
#185 Search window improvements


When working with the editor, the "search" window is not very practical.
I would like to suggest some improvements:

1) open the search window with Ctrl+F hotkey. I know that already have the Ctrl+R, but a redundance would be nice

2) it would be great if we could close the search with the ESC key; I'm using the Alt+F4 hotkey, but it is a little uncomfortable

3) when a text is selected on the editor, it could be automatically setted on the search box. If no text is selected, then the last text used is setted, like is the current behavior

I think that the improvements above could improve the editor, and maybe it is not a hard modification to do.

Fabio Schunig


  • Michael Hieke

    Michael Hieke - 2012-01-19

    Could you please state which version of FlameRobin you use, and on what OS? I use it on Windows 7, and there ESC closes the form (which it should, as the close button has the ID the cancel button would normally have).

  • Fabio Schunig

    Fabio Schunig - 2012-01-19


    From about box: "FlameRobin Unicode"
    Windows 7 Home Basic - SP1

    I have tested with MS Windows XP (SP3) and Vista (SP2), and the behavior is the same.

  • Michael Hieke

    Michael Hieke - 2012-01-19

    OK, after installing 0.9.2 in an XP virtual machine I can see the problem - the close button has been added later, so ESC doesn't work in your version - but it should in the next released version. Alternatively you could install a snapshot version of FlameRobin.
    I'll see about the other points.

  • Fabio Schunig

    Fabio Schunig - 2012-01-19

    OK! Thank you Michael!
    I'll try the 0.9.3 snapshot, and wait for the release.

  • Michael Hieke

    Michael Hieke - 2012-01-19

    The changes of the third point have been committed as SVN rev. 2199 - FR initializes the search text now with the selected text (unless it's multi-line) or the word at the caret if no selection.



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