
House Curve

  • LastButNotLeast

    LastButNotLeast - 2013-10-05

    I believe most people, after eq'ing their system to flat, just increase the volume of their sub(s) ("hot") so it sounds "better." REW has a house curve feature, which alters the curve in the lower bass, which I've tried. I recently came across a setting on a miniDSP discussion that I like better than anything else, which, translated to E-APO, is:
    Filter 1: ON LS Fc 40 Hz Gain 8.0 dB
    Has anyone else done any experimenting with house curves and Equalizer APO?

  • LastButNotLeast

    LastButNotLeast - 2013-10-14

    A little too much bass for music. Better:
    Filter 1: ON LS Fc 30 Hz Gain 6.0 dB


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