
WWC1D - Resource output


What Would Col1 Do? (WWC1D) - Resource output

A lot of workk has already gone in determining Colonization1 resource output, but there are still lots of questions / uncertainties.
This page is intended to collect data about Col1 resource output and find the underlying formulae so it can be implemented in the freecol code.

This is a wiki, feel free to make on-topic edits.

1. General stuff

1. Testing Method

This will be a lot of work and we should aim for a testing method that can easily be reproduced/verified by others.

2. output modifiers

Col1 has these resource modifiers :

Modifier comes from type
base terrain value terrain additive
bonus resource terrain additive / multiplier
river bonus terrain additive
road bonus player added additive
plowed bonus player added additive
rebel bonus colony additive
goods party bonus colony decreasing percentage, prob additive
colonist skill level colonist type additive / multiplier

colonist type : criminal,servant, colonist, expert/master, convert
Note : for outdoors production we can ignore criminals and servants

freecol implements all these bonuses, but there are questions/uncertainties about them.
For additive bonuses the applying order doesn't matter, for multiplier ones it DOES.

3. Col1 colopedia data usability

Colopedia data accuracy is questionable.
At best it is a highly simpiflied version of the formulae we're after.
It can function as a starting point but needs Col1 ingame verification.

4. Difficulty Level

Freecol has a difficulty setting other > tile production that goes like this :

Level tile production
Very easy Very high
Easy High
Medium Medium
Hard Low
Very hard Very low

The tile production setting is linked 1on1 to the freecol difficulty levels (data/rules/classic/specification.xml) .
techhnically it can be used for any tile, but currently it's only used for colony tiles.
ML thread

In general all tests we do should be at Col1 discovery level.

2. Basic data table

I feel that to start we should focus on modifiers that will affect all production.
That means for now we'll ignore rebel bonus and goods party bonus.
The data for the tables should be filled from colonies with no rebel bonus and no goods party bonus at discovery level.

Below is an empty table, we should make such a table for every product for every terrain.
Not all tables will need these 16 lines, f.e. mountains can't be plowed and have no rivers,
forests can't be plowed without changing to their non-forested terrain.

Bonus resource Road river plowed free colonist convert expert/master
not not not not
not not not yes
not not yes not
not not yes yes
not yes not not
not yes not yes
not yes yes not
not yes yes yes
yes not not not
yes not not yes
yes not yes not
yes not yes yes
yes yes not not
yes yes not yes
yes yes yes not
yes yes yes yes
1. plowable


2. Forested

Mixed forest
Conifer forest

3. Other


3. Questions / ToDo

1. colonist skill with x2 multiplier

freecol currently does not apply the x2 expert/master bonus to the road bonus.
There is evidence that Col1 v3 does, but this needs to be verified.

2. bonus resources with x2 multiplier

When does freecol apply this bonus ?
How does Col1 do it ?

2. Minerals

The mineral bonus resource in Col1 gives bonuses to multiple products.
freecol currently only applies the ore and silver bonus part of minerals.
There is evidence that several of the output modifiers don't apply to the mineral bonus, but we need much more data.

3. Difficulty level

verify Col1 resource output at discoverer level against viceroy level


  • Evgeny

    Evgeny - 2014-01-04

    Here will be my constantly updated/editable notes, if you do not mind.

    This is a wiki, feel free to make on-topic edits.

    Nope, it does not work for us. "Error 403 Edit access required".

    2-1. About Expert bonus:
    1) Expert bonus is always applicable to the base tile outcome (addition or multiplier / depending on resource).
    2) Bonus resources. Some (Oasis, Fish) provide additional bonus to Experts. Example - Oasis +2 (+4 for an Expert). Some provide the bonus at a flat rate (Tobacco, Beaver) does not matter Expert or Colonist is in the tile). Example - Tobacco x2 (for everyone).
    3) It looks like expert bonus is NOT applicable to roads, rivers, coast and plows.

    I just have checked in Col1:
    Have a Conifer tile with Road.
    Colonist gives 8 (6+2) woods.
    Expert gives 14 (6*2 +2) woods on the same tile.
    (For conifer forest tile wood outcome is 6, if Exp x2, Road/River +2 for each).


    Last edit: Evgeny 2014-01-05
  • Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf - 2014-01-05

    evgeny, in BR#2629 i posted results about silver production on mountains.
    the results i got only make sense if expert bonus is applicable to road bonus.

    Your results indicate expert x2 bonus is applied differently depending on product and/or terrain.
    It does look like we'll have to check every terrain for every product.

    Maybe you could ask mike pope if you can get edit access ?


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