltin 2005-09-10

FreeMind 0.7.2 officially part of Debian

Hi FreeMinders,

we have the pleasure to announce that FreeMind has become today part of the
Debian distribution, under unstable/contrib.

You can have a look at it under, or add a line similar
to the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable main contrib non-free

and call (as root):
apt-get update
apt-get install freemind... read more

Posted by Christian Foltin 2004-12-15

FreeMind reached historical rank 9 among SourceForge apps.

On February 19th 2004, FreeMind reached historical rank 9 at SourceForge. This is not such a big surprise as new version has been released recently. Furthermore, the download rates have been keeping at slightly under 400 per day even before the new version has been released.

Posted by Daniel Polansky 2004-03-16

New Version 0.7.1

Hi freeminders,

the new version 0.7.1 is out with the following new features
(see also the online-documentation):
* auto-saving mechanism
* graphical links between different nodes in the same map
* clouds around nodes
* new windows installer thanks to Andrew

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped to improve this release.

Have fun,


Posted by Christian Foltin 2004-02-15

FreeMind reached historical rank 12 among SourceForge apps.

On October 13th, FreeMind reached historical rank 12, with approx. 700 downloads and 2500 page views. It will be probably difficult to outperform this rank in the near future.

Posted by Daniel Polansky 2003-11-06

FreeMind reached historical rank 48 among SourceForge apps

Recently, FreeMind has reached historical rank 48 among Source Forge applications. That means that FreeMind appeared among 50 most active Source Forge projects, where the activity is measured by the number of downloads. It may have been caused by the fact that a new version has been released, so the number is not completely representative.

Posted by Daniel Polansky 2003-10-28

New version 0.6.7 features icons and better supp. of images

Thanks to the work of developers Dimitri Polivaev and Christian Foltin, new version of FreeMind features icons and better support of images. As users wanted, it is now possible to create short multiline nodes.

Daniel Polansky

Posted by Daniel Polansky 2003-10-25