Carl Ramirez - 2016-03-11

To achieve victory in Freecol, you need to defeat the Royal Expeditionary Force in your war of independence. However, this is only historically accurate if you try to emulate the USA or certain Spanish colonies that rebelled against their monarch for independence. In contrast, other colonies, such as Canada were able to become independent yet royalist, even now, Canada is still nominally a possession of the British crown. My proposed ruleset is as follows:
- Your mission is to make your colonies survive despite inefficiency caused by at least 75% royalists.
- Colonies with rebel percentages above 50% may launch a rebellion against you, in effect, you will experience civil war.
- The colonies of other European factions will start their own wars of independence, boosting rebel percentages in your colonies because they inspire your colonists to rise up against the crown.
- Therefore, you will have to either survive 200 consecutive years with less than 25% rebels (this is actually difficult because your colonies will be very inefficient) or remain a crown possession until all other European factions have finished their war of independence (which you can take sides on - it doesn't matter if their monarch or their rebels win, their war of independence simply needs to finish).