
APO not working on Snapdragon x laptops

  • XHY

    XHY - 2024-07-12

    Tried to install Equalizer APO on a Samsung edge4 with Snapdragon x Elite chip (ARM64). Everything installed fine, including Peace. However equalizer has no effect. Moreover the audio test will not produce any sound. I already followed everything in the troubleshooting guide to no avail. Does equalizer APO support Windows on ARM with the new Snapdragon chipset?

  • XHY

    XHY - 2024-07-12

    Thanks. The new WOA (windows on arm) should be able to use Prism to execute any x64 applications. Equalizer APO is the first application that I'm having issues with. Let's hope the developer test it on WOA at one point.

    • Etienne Dechamps

      WOA (windows on arm) should be able to use Prism to execute any x64 applications

      Equalizer APO is a special case because it is not an application - it is a plug-in DLL that gets loaded into a Windows system process (audiodg.exe). It could be that audiodg.exe is built as ARM64, not ARM64EC, which would mean it can't load x64 code. It's either that, or a bug in the Equalizer APO installer (perhaps it is confused about which architecture it's running on). I don't have a Windows ARM machine so I can't tell what the specific root cause is I'm afraid.


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