
How can I make the FFT spectrum work using a VST?

  • Rafael

    Rafael - 2023-08-25

    Hey, the VSTs work quite well for the most part, but whenever I try to activate an FFT spectrum, there's no response. Is this a limitation of the implementation, or is there something else I should be looking into?

    • Etienne Dechamps

      If by "activate an FFT spectrum" you mean you are trying to visualize the signal from within the Equalizer APO Editor, then yes it won't work and that is a limitation of Equalizer APO. The Editor does not actually have access to the signal; it just writes the config and has no visibility into what happens afterwards. The VST in the editor runs with no signal; the VST only gets a signal when it runs inside the APO itself, which is hidden from view.

      • Rafael

        Rafael - 2023-08-25

        Indeed, that's what I meant. Makes sense. Thank you!


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