
#707 Afterplugging & Hotplugging


Hotplugging: being able to unplug the controller during gameplay and the ability to replug and the controller still being able to work.

Afterplugging: being able to turn on the emulation first and the controller 2nd while still having the controller to work.

I've been waiting for this common feature for a long time with this project and it never seems to come. Almost every emulator has this now except the nes and sega related products. Can you please add this feature to this emulator finally. I'm tired of my controller timing out when going to the bathroom or something and have to restart the emulator just for the controller to work again. I'm tired of getting a game started and having to restart it again after I turn my controller on because the controller won't work. Not using great power saving features for the controller is not an option and neither are external programs to map the keys to a keyboard.


  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2015-07-16

    When did you ever get any indication that work like this was being done to fceux to justify your waiting for so long? You have seemingly very skillfully phrased this feature request in a brilliant way to piss off the people most likely to work on it.

    I suggest listing "almost every emulator" as examples for reference

    If it's windows you're using:

    These "features" are more likely automatic consequences of the way the input systems are designed. Different input APIs may more or less automatically yield this feature. FCEUX's input code is old.

    I expected hotplugging to work. I tested it. it did.
    I expected afterplugging not to work. I tested it. it did not.


    Last edit: zeromus 2015-07-16
  • shinra358

    shinra358 - 2015-07-16

    When did you ever get any indication that work like this was being done to fceux to justify your waiting for so long?

    I didn't. But considering emulation is all about preservation...
    Not to mention previous attempts for this always end in failure which was the reason I stopped using this emu years ago. Wanted to give it another chance but when I tried, same thing after all these years but I always see updates on emucr in which I never notice anything different.

    You have seemingly very skillfully phrased this feature request in a brilliant way to piss off the people most likely to work on it.

    Sorry if I offended you just because I said "I was tired". That was actually a reference to everyone who makes things for you to play but make it very difficult to be able to enjoy playing it. Like poorly ported steam games and so forth. Excluding console features for no reason. From how I see ppl act in emulation forums, devs and normal ppl, I'd say regardless if I had been nice, it would not have mattered at all. You ppl always talk to each other with such disrespect and arrogance all the time so why would me simply saying 'I'm tired' be so offensive.

    These "features" are more likely automatic consequences of the way the input systems are designed. Different input APIs may more or less automatically yield this feature. FCEUX's input code is old.

    Usually when it is requested, the dev has to code it to do so.

    I suggest listing "almost every emulator" as examples for reference

    Emus without either:
    -Kega fusion

    Emus with one but not the other:

    Emus with both:
    -Most decently ported PC games

    Consoles with both:
    -All except N64

    All hotplugging can somewhat be fixed with a modded xinput.dll but it won't fix afterplugging and it won't trigger the in-game message of a controller not being plugged because that dll tricks the program to think it's still in the whole time.

    Well, there you have it. Of course these are not all emulators.

    Some excuses ppl use to keep from implementing it:
    -hurts fps (but it doesn't)
    -slow (but it's not)
    -there's no way (but it is)
    -polling is bad (not really, but if it isn't liked, there are other ways)
    -ok, i'll implement (...2 years later; dead project or nothing)
    -why would you want such useless feature (if it was like this on consoles I bet you'd gripe)
    -it should do it automatically (but it doesn't unless you tell it to)
    -it takes too long (and yet many devs did it in under 30 mins and maybe less)
    -plug in your controller (no. usb to controller wires are very poorly made and get shorts more than a person changes their underwear)
    -Turn your power saving feature on the controller off (why would I do that; shouldn't have to disable features to enjoy something. I prefer having more than 45 mins of battery life thanks)
    -ur dumb (....)
    -plug in your controller before you play (not always viable; do you turn on your controller first on consoles?)
    -map to keyboard (why should i use 3rd party programs to do simple things; if a game has rumble, so much for that because it can't rumble on keyboard)
    -no (alrighty then; what the point of an issue tracker then)
    -you anger me because you request this (seek help immediately; sorry that starbucks job didn't work out)


    Last edit: shinra358 2015-07-16
  • Lukas Sabota

    Lukas Sabota - 2015-07-16
    • labels: --> patches-welcome
    • Priority: 5 --> 1
  • Lukas Sabota

    Lukas Sabota - 2015-07-16

    Did a random internet user strongly demand a feature in an open source project? I believe they did! Bare with me while I drop absolutely everything that I am doing in life to implement after plugging! I'm sure I will benefit a whole lot from this considering I exclusively use wired controllers!

    I'm so sorry for the pain and trauma that us rude emu developers must have put you through by not implementing this feature. What the hell is wrong with us anyway?

    Pardon me while I quit my job so I can code features that I don't give a shit about for people that I don't give a shit about. Patches welcome or fuck off.

  • Lukas Sabota

    Lukas Sabota - 2015-07-16
    • labels: patches-welcome --> patches-welcome, how-to-not-file-a-bug
  • shinra358

    shinra358 - 2015-07-16

    Exactly what I'm talking about. Didn't demand anything and like I said, you just wanted to fight with somebody. I just posted that that wasn't my tone either but can you read though. Nope. So let me sink to your level for a second and see how you like it. Oooooh my feelings are hurt because you dropped it to one. Okay then, I'll just put it in the recycling bin where I had it. You sure showed me...

    Thanks for repeating the exact same things I already went over though moron. Go jump off a bridge like that reject from the dolphin team. What? Too far? Fuck you, piece of shit. Learn how to interpret and to stop acting like barbarians and you won't get treated like one.

  • Lukas Sabota

    Lukas Sabota - 2015-07-16

    That escalated to suicide suggestions rather quickly.. Keep in mind that we are volunteers and do this on our free time for no compensation. If you want a new feature or want to see something changed and don't have the coding chops to do it yourself, a polite feature request is recommended. We don't work for you (thank god). Closing this - if someone wants this feature, try submitting a feature request with an ounce of human courtesy.


  • Lukas Sabota

    Lukas Sabota - 2015-07-16
    • status: open --> closed:user-error
    • discussion: enabled --> disabled
  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2015-07-16

    If emulation is all about preservation, then it isn't at all about user experience.
    The offensive part of your post wasn't "I'm tired", it was the entirety of the tone.
    What youre actually tired of is people coding games in a way that's abrasive to the way you use them, and your having to go on a holy crusade posting 100s of bugs (I assume) to try to get people to do the right thing.

    In order to help you understand how the world works, I will explain/translate all the other responses succinctly:

    "Hurts fps": depends on input API used and whether programmers are willing to / have already incurred the added complexity of threading for the input
    "Theres no way": theres no way without rewriting everything and also maybe theres no way with the input API used (and changing that requires rewriting everything)
    "OK, I'll implement" (two years later): For those of us who aren't 20 years old, 2 years is not very long. Sometimes we actually plan on a 2 years or greater timeframe.
    "Why would you want such useless feature": PCs are for working, not gaming. People trying to use PCs for gaming are a source of constant grief for half of all emulator programmers. Anyway, this must be said before you answer about the power-saving, since that is a fine answer
    "It takes too long": depends on the existing input code. You've performed an analytical error here. Anyone that it was easy for did it in 30 minutes. Anyone that it wasn't easy for didn't do it at all, so you don't realize it would have taken them 50 hours.
    "plug in your controller":
    "Map to keyboard":
    "Turn the power saving off": Didnt realize i was talking to a hotplugging crusader. Most users are more clueless and welcoming of a workaround
    "UR dumb": Safe assumption when dealing with emulator users, usually just tossed on for extra icing
    "no (what's the purpose of the feature tracker then?)": For users to ask for what they want and for us to say yes to some of them and no to some others
    "You anger me because you request this": You anger me because of the attitude with which you request this.

    Thanks for the examples list. I'm sure you're the world expert on this subject so I'll consider it authoritative.

    Have a nice day.


    Last edit: zeromus 2015-07-16