
#47 Units lose movement if they try/fail to move to AI village.

Cor'e =)

I get a loss of movement points even if i try and fail to visit an Indian village. This is lame, if i cannot visit a village then i should not lose any MPs. For example, if i try to visit an adjacent Indian village and say no to training pop-up i should not lose any MPs, but i do lose my turn just for trying.


  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2010-09-26

    FC (trunk) is currently inconsistent on this point: scouts, missionaries and trading units recover their movement points, students do not. However, in the case of students, strictly, the skill taught by the camp is unknown at the start of the move[1], and so if movement points were recovered after declining training, "free" information has been given away. Not a big deal, but this may explain why the implementation differs. Trading units also do gain "free" information: what the settlement has to sell at the present and/or what price they are willing to pay for goods.

    Two actions suggest themselves:
    1. Tolerate all information leakage: fix students to recover their movement points if training is declined.
    2. Tolerate no information leakage: fix trading units to not recover their movement points if prices or goods quantities are revealed.

    As this is a minor issue I favour #1.
    [1] Even if the camp was previously visited, perhaps another nation's unit snuck in and consumed the skill... except of course for capitals... this is why there is a special "askSkill" message distinct to the "learnSkill" message.

  • Cor'e  =)

    Cor'e =) - 2010-09-26

    Two options exist: [Go To This Tile] and [Village Name], depending on unit (Settler verses Soldier) [Go To This Tile] could be [Attack! (??% chance of success)], so i guess you're saying that the Settler is getting info on what education they 'could' receive for MP. Maybe [Go To This Tile] could be [Ask Skill Taught]?

  • abartels

    abartels - 2010-09-27

    Tested Col1, by moving two units of a specific type to a settlement:

    Moving the second colonist to a settlement, the player will be asked whether he "wants to live with the natives". The player will then be informed that the natives have nothing to teach, and movement points will be lost.

    Same result for the second scout. Question about "talking to the chieftain", then the message that the natives "enjoy having a guest", then loss of all remaining movement points.

    The case is a little different for the second missionary. A dialog pops up, but where the first one has options to "build mission", "incite" and "do nothing", the second missionary only has options 2 and 3. Obviously, choosing to "do nothing" does _not_ lead to loss of movement points.

    The similarity between all three cases is that, each time, the player is first asked whether he wants to try some action, and is then presented the end result (successful or not). The difference is that an invalid action gets removed as a choice in one case, but not the others.

    I think we should do the same, and rely on what the player knows about a settlement - if he himself sent a colonist for training there, then disable the choice. If it is unknown whether training would still work, let the player attempt it and do not give back movement points even if the attempt fails.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2011-03-29

    Reclassifying as Col1-incompatibility.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2011-03-29
    • labels: 517857 -->
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2012-01-24
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2012-08-10

    abartels comments show that FreeCol was Col1-compliant in removing movement points for failed scouting or learning. I just checked the missionary case--- FreeCol implements the choice between establish/denounce/incite in the client, which means no information is transferred at that point, and no movement points are lost if you cancel out of that dialog. So, I think we are done here. Closing.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2012-08-10
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2013-01-16
    • status: closed-works-for-me --> closed-invalid
    • milestone: --> Unspecified

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