
Peaceful Conquest

  • David Lopez

    David Lopez - 2013-09-29

    Currently, conquest strategy is limited to military, aggressive actions. A more interesting and true way of conquest includes also peaceful actions:

    Ideas for peaceful way of conquest:

    • Every indian city can spontaneously convert to your nation adding as a new colony to your own's.

    • In order for an indian city to convert to a colony, a mission is mandatory.

    • The probability for an indian city to convert depends on a variable "loyalty".

    • Every economical trade with a city increases the city loyalty.

    • The longer your nation is at war with the city's tribe, the city loyalty decreases.

    • Tribes can be at war with other tribes.

    • Every time your nation successfully attacks another tribe that is at war with a loyal tribe, the loyalty of the latter increases.

    • When the city converts to your nation, the resulting colony consists of a number of converts that depends on the tribe's degree of development (for instance, Incas and Aztecs cities shall be very populated).

    • Depending on the tribe development, the resulting city can also have some unspecialized buildings (docks, warehouses).

    • When a city is conquered the militaristic way, it also converts to your nation, instead of being destroyed.

    • Bartolome De las Casas's effect is persistent, meaning that every future convert after De las Casas will be a colonist as well.

    • When your city's population grows by food, the new colonist can be a convert, with a probability that depends on the proportion of converts in your city. For instance, if your city contains a 50% of converts, then there is a probability of 50% for the new colonist to be a convert instead.

  • David Lopez

    David Lopez - 2013-09-29

    Also, remove Founding Father "Juan de Sepúlveda" and add Founding Father "Núñez de Balboa":

    "Increases all native cities loyalty by 20%"úñez_de_Balboa

  • Seriously Unserious

    I like your suggestions overall, however

    "When a city is conquered the militaristic way, it also converts to your nation, instead of being destroyed."
    IMO it would be better to be presented with 2 options here, pillage (get a large amount of gold and the city is destroyed), or conquer (the city joins your colony, populated by converts, as per your suggestions above).

  • Carl Ramirez

    Carl Ramirez - 2016-04-27

    I like this post but would like to make a few changes:

    • Add Vasco Núñez de Balboa to turn loyal native settlements into settlements full of Indian Converts
    • Keep Juan de Sepúlveda but change his role into allowing Indian Converts to become promoted through education or by being armed and winning battles
    • Add Louis de Buade de Frontenac to enable you to ally with natives and thus enabling you to control a fraction of your ally's native troops (brave/mounted brave/armed brave/native dragoon)
    • Converted native cities must differ greatly in structure. They must have no limit on resources, and a fixed level of fortification depending on which native faction built the city. Camps (e.g. Tupi, Sioux, Apache) are barely fortified but make up for it by producing everything on their tile (e.g. a settlement on a rain forest tile would only produce food and furs - these converted native settlements will produce everything else as well, such as lumber and ore). Adding to converted native cities make them unfortifiable because new structures are built outside the fortifications - see how Mexico City is unfortified as it grew past the city limits of ancient Tenochtitlan..
    • Indian Converts turn into petty criminals after 10 turns to simulate interbreeding to form "mestizos" instead of having a chance of getting a new Indian Convert from 200 food. They become merely petty criminals to simulate racism as in the Spanish "sistema de castas".
    • Indian Converts, "mestizos" and promoted Indian Converts are all rebels because native allies of European powers were more loyal to a European faction rather than the monarch - for example, the Iroquois were allied to the Loyalists in the American Revolution not because they liked the monarch but because fighting for the Loyalists promised them land and arms.
    • Allow scouts to "Infect Natives" to cause native settlement to be abandoned and native residents to die off - if done on within 5 years of first contact with Europeans, this makes them know it was you and causes the entire native faction to attack you.
    • Natives should be able to engage in legitimate trade with you on their own accord instead of always demanding tribute - this needs money and will only work if the Native faction has large gold reserves - the natives' gold reserves must be able to replenish at a rate per settlement
    • The final native settlement of a native faction must surrender to you once you get to its gates to simulate "Chief Joseph died of a broken heart".

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